
Its nobody's business! (the Tiger Woods fiasco)

  • dwccrew
    Yea it is. I could be that guy she gets even with Tiger with. She's hot!
  • Darkon
    He is not the "average Joe". No he is not an elected official, but he elected to be in the lime light. He makes his money off of the public. The products he indorses, you and I pay for. These companies invest in him to sell to us. He is probably the best golfer ever, but he could have been a club pro. This does not pay as much, but then I would say he has the right to privacy.

    I don't think he can make millions off of us and then have no accountability to us.
    Hell ask JJ how that works!
  • Swamp Fox
    I think that all of us make decisions about how we will live our lives. Sometimes those choices are ill-advised. You and I aren't under the intense scrutiny that public figures like Tiger are under, but it doesn't change the fact that we are defined by the company we keep and the choices we make. Tiger is a role model for many. He let them down. I'm sure that Tiger is a good person and a good family man, but he made a serious error in judgement and he can't wipe that slate clean by denying police questions and acting, to many. like he was above the law. i always have admired Tiger and will not condemn him because of this latest revelation, but I think the price of fame is to be a positive image. In this case, he came up short and how he reacts to it tells me a lot about the character of the man. I don't think any of us can select those things that we want to reveal to the public and those things that we don't.
  • Keith
    Personally, I could care less. But it is true that once you become famous your life and what you do is under that magnifying glass.
  • noreply66
    Leave them alone
  • Sage
    I can only imagine how much of a trainwreck I would be if I was a celebrity. TMZ's head would probably explode.
  • MrMcCluskie,-ex-boss-of-Woods%27-wife,-rips-Tiger

    Its about time someone from the tour calls him out. Parnevik makes its sound like his marriage may be done too. Serves him right.

    Parnevik said Woods, "should think a little bit more before you do stuff,'' adding, "and maybe not just do it, like Nike says.

    "I feel ... sorry for Elin, since me and my wife are at fault, hooking her up with him. We probably thought he was a better guy than he is.''
  • ernest_t_bass
    Need an "I don't care" choice.

    Our morals as a society are so screwed up anyway, so it really doesn't matter what each individual thinks.

    Today's society - "Hmm, that's too bad. Oh well."

    50 years ago - "Oh, the humanity."
  • Sage
    i do know i wouldnt get caught up leaving voicemails and letting my wife rifle through my phone.
  • power i
    People cheat everyday but unless it's on someone I care about it's none of my business. I guess a lot of people 'care' about Tiger and think that because he's a star athlete, it's their business. I'm sure his wife didn't go into this marriage thinking he was going to cheat, but when he's away from home so often, it would have to be something that would go through your head. And Tiger please, did you really think you could do anything wrong without the whole world finding out??
  • Manhattan Buckeye
    Dan Wetzel's column, I agree with a lot of it....

    Interesting about the piece concerning The National Enquirer and Tiger back in '07, not sure if that's true (I'm guessing it is) but I had a co-worker years ago that worked for the Chicago Tribune in the mid-90's who said they had a similar deal with Jordan.
  • Nate
    He's still the greatest golfer ever.
  • ytownfootball
    Of course this is nobody's's obviously a private matter. But the price of fame is that the spotlight never fades, too bad.

    The difference is also apparent, as to why it's such a big deal with him and not so with say Wilt the Stilt or Barkley, they never have/had their image portrayed as infallable or worthy of addulation. Tiger...well, he's going to just suck it up and try to come out of it with as few bruises as possible.
  • ernest_t_bass
    I thought that article was a very good read.
  • Skyhook79
    Seems to me Tiger's "True" Character is coming out. You find a lot about someone in a crisis situation.
  • CenterBHSFan
    "Now who do you think you are?
    Puttin your cheap 2 cents in"
  • Con_Alma
    "Corporate America has no intention of letting go its fierce embrace of Tiger Woods - no matter how many affairs he had.

    Woods is not only the world's richest sports star, taking home a staggering $117 million last year - he's a reliable cash cow who has brought untold riches to his sponsors.

    Nearly all of them, from Nike to Gillette to video game maker Electronic Arts, issued statements yesterday backing the beleaguered golf superstar. None abandoned him...."

    "...She said Woods should steer clear of a big emotional tell-all TV interview. ..."

    Read more:

    Read more:

    Very interesting article...although it's probably what they have to say at this point.