Walmart Black Friday Ad
fictionWithout getting into a Walmart debate, seems like some good deals on electronics for those who plan to brave the crowds on Black Friday. -
LJWalmart definitely has the best BF sales
wes_mantoothI may actually do the Black Friday thing this year. I have never done that before, so I want to see if it is as crazy as everyone says.
I did the line the first year they had the $298 laptops (or 398 whatever) and about 4am the line was 150 people deep, even though they kept coming out and saying they only had 15 laptops. People who were like #70 and 72 were fighting over each other's spot. It was insane.wes_mantooth wrote: I may actually do the Black Friday thing this year. I have never done that before, so I want to see if it is as crazy as everyone says. -
j_crazylast year was my first time mantooth, don't do it with a wife who's pregnant and it won't be that bad.
LJBTW, from Wal Mart I want the $50 Rock Band, some PS3 games and some Blu Ray movies
justincredibleYeah, I'll be going for the Gladiator and Braveheart blu-ray's. They'll be free with the $10 rebate sticker for people who already own the dvd.
raiderbuckPS3 with Infamus, Batman Arkham Asylum and Dark Knight Blue Ray...$299. OMG DO WANT!
thePITmanMy friend and I go to all the stores early on Black Friday morning, starting with Kohls and Best Buy at 4am or whenever they open, and then getting over to Wal-Mart at rush time!
Fab1bPeople are freaking crazy on this day of year, no way in hell do I drag myself to the shops to watch grown people act a fool over furbies and tickle me elmos!!
George CostanzaWalmart is staying open all night this year from what I have heard.
The Black Friday Specials will start at 5am. -
They always stay open all night, but the deals don't start until a certain time in the wee hours of the morning. (they have cases and stuff covered until it's time, then they uncover them)George Costanza wrote: Walmart is staying open all night this year from what I have heard. -
George CostanzaThe big deals will be spread throughout the store to avoid the mass rush.
GoChiefsBlack Friday = Insanity! I have quite the temper..and my short fuse always seems to ignite the couple times I tried to do it..won't ever do it again.
Brother_VistaFrom someone who works for another retail giant... their electronic sales are virtually identical to Best Buy's for black friday (Like literally within a 1 or 2 dollars either way)
I've done the black friday thing a few times (when I'm not working it haha) and for whatever reason WalMart's line always has the assholes. BBY's is much more organized and friendly (Friendlier anyway lol) -
GoJPM!I don't want to get trampled to death at Walmart. Death by Walmart, not the way I want to go.
redfalconI missed this ad. Is the entire rockband setup $50 including all the controlers ?
Emmett Brown$50 for all the Harry Potter movies on Blu-ray. Looks like I know what I am getting my wife. I went to Walmart last year on BF and it was the worst experience I have ever had but looks like I am going back.
Tell me about it!Brother_Vista wrote: From someone who works for another retail giant... their electronic sales are virtually identical to Best Buy's for black friday (Like literally within a 1 or 2 dollars either way)
I've done the black friday thing a few times (when I'm not working it haha) and for whatever reason WalMart's line always has the assholes. BBY's is much more organized and friendly (Friendlier anyway lol)
The store I work at is full of the same assholes that inhibit Walmart... I went to Walmart two black Fridays ago and it was insane. I literally thought I was going to see some fists fly back in the electronics department.
By the way, wasn't it our Best Buy that had the punch thrown in the lobby that made that "Black Friday" tv special? -
Con_AlmaI don't understand this. I wouldn't wait in line at a retailer if the stuff was free. It's just not that important.
Thunder70I've read that a lot of retailers are offering BF sales prices during certain Thanksgiving hours because they realize how important each dollar the consumer spends.
Fred GarvinI did the early morning Walmart thing last year to get a cheap BluRay player. My God, what a crazy place... I got what I wanted, but at the appointed time when the sales started it was every man and woman for themselves.
Trueblue23Better plan on getting there earlier than usual this year.. Wal-Mart is changing the way they do black friday, or "Blitz Night" as they call it. Before it was basically a free for all, but now you must stand in line to get a ticket for an item, and you can pick that item up at customer service a few different locations in the store that are more secure.
You still work for Walmart? I am assuming what you are describing is for the big ticket items (i.e. tv's, computers, etc.) It won't be the same for small items like blu-ray's, will it?Trueblue23 wrote: Better plan on getting there earlier than usual this year.. Wal-Mart is changing the way they do black friday, or "Blitz Night" as they call it. Before it was basically a free for all, but now you must stand in line to get a ticket for an item, and you can pick that item up at customer service a few different locations in the store that are more secure.