
My Wife Wins Wife of the YEAR!!

  • bigkahuna
    So my wife just got home from work.

    She comes in and asks "What are we doing Saturday?"

    I tell her, well the game is on, so I'm watching it; I dont know what you are doing"

    Her response "You're NOT watching the game because I found us 2 TIX for the GAME!!!

    That's right, my wife suprised me with 2 TIX to the Michigan-OSU Game!!!!!
  • iuhoosier11
  • se-alum
    So you get to go to the game, but ur not allowed to watch it?!?! :D
  • killdeer
    that lady deserves something from Jared....
  • bigkahuna
    Haha...I shop at Rogers and Andrews.
  • capninsano
    Lucky lucky man.
  • GoChiefs
    She's letting you take someone else right? What's she mean by she found 'us' tickets..instant deal breaker.
    Just so everyone knows Rogers and Jareds are owned by the same company so if you get her something from Rogers its really the same at Jareds.
  • NNN
    killdeer wrote: that lady deserves something from Jared....
    Two tickets can be reciprocated with a $5 footlong?

    I know if I got two tickets to UT-Bammer, I'd repay with $5 AND a footlong, but that's another story...
  • thePITman
    Wow. Cool stuff!
  • Apple
    Don't forget to wear your hat...
  • redfalcon
    A threesome after the game would win wife of all time...
  • newarkcatholicfan
  • The Giss
    NNN wrote:
    killdeer wrote: that lady deserves something from Jared....
    Two tickets can be reciprocated with a $5 footlong?

    I know if I got two tickets to UT-Bammer, I'd repay with $5 AND a footlong, but that's another story...
    We have a winner.
  • killdeer
    redfalcon wrote: A threesome after the game would win wife of all time...
  • hasbeen
    ccrunner609 wrote: nice....hope you get a happy ending also.
    he's married...

    the game IS the happy ending
  • Scarlet_Buckeye
    Gooooooooooo Buckeyes!
  • mexappeal12
    bigkahuna wrote:
    I tell her, well the game is on, so I'm watching it; I dont know what you are doing"
    hahaha this made me laugh... Your wife is a smart lady...I'm taking a mental note so I can do this for my future husband (in about a decade or so) lol
  • Nate
    You are going to be suckered into a lot of chick flicks now. Good luck.
  • j_crazy
  • raiderbuck
    Her: "Honey....can you take me to the [insert random chick thing that guys hate]"

    You: "I don't want to go..."

    Her: "Remember when I got you those tickets?"

    It's a TRAP! RUN!!
  • darbypitcher22
    Lucky Bastard.
  • gorocks99
    Did she make you a sandwich after giving you the tickets?
  • krambman
    I would expect a rather lengthy honey-do list when I get home if I were you.
  • dwccrew
    bigkahuna wrote: So my wife just got home from work.

    She comes in and asks "What are we doing Saturday?"

    I tell her, well the game is on, so I'm watching it; I dont know what you are doing"

    Her response "You're NOT watching the game because I found us 2 TIX for the GAME!!!

    That's right, my wife suprised me with 2 TIX to the Michigan-OSU Game!!!!!
    Was she naked when she gave them to you? Otherwise it is a runner-up story.