
Canton Little League Coach Punches Out League President During Game

  • ts1227,0,7395343.story

    In a 9-10 year old game between Canton and Massillon, the ump called a guy out, the coach got mad... and as the game went on he kept up with threats and obscenities.

    League Pres was keeping score as apparently this was a championship game... he went over to calm the coach down and the coach went roundhouse on his ass and knocked him cold.

    Game was 3-3 in the 8th when it was called.

    There's obviously no reason to be like this, but why didn't the ump eject him earlier if he was swearing in front of 9-10 year olds at a game? Sure, dude would have punched the ump, but there's no mention of trying to remove this asshole.

    Should this be a forfeit? It doesn't mention it, but I don't know how I'd feel. It's bad for the kids to lose because of an idiot adult, but at the same time should any team whose coach cold cocked a guy during the game even be given the chance to win, especially at an age group when you try to teach sportsmanship?

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  • justincredible
    Little League is serious business.
  • Fab1b
    As a High School Sports Official myself I am not anyway surprised how this "grown man" acted towards the ump/pres/anyone!! I hate to see his kids "lose" because of his actions (they've already lost in reality) but yes it should be a forfiet and the other team declared the winner.

    Here in Florida High School, if a coach is ejected and there is no other school administrator available to take over the team the match is over, forfiet!

    I know this isn't school related but same premise I would think if no other adult was willing to step in. I also see that they would just call it at the point and not have someone else take over because everyone would be so riled up and probably more problems would come from letting the game continue than stopping at that point.
  • ts1227
    This article only says the game was "called", so it may well be a forfeit, and the Canton Repository only says it was suspended. It's not clear.

    I used to ump, I know I would have asked him to leave or stopped the game until I had him removed, and that would have happened as soon as he started with foul language after previously arguing.
    I didn't realize Canton was spelled Massillon nowadays
  • Con_Alma
    Ahhh yes. Physical violence. The last ditch effort of the unintelligent.
    Great interview with the coaches wife on WKYC 11:00 news last night. Real nice.

    Coyotes, GoChiefs, and Skank should be proud of some of the citizens of their fair city.
    THE4RINGZ wrote: Great interview with the coaches wife on WKYC 11:00 news last night. Real nice.

    Coyotes, GoChiefs, and Skank should be proud of some of the citizens of their fair city.
    Read the article.. Canton coach punched out Canton President. I guess reading comprehension on this thread is lacking.
  • ts1227
    ZWICK 4 PREZ wrote: I didn't realize Canton was spelled Massillon nowadays
    Damnit! Had it ass backwards.

    Nice catch.
    I think from what I saw it was Canton Little League, but team and/or coach involved was from Massillon
    ts1227 wrote:
    ZWICK 4 PREZ wrote: I didn't realize Canton was spelled Massillon nowadays
    Damnit! Had it ass backwards.

    Nice catch.
    No prob.. the article makes it seem as if it were a Massillon coach if you just skim.
  • Zoltan
    I used to ump little league quite often when I was about 14 years old and there was nothing funnier than telling an angry old man to sit down and be quiet because he was embarassing himself. The minute a physical threat was made he would have been run and the cops would have been called in our league. This is not surprising though.
  • ts1227
    THE4RINGZ wrote: I think from what I saw it was Canton Little League, but team and/or coach involved was from Massillon
    Game was contested in Massillon, Canton coach threw down.
    THE4RINGZ wrote: I think from what I saw it was Canton Little League, but team and/or coach involved was from Massillon
    The coach lives on Cherry Ave in Canton. Coaches a Canton team.. Punched Cantons little league Prez.
  • Fab1b
    "My husband defended himself"

    ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
    ZWICK 4 PREZ wrote:

    The coach lives on Cherry Ave in Canton. Coaches a Canton team.. Punched Cantons little league Prez.
    all that = Canton = Shittown USA.
    Fab1b wrote: "My husband defended himself"

    ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
    "he was all up in his face."

    The video is priceless.
  • ts1227
    I embedded the video of his crazy ass wife to the original.
  • 4cards
    ...When I managed LL, it was part of the deal that besides managing the kids, I also had to umpire a minimum of 8 regular season games. So you had other managers umping your games and I had to ump other managers games. It was pretty fare, tough at times but and all the managers agreed that mistakes would be made because none of us were perfect and we would just try to be consistant in our calls.
    The embedded video is the broadcast I saw last night. Based soley on that I was under the impression the coach was from the Massillon team, as they didn't indicate which team he was coaching. The game was played in Massillon, and he was arressted by Massillon police.

    Now if someone wants to continue to bust my balls about reading comprehension we can meet behind the back stop and I can go Kureme on your ass.
  • power i
    I guess the wife was trying to defend her man, but if my husband acted that way, he is on his own.
  • Belly35
    Was that a resent photo of the coach or something pulled from the files?

    They are all wonderful people until the rap sheet is pulled
  • Speedofsand
    wow, he has a lengthy criminal past and he coaches kids. THUG has a $50,000. bond haha.
  • GoChiefs
    THE4RINGZ wrote: Coyotes, GoChiefs, and Skank should be proud of some of the citizens of their fair city.
    LOL..It's just my 'current place of residence, I don't lay any claim to the city or it's citizens. :p