Let's balance the two on the scales:
A) 17 dudes out in the woods in southeastern Michigan- they are a tiny minority (but still a big deal considering their goals). Not even close to representing the entirety of Christianity or America
B) Islamic exremism/terrorism, from the Iranian wackos who ousted the shahs in the 1970's, to the Olympic village terrorists in Munich in '76, to the '93 Trade Center bombings, to the bombing of the USS Cole, to the bombing of 2 US Embassies in Africa, to 9/11, to the Fort Hood shooter, and thousands upon thousands of murderous attacks in between.
No, that's not all representative of the whole, but it outweighs A exponentially.
I know full well the history of Christianity, and it is often marked by dark periods of people doing horrific things in the name of Christ. However, none of these things were endorsed or taught by Jesus or his disciples or the early church- in fact they taught to the contrary. The failures of Jesus' followers (or those who claim to be Christ's) do not negate the clear teachings of the NT.
I don't know enough about the Koran to know if Muslim "exremists" or terrorists are accurately carrying out what the Koran commands, or if they're distorting Koranic teaching like these militiamen have distorted Biblical teaching.