
Most Cash You Have Ever Found?

  • Ironman92
    $201 for me
  • LJ
    I once found over $6 in loose pennies in the ditch in front of my parents place when I was maybe 10
  • sportchampps
    100$ a couple times actually. My mom found over 500$ one time in a casino parking lot
  • 1_beast
    bout tree fiddy
  • yobro08
    20 bucks on the ground of a parking lot
    I found a fifty dollar bill blowing through the parking lot at Wal Mart once
  • tk421
    maybe 20 bucks. Wish I would find a pile of money, I wouldn't turn it in either.
  • Cat Food Flambe'
    We found about $5,000 in cash in my grandmother's house when we cleaned it out after her death. Had to turn it back to the estate, though....
  • Ironman92
    I kept my findings for one month for potential claiming....I think it ended up being spent on Dr bills.....score
  • Ironman92
    Cat Food Flambe';972003 wrote:We found about $5,000 in cash in my grandmother's house when we cleaned it out after her death. Had to turn it back to the estate, though....

    Yeah....grandpa had cash hidden everywhere lol
  • Firad
    $50 in the middle of my dorm hallway freshman year
  • OQB
    Working in the park and found 100 bucks...
  • Hb31187
    175. Have a private school in the town I live in and theres a bunch of rich east coast douches. So i really didnt feel bad abotu it, probably daddys money
  • Emmett Brown
    $20 in a music store. My wife donated $40 to someone at kohl's. I was mad at her for days on that one.
  • Emmett Brown
    $20 in a music store. My wife donated $40 to someone at kohl's. I was mad at her for days on that one. It was right around Christmas I am sure someone was happy.
  • BR1986FB
    Found $500 when I was 5 and my mom got a call from the school when I guess I was making it rain at kindergarten when I took it to school.
  • Tobias Fünke
    ~$80 when I was in the fourth grade.
  • ernest_t_bass
    Found money bag at a golf course. $110 or so.
  • Belly35
    $30,000 plus in cash, checks and stocks and bonds in a briefcase in a snowy parking lot. I did open all the folder but in the six that I did open it added up to $30,000. Two people I'm sure was fired. I never got a reward or a phone call thanking me..
    Was however accused of stealing it however when track down a State Highway Police and ask if they will come with you to return it and a police report is make. Little hard to blame someone of stealing only to cover your ass...
  • Glory Days
    well there are two answers....inside the US, $50. My partner was trying to wake up a lady who fell asleep at a green light and i was on the passenger side of the car, looked down at the storm drain and there was a $50 bill being washed away. bought everyone lunch the next day at work.

    over in Iraq, found about $250,000 hidden inside the walls of a house. ended up the guy didnt trust the banks there, go figure.
  • darbypitcher22
    Nothing more than a couple of bucks.

    Definately didn't look like the scene in Saved by the Bell where they found $5K and Zack starts scheming to maximize profit
  • Sonofanump
    Glory Days;972182 wrote:over in Iraq, found about $250,000 hidden inside the walls of a house. ended up the guy didnt trust the banks there, go figure.
  • gerb131
    100$ bill in a pay phone booth a long time ago.
  • ernest_t_bass
    gerb131;972214 wrote:100$ bill in a pay phone booth a long time ago.
    It's "$100." Honest question... why do people do that? Why do people put the $ after the number?
  • Iliketurtles
    I found $100 while running to track practice my junior year of college. Bought a keg that weekend with it haha.