
Do you still live in your hometown?

  • goosebumps
    Just wondering how many chatters out there still live in their hometown. If not, why not? and how far away do you live from your hometown?

    I'm from near Chillicothe and currently live in Cincinnati. It was originally just for school and then I planned to move back, but after living here for ~3 years, I'll never go back to Chillicothe. I really can't explain it, but Cincinnati is the perfect city for my personality and I really can't imagine living anywhere else. Luckily my career choice will allow me to pretty much live wherever I want. Unfortunately I'll be making a 3 year stop in the quad cities in Iowa (girlfriends grad school) but we've already decided that when she graduates, its back to Cincy.

    Kind of curious as to how many people make the decision to stay at home or find new stomping grounds. Also trying to avoid studying haha.
  • mattinctown
    Was born in Lima, OH and grew up in Ada. Great place to grow up but way too small now, I enjoy the big cities much more with the amount of things to do, etc... Do like going back to visit the parents, it's very quiet and peaceful there. Currently live in Charlotte, NC after living in Columbus and Seattle.
  • ts1227
    Grew up in Salem.

    Have been in Athens since 2004 for school (undergrad and grad). Home to Salem for the summer and December from 2004-07, arbitrary open periods since.

    I should have my MA by the end of August, and haven't lined up a job yet. I ABSOLUTELY DREAD going back home. It's Rust Belt, so there's brain drain. The permanent citizens (read: old and uneducated) will drive me to kill people in about a week.... because if I go back home I'll be working in a convenience store until I find a real job.

    Also, I have too much expensive shit to have it all stolen. All of the Youngstown white trash has migrated south, and we cut Police because our town can't manage money worth shit, so it's crime central. My Dad is still too fucking stupid to recognize this and basically does nothing proactive. (He's in the "ohhh I loved here all my life and I know everyone because I worked for the city so it'll never happen to me" crowd). I honestly hope they get robbed blind before I potentially end up back there so that he pulls his head out of his ass. Sometimes people need a trial by fire.

    Add in the family issues (parent's ready to split)... I think I'd rather end up in HELL.
  • majorspark
    I live about 7 miles from where my great grandparents settled. My grandparents built a house less than 1,000ft from the farm house where my grandma grew up. My dad bought a plot of land off of my great grandparents farm. I grew up there. My great grandparents were Amish and my grandparents grew up Amish but left once they got married. Quite an experience growing up. My brother and I used to love to go up and use my great grandparents old hand pumped well. They had a metal cup hanging on the side. Some of the best water I ever drank came out of that well. Of my grandparents 5 children and 11 grandchildren only myself and my uncle graduated with a college degree.

    Once my youngest leaves (he is 12) my wife and I plan on hitting the road. We think that will be great opportunity for us to try a new environment.
  • Glory Days
    I moved back home after the military until i can a job somewhere else. unfortunately its been longer than i wanted.
  • goosebumps
    ts1227 wrote: Grew up in Salem.

    Have been in Athens since 2004 for school (undergrad and grad). Home to Salem for the summer and December from 2004-07, arbitrary open periods since.

    I should have my MA by the end of August, and haven't lined up a job yet. I ABSOLUTELY DREAD going back home. It's Rust Belt, so there's brain drain. The permanent citizens (read: old and uneducated) will drive me to kill people in about a week.... because if I go back home I'll be working in a convenience store until I find a real job.

    Also, I have too much expensive shit to have it all stolen. All of the Youngstown white trash has migrated south, and we cut Police because our town can't manage money worth shit, so it's crime central. My Dad is still too fucking stupid to recognize this and basically does nothing proactive. (He's in the "ohhh I loved here all my life and I know everyone because I worked for the city so it'll never happen to me" crowd). I honestly hope they get robbed blind before I potentially end up back there so that he pulls his head out of his ass. Sometimes people need a trial by fire.

    Add in the family issues (parent's ready to split)... I think I'd rather end up in HELL.

    I know where you're coming from with the crime thing. Ross County isn't quite as bad as your area, but its a lot worse than it was when I was growing up. This is not an exageration, at least 10 of my parents friends/neighbors have had their houses broken into in the last year. I know economy is bad, but come on, thats ridiculous. Actually 2 in just the last week were broken into. My parents used to leave the doors unlocked, now they're afraid to leave town for a weekend.
  • sonofsam
    I still live in my hometown... would never dream of missing an Indian Creek Football game
  • sjmvsfscs08
    I was born in Fremont, grew up in Genoa. Genoa is a great little town, 20 minutes from civilization or the lake. But I think I'm the type that likes the city. Columbus is pretty awesome, I don't think I'd leave except for work.
  • Mr. 300
  • Timber
    No... but I could not answer the poll question.

    I do not plan on moving back... but would not rule it out completely.
  • Keith
    Although I now live in Ann Arbor(Buckeye Fan btw), my hometown is and always will be Fremont.
  • 3reppom
    Grew up in Norwalk. It was a great place to grow up, but I outgrew it by 16 or 17 and couldn't wait to move on. I chose to attend UC because of the school and because of the city. I have no intentions to move back at any point and I can only envision a couple of scenarios in which I would be forced to move back. I would prefer to stay in Cincinnati when I graduate.
  • queencitybuckeye
    I think living in your hometown is fine if you so choose. However, I strongly believe people who don't move away at some point, even if they move back, are doing themselves a disservice in terms of personal growth.
  • Belly35
    I moved away bought a home in Perrysburg and then moved back to Canton (my hometown) 4 years late
  • Swamp Fox
    Actually, I live about 85 miles or so South of my birthplace, but I've lived where I live for 50 years and I wouldn't trade it for anywhere else I've ever been, so although it isn't my true "home town", I adopted it back in 1954 and other than a brief 8 year hiatus, I've been here ever since.
    I grew up in Wooster, and still live there. Don't ever see myself leaving but who knows.
  • ernest_t_bass
    Near my wife's family. Being close to one of our families (for kids) is most important thing to me, so I don't see us moving.
  • SnotBubbles
    I voted, "No and never want to go back." However, there should be an option that says "No and may or may not go back." I was born and raised in Geneseo, IL. I would go back (at least to the area) if my wife would ever decide that's what is best for our family. Seeing how all of her family is out here...I doubt it would ever happen.
  • ernest_t_bass
    SnotBubbles wrote: I voted, "No and never want to go back." However, there should be an option that says "No and may or may not go back." I was born and raised in Geneseo, IL. I would go back (at least to the area) if my wife would ever decide that's what is best for our family. Seeing how all of her family is out here...I doubt it would ever happen.
    What's with your parents wanting to move back there, with you and your sibs (and grandkids) still here? Your dad told me that at the St. Henry game.
  • power i
    I lived in Columbus for a while moved back when I was pregnant. I loved the way I grew up and wouldn't have wanted it any other way for my kids. I also can't imagine being far away from my parents as they get older.
  • mcburg93
    not going anywhere have a job here and love the people. pretty close to columbus and dayton so if i need a city fix i can go to either.
  • SnotBubbles
    ernest_t_bass wrote: What's with your parents wanting to move back there, with you and your sibs (and grandkids) still here? Your dad told me that at the St. Henry game.
    My brother is still back there as well as most of my mom and dad's brothers and sisters. They never really adjusted to life out here. They're homebodies and miss it. I think they'll realize it was a mistake once they get back there...but they've already bought a house and mom is moving back in 2 weeks. Dad is retiring in November and then going back. :huh:
  • Little Danny
    I was born in Bellaire, but I grew up a military brat. I moved around alot growing up, going to 13 schools from K-12. When my dad retired from the Air Force, he and my mother moved to Louisville, KY for a job. I went to school at UC and have lived in Columbus since 2000.

    In essance, I don't have a hometown to go to. There is no one place where I grew up, I never really lived where I was born, my parents live somewhere totally different than where I ever lived and my job and spouse is here in Columbus and not anywhere else in Ohio.

    Btw, my wife is from Warren, Ohio. She would love to move back that way.
  • se-alum
    Chillicothe is my hometown, and that's likely where I will stay. It isn't because I love the town, but I want to be around as my nieces grow up. My family has actually contemplated all of us packing up, and moving to the North or South Carolina coast.
  • cbus4life
    Don't really have a "hometown"...