
Canton Little League Coach Punches Out League President During Game

  • coyotes22
    THE4RINGZ wrote: Great interview with the coaches wife on WKYC 11:00 news last night. Real nice.

    Coyotes, GoChiefs, and Skank should be proud of some of the citizens of their fair city.
    He aint a "Massillon" guy. Just lives here.
    How can you live in the greatest city in the world and not claim any allegiance to it?
  • coyotes22
    Beats me!!!!

    Hes from some hicktown named, Logan?

  • Fab1b
    Fichter noted Carter has a lengthy criminal past, including arrests for assault and domestic violence.
    Domestic Violence; no wonder why the wife was sticking up for him, she don't want her ass kicked again!!

    Does Logan even have a stop light?
  • coyotes22
    Yes, but it just blinks!!
  • GoChiefs
    THE4RINGZ wrote: How can you live in the greatest town in the world and not claim any allegiance to it?
    I claim allegiance to Logan! :D
  • GoChiefs
    THE4RINGZ wrote: Does Logan even have a stop light?
    There might be 15 of them! At the most! Lol
  • skank
    THE4RINGZ wrote: The embedded video is the broadcast I saw last night. Based soley on that[size=xx-large] I was under the impression the coach was from the Massillon team[/size], as they didn't indicate which team he was coaching. The game was played in Massillon, and he was arressted by Massillon police.

    Now if someone wants to continue to bust my balls about reading comprehension we can meet behind the back stop and I can go Kureme on your ass.
    Don't ya hate it when you try to be funny and instead you make an ass of yourself? But hey, the 16 or 17 posts you had saying you thought he was from Massillon more than makes up for it.
  • Red_Skin_Pride
    THE4RINGZ wrote:
    Fab1b wrote: "My husband defended himself"

    ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
    "he was all up in his face."

    The video is priceless.
    "he was being argumentative...confrontational and stuff"


    Gee lady, I wonder why the dude was all up in his face and being argumentative and confrontational? Could it be because your husband, who's supposed to be the adult and setting the example as the coach, is acting like a 4 year old throwing a temper tantrum, cussing out the ump and threatening him in front of a bunch of little kids and their parents?

    This is why only intelligent people should be allowed to be interviewed for the news.