
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

  • Rotinaj
    Whats everyone been using as there kill streaks?? At first i mostly used Care package, Predator, Harrier but ive switched over to Predator, Harrier, Chopper Gunner, and its not to bad..If you can get to predator theres a good chance you can get to CG without even killing anyone else yourself.
  • Soda Popinski
    Thats the same thing I have been using accept I use the AC-130. Still struggling a little as I have still not been able to devote much time to it but these killstreak options have been pretty good.
  • McFly1955
    Rotinaj wrote: Whats everyone been using as there kill streaks?? At first i mostly used Care package, Predator, Harrier but ive switched over to Predator, Harrier, Chopper Gunner, and its not to bad..If you can get to predator theres a good chance you can get to CG without even killing anyone else yourself.

    I use the same setup as you...starting with predator is the way to go --- uav and care package are a waste, imo....
  • Soda Popinski
    Has anyone been Nuked yet? We have had a few EMPs used against us via the care package and I know someone who got nuked but I have yet to see it.
  • OneBuckeye

    ^ This kid didn't like it much
  • DeyDurkie5
    onebuckeye, that kid is ridiculous lol

    I go Copter, emergency airdrop, and AC-130.

    The 4 air drops are too good to not have!
  • McFly1955
    DeyDurkie5 wrote:
    The 4 air drops are too good to not have!
    I loved the emergency air drop, but it's hit or miss on finding a good spot to drop the air drop, which really pisses me off.

    So many of the maps are pretty close quarters....I'd say I got all 4 boxes 75 percent of the time, but there were a couple times that I got no boxes because someone was camping my boxes waiting to kill me, even though I thought I was as far away from the action as possible...Other times my teammates all rush over to take them...I can't deal with it, so I changed it.
  • Benny The Jet
    I've been nuked before. Had no idea what was going on, then all of a over. I was like what the hell? Had to have a friend of mine explain to me what happened ha.
  • KnightXC1
    I got nuked yesterday. A guy on my team did it and it said nuclear missile imbound and I'm perched near the airplane in the terminal level. In the background you see it fall out of the sky, land, mushroom cloud, then I got tossed about 75 feet and game over.
  • hoops23
    Soda Popinski wrote: Has anyone been Nuked yet? We have had a few EMPs used against us via the care package and I know someone who got nuked but I have yet to see it.
    I was nuked last week.

    Single greatest thing in online gaming history. I witnessed the bomb drop and the mushroom cloud, then everything rushed towards my face.

    It was pretty amazing.
  • tuskytuffguy
    Gonna fire it up right now. I'm still new and sucky, but I'm catching on.
  • Rotinaj
    Soda Popinski wrote: Has anyone been Nuked yet? We have had a few EMPs used against us via the care package and I know someone who got nuked but I have yet to see it.
    After a match of Domination(ground war) some little kid SCREAMED "you guys are so lucky, i was so close to getting 2 nukes!! i went on a 20 kill streak and an 11 kill streak" After hearing him say that i wanted to throw him out a window and told him he sucked and an 11 kill streak is no where near the 25 he needs....The next match......He got the nuke, and i felt like a giant douche. I know i know, Cool story BRO.
  • slide22
    Yeah, happened in domination. If you have a 25 kill streak in domination, chances are you're not helping you're team any.
  • Poonhammer
    I have it for ps3. It's pretty intense. I was a lot better at COD4, but then again I stopped playing COD4 a year ago and haven't played since this one came out. If anybody wants to play online hit me up. Maxboyd 335. I seriously have one friend on PSN and its my brother. All my friends have 360's. Im level 20 something. I usually break even in k/d.
  • Sage
    Bought it last week before I left for Michigan. Already beat the campaign on veteran. It was pretty cool, as is the Special Ops section.

    Started playing online today. I'm level 7. Trying to level up so I can play Hardcore and quit having to deal with this whack ass Team Death Match shit where little 12 year old fags run around with grenade launchers and kills are handed to you on silver platters with radars.

    Once I get that AK-47 with the Red Dot.... it's over for the league.
  • Rotinaj
    They really need to fix running around with the javelin and it blowing up when they die. I admit it's pretty fun to do and to listen to people get so incredibly upset over it but it needs fixed asap.
  • Soda Popinski
    Yeah they do. Ran into an entire team doing that.
  • Sage
    ... I must have missed that?
  • Rotinaj
    Have javelin as secondary and a Semtex as ur grenade. Pull out javelin, hold rb to get Semtex out and then press y to change back to javelin(without throwing Semtex) when you are killed it blow up immediately and has a pretty big splash when using the perk for higher explosive damage.
  • Rotinaj
    Also marathon,lightweight, and commando is extremely fun to do. They don't even see it comin and then BAM!!! Knifed.
  • Sage
    O rLY?

    Haven't seen this yet, but then again, I play in Hardcore where there's actually skill involved.
  • ohiobucks1
    There's actually more skill involved in TD than in HTD. This coming from a guy who plays mostly hardcore. In Hardcore it is MUCH easier to camp and be a pussy
  • Soda Popinski
    Easier to get kills via spray and pray as well
  • Sage
    Hell no there isn't more skill in TD than HTD. You crazy?

    Way more realistic bullet damage.
    No radar giving away your pinpointed position when you open fire.
    Prevents idiots just sprinting around like an asshole with akimbo weapons.
    Way more teamwork involved.
    Friendly Fire---which prevents idiots just throwing grenades and using the moronic noob tube

    Just much more skill involved and way more realistic.
  • Sage
    Also you don't have annoying ass HUD messages numbers flying every where. Makes you GET YO CREEP ON