
Boston Tea Party....Republican Scott Brown Wins in Massachusetts Senate Election

  • ou1980
    Its On!!!

    .....Who will take the seat that was occupied so long by Ted Kennedy?
  • ou1980

    D: 0,122,732
    R: 0,139,806
  • ou1980
    D: 0,145,733
    R: 0,169,808
  • eersandbeers
    I think the only real liberty candidate, libertarian Joe Kennedy, really put a dent in Coakley's vote total.

    Sad more Americans didn't vote for the only choice for freedom.
  • rmolin73
    So true eerandbeers.
  • ou1980
    R: 0,254,686
    D: 0,224,421
  • ou1980
    R: 280,138
    D: 248,516
  • tk421
    So, if Brown pulls out the win, how long will the Dems try to stall swearing him in to office?
  • eersandbeers
    tk421 wrote: So, if Brown pulls out the win, how long will the Dems try to stall swearing him in to office?
    No time at all, because Brown is simply a Democrat-lite.
  • ou1980
    R: 331,843 53%
    D: 294,090 47%

    Still a long way to go!!
  • BCSbunk
    eersandbeers wrote: I think the only real liberty candidate, libertarian Joe Kennedy, really put a dent in Coakley's vote total.

    Sad more Americans didn't vote for the only choice for freedom.
    I agree They had the opportunity to vote for small government and more freedom and instead vote for more war more spending and a larger government.

    I am grow tired of hearing both sides cry about our government, but do nothing about it, but keep putting the same exact thing into office.

    Did not someone say something like, if you do the same thing over and over and expect a different result that is insanity?

    The truth is it does not matter who won, the government will continue to swell and enlarge like a giant pig at an endless trough.
  • fish82
    36% in....

    52-47 Brown. Boston has only reported in about 10% though. Martha is running 56-43 there so far. Looks like it might be closer than I thought.

    Kennedy is running at 1%.
  • ou1980
    R: 441,124
    D: 392,078

    Gap is increasing...
  • ou1980
    R: 488,643
    D: 442,085
  • eersandbeers
    BCSbunk wrote: I agree They had the opportunity to vote for small government and more freedom and instead vote for more war more spending and a larger government.

    I am grow tired of hearing both sides cry about our government, but do nothing about it, but keep putting the same exact thing into office.

    Did not someone say something like, if you do the same thing over and over and expect a different result that is insanity?

    The truth is it does not matter who won, the government will continue to swell and enlarge like a giant pig at an endless trough.
    Americans will continue to whine about government and continue electing the same people over and over again. It's a sad situation.

    Well I guess it was Massachusetts so we shouldn't have expected much. Kennedy put together a great campaign and actually received a significant amount of media attention so I'm surprised by his low vote total.

    I think Kennedy has set himself up for a nice future within the LP. I would say he is nearly assured of the party Presidential nomination as he seemed to appease moderates and non-moderates alike.
  • majorspark
    eersandbeers wrote: I think the only real liberty candidate, libertarian Joe Kennedy, really put a dent in Coakley's vote total.

    Sad more Americans didn't vote for the only choice for freedom.
    True. But you are not going to win that fight in Massechusetts this time around. There are 10 months until midterm elections. Take what you can get for now.
  • ou1980
    [size=x-large]R: 638,823
    D: 563,214

    60% IN

  • ou1980

    R: 680,775
    D: 596,731

    63% IN

    How Long Before They Call It?[/size]
  • fish82
    Boston is only 44% in. They won't call it until at least 60% is in there. That's where most of her votes come from.
  • ou1980
    [size=x-large]R: 705,615 53%
    D: 621,231 46%

    68% Reporting

  • 2quik4u
  • ou1980
    [size=x-large]SCOTT BROWN R 750,616 53%
    MARTHA COAKLEY D: 661,351 46%

    69% IN

    HERE WE GO....[/size]
  • tk421
    What a shocker, the Dems are alleging voter shenanigans
    “We’ve received several independent and disturbing reports of voters across the state being handed ballots that are already marked in favor of Scott Brown,” Campaign Manager Kevin Conroy said on the Coakley website. “This is obviously a serious violation, and our legal team is taking immediate steps to protect the integrity of this election.”

  • 2quik4u
    tk421 wrote: What a shocker, the Dems are alleging voter shenanigans
    “We’ve received several independent and disturbing reports of voters across the state being handed ballots that are already marked in favor of Scott Brown,” Campaign Manager Kevin Conroy said on the Coakley website. “This is obviously a serious violation, and our legal team is taking immediate steps to protect the integrity of this election.”

    yea it was 5 ballots lol
  • ou1980
    [size=xx-large]BROWN WINS BROWN WINS!!!!! AP REPORTS!!![/size]