
My Wife Wins Wife of the YEAR!!

  • FatHobbit
    Your wife is awesome.
  • RedRider1
    killdeer wrote: that lady deserves something from Jared....
    I heard all they require is a $12 down payment. :)

    Enjoy the game.
  • jmog
    Very cool.
  • Cleveland Buck
    Your wife is great, but Big Apple Buckeye will have the wife of the year. (assuming they aren't married yet)
  • bigkahuna
    gorocks99 wrote: Did she make you a sandwich after giving you the tickets?
    Funny you should mention that...

    She did make pigs in a blanket.

    Then she made a breakfast skillet this morning for breakfast.
  • fan_from_texas
  • lhs7870
    Man, you must be doing something right in this marriage. And you thought the honeymoon was over.

    For the record you may want to call TR, he is also at the game, but not with his wife.
  • lhs7870
    And the rest of the guys are right, you will never be able to hear the end of this. You are on permanent honey do list now.