
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

  • Soda Popinski
    There are good points and bad points to both. I hate hardcore because I used to always get stuck with the people who think it is funny to spam grenades/launcher into their team mates.
  • ohiobucks1
    Sage wrote: Hell no there isn't more skill in TD than HTD. You crazy?

    Way more realistic bullet damage.
    No radar giving away your pinpointed position when you open fire.
    Prevents idiots just sprinting around like an asshole with akimbo weapons.
    Way more teamwork involved.
    Friendly Fire---which prevents idiots just throwing grenades and using the moronic noob tube

    Just much more skill involved and way more realistic.
    Maybe more realistic, but hardly more skill

    in TD you can't just camp in a corner like you can in HTD
    Noob tubes are worse in HTD due to less life
  • Sage
    No, because if you're moving right you will always know the direction you were killed from. Through playing, you also learn where people like to camp, etc.

    If you sprint around like a moron, or even sprint at all, you're going to get got.

    It's just learning how to move and never exposing yourself and having a general feel for where the enemy is. Also, roll with a heart-beat sensor like a boss. Still amazed at the number of folks who don't ride out with the Ninja perk.
  • Soda Popinski
    More skill does not mean easier to kill. see Halo 3. Halo takes much more skill because it is harder to kill, and this is coming from someone who likes COD better. It is much easier to shit-shot people in COD and especially in hardcore. Skill is using strategy and a little ability to kill people. Not just spraying bullets into people.
  • Sage
    Again, it's just knowing how to move and knowing where you're exposed at. Just because you can't sprint around in the open like an asshole doesn't mean that people are "pot shotting you."

    There's way more spraying in TD than in Hardcore.

    Only time I spray is when I come up on a dude unexpected in close quarters...because there isn't time to point, aim, and fire.

    It's also requires some-sort of aim because you don't have the gun markers that you do in TD.


    You also don't have radars constantly betraying the enemy's position.

    It's really not even close.
  • McFly1955
    The few glaring glitches need to be patched ASAP.

    Mainly the javelin glitch. I won't explain how to do it, but it feels like overnight everyone learned about this glitch and is using it. What it does is turns the person holding the javlin into a human suicide bombe, and makes them pretty much a predator missile with legs as once they die they explode.

    Nuke boosting needs to go as well....Tactical insertion was a terrible idea....My first thought when I hear about tactical insertion was that people would go on separate teams and work together to keep spawning and getting killed to boost each others stats....And looky there, people are doing it, and abusing it and the game hasn't even been out a month. If someone is 25-0 within 2 minutes and someone on the opposing team is 0-25 right away, you know what's going on and it just ruins the game.