
Harry Reid Said What?!?!?!?! Calls Obama "Light Skinned" and "No Negro Dialect"

  • ou1980

    Its time to resign Harry!! Pathetic comment and racist in tone! But rest assured folks, he will get away with it!!

    And just to ponder: "If John Boehner or any other House or Senate Republican would have said this..."

  • believer
    I deeply regret using such a poor choice of words.
    Ya think?

    If Reid were Republican the state-run media would jump on this like white on rice. Oops..."I deeply regret using such a poor choice of words."
  • Little Danny
    He will get a pass for sure. If it were a Republican his career would be over, a lawsuit would be filed by the NAACP and ACLU, Rev. Al would call for a boycot of Las Vegas, the media would compare the man to Hitler, the Hollywood types would trash him every change they got and all of the above would call for his impeachment from office. He would resign in shame.
  • ptown_trojans_1
    Yeah, not smart. I actually hope he gets voted out of office. Never been a fan since the Yucca Mountain debate.
  • CenterBHSFan
    The authors also quote Obama's initial reaction to McCain's selection of a little-known governor: "Wow. Well, I guess she's change."
    I find this funny! He acted like he has so much superior experience compared to her. But in fact, between the two of them, she's the one who had any sort of administrative experience. He had NONE.
    The book also says Reid urged Obama to run, perceiving the first-term senator's impatience.
    "You're not going to go anyplace here," Reid told Obama of the Senate. "I know that you don't like it, doing what you're doing."
    I'm not sure if I totally understand this one. He was a senator for what... a year and a half or something? He didn't like it? What did he accomplish as senator?
    Of course he isn't going to get anywhere in the senate after only a very limited time as a member and accomplishing jack-squat!

    And... people still say the word "negro"? That sounds so 50's to me.
    But, I suppose it's better than Byrds "white n_____". :dodgy:

    We the people have elected/hired a bunch of guttersnipes to our Congress! We have absolutely NOBODY to blame, but ourselves. We are reaping what WE have sown!
  • majorspark
    I agree with everyone that if this were someone deemed to be on the right, he would be fighting for his political career. This statement does not prove Senator Reid a racist. It does prove his arrogance. He is just one of many that look at those black folks that speak like they just stepped out of the hood, or white folks with a strong southern drawl, as uneducated imbeciles in need of their infinitely wise leadership. Now if Reid's arrogance is based on his belief that there are those incapable of ascending to his level of wisdom because of their genetic make up, then that would be a different story. For now we can only speculate as to the motives of Reid's arrogance.

    Don't forget Hillary doing her best to imitate the so called "Negro dialect".
  • ts1227
    Yeah, party line should not matter on something like this, deiniftely not an appropriate thing to be said regardless of who you are.

    If nothing else, his opponent in the next election has some solid material to use against him!
  • BoatShoes
    I'm skeptical he'll get as much of pass on this...One of the worst gaffes I can remember unbelievable statement. (I still think Obama's "special olympics" gaffe might have been worse...and even the "left wing" media hammered him quite a bit for was on t.v. constantly...although I thought it wouldn't have gone away as soon as it did).

    I will watch the "state run media" to see if it is discussed and report back. Wish me luck. Pray that Katie Couric doesn't infect me with communist/marxist/anti-american/anti-country music ideals.
  • JoeA1010
    Another racist liberal, not surprising.
  • Prescott
    Somebody will blame Limbaugh or Beck.
  • majorspark
    BoatShoes wrote: I will watch the "state run media" to see if it is discussed and report back. Wish me luck. Pray that Katie Couric doesn't infect me with communist/marxist/anti-american/anti-country music ideals.
    Too late.:P
  • believer
    Prescott wrote: Somebody will blame Limbaugh or Beck.
    Naw...let's blame Carville. No wait...he's concerned about his penis size not racism.

    Measure my penis
  • Gobuckeyes1
    If this gets Reid out of office, fine by me.

    I like Obama, but can't stand Reid and Pelosi. I would like to see what Obama could get done without those two wackjobs in charge of the legislature.
  • CenterBHSFan
    Gobuckeyes1 wrote: If this gets Reid out of office, fine by me.

    I like Obama, but can't stand Reid and Pelosi. I would like to see what Obama could get done without those two wackjobs in charge of the legislature.


    I would think that answer would be absolutely nothing or next to it, as far as domestic policy is concerned.

    If it wasn't for Reid and Pelosi, the huge expansion of government health insurance probably would have never passed the idea stage.
    They helped steamroll this thing, regardless of how good or bad it is perceived, and Obama can use that as a political "win".

  • IggyPride00
    I would think that answer would be absolutely nothing or next to it
    It is getting to the point unfortunately where we can't just keep kicking the can down the road and someone is going to have to govern. We have major challenges that need to be addressed in the next 5 years or so, so for the sake of the country I hope you are wrong about nothing getting done. I don't want Reid/Pelosi solutions, but to think that doing nothing on any front is some how a good thing is just asking for trouble.
  • fish82
    An interesting response from the current POTUS in 2002, in reference to the remarks made by Trent Lott:
    "It seems to be that we can forgive a 100-year-old senator for some of the indiscretion of his youth, but, what is more difficult to forgive is the current president of the U.S. Senate (Lott) suggesting we had been better off if we had followed a segregationist path in this country after all of the battles and fights for civil rights and all the work that we still have to do," said Obama.

    He said: "The Republican Party itself has to drive out Trent Lott. If they have to stand for something, they have to stand up and say this is not the person we want representing our party."

    --From the December 12, 2002 issue of the Chicago Defender.
    I fully expect Bam to call for Harry's ouster forthwith. Oh, wait.....what? He already gave him a pass on it? Golly, that's shocking, huh? :rolleyes:
  • CenterBHSFan
    IggyPride00 wrote:
    I would think that answer would be absolutely nothing or next to it
    It is getting to the point unfortunately where we can't just keep kicking the can down the road and someone is going to have to govern. We have major challenges that need to be addressed in the next 5 years or so, so for the sake of the country I hope you are wrong about nothing getting done. I don't want Reid/Pelosi solutions, but to think that doing nothing on any front is some how a good thing is just asking for trouble.

    Oh I understand what you're saying, and to a certain extent, agree with you.

    I just don't think Obama would have had anything to sign (health insurance bill) if it wasn't for Reid/Pelosi. I just happen to think that there is a big gap between Obama's "feel good speeches" and his actual political know-how. He had no administrative knowledge before becoming President, and less than 2 years as a senator.
    And there is where Pelosi/Reid comes in. They are his domestic policy buoys.
  • Writerbuckeye
    fish82 wrote: An interesting response from the current POTUS in 2002, in reference to the remarks made by Trent Lott:
    "It seems to be that we can forgive a 100-year-old senator for some of the indiscretion of his youth, but, what is more difficult to forgive is the current president of the U.S. Senate (Lott) suggesting we had been better off if we had followed a segregationist path in this country after all of the battles and fights for civil rights and all the work that we still have to do," said Obama.

    He said: "The Republican Party itself has to drive out Trent Lott. If they have to stand for something, they have to stand up and say this is not the person we want representing our party."

    --From the December 12, 2002 issue of the Chicago Defender.
    I fully expect Bam to call for Harry's ouster forthwith. Oh, wait.....what? He already gave him a pass on it? Golly, that's shocking, huh? :rolleyes:
    Obama sure didn't wait long to comment on this, did he?

    Makes you wonder where he was when the terrorist tried to blow up the plane on Christmas Day...Oh wait, he was on vacation and didn't want to be disturbed.

    I forgot...
  • Swamp Fox
    I am assuming that our President should never vacation and should somehow know exactly when these attempts are made 24-7 and be on call every second of his term. I think that is humanly impossible. When George Bush was informed that the Twin Towers had been attacked, didn't he go back to reading books to children? He didn't know beforehand and you know what, I don't blame him for that because Presidents are human.

    Evidently, this issue has been discussed and put to rest by the two men most intimately involved with it so I guess I'm wondering why can't the rest of us do the same thing? I don't condone in any shape or form what Harry Reid said. I do think however, that he never expected this to become such a public issue. Remember Jimmy "The Greek" Snyder's famous faux paux, suggesting that Blacks were better athletes in certain sports because of their better "Bouyancy", and was almost instantly removed from his TV sports job because of it? Some "investigative" reporter had stuck a microphone in Jimmy's face and the rest is history. We all have said things we regret. Sometimes there are no "do-overs" and perhaps Harry Reid will be reminded of his unfortunate gaffe for the rest of his life, but I think there are a lot more important issues than a few prejudiced remarks about why President Obama would have a good chance at re-election because of some perceived racially oriented advantages that Harry Reid mentioned to someone. Let's worry about the economy and the foreign wars we are now in because I think the solutions to those things are much more significant in the long run than whether Reid is a racist or not, and for the record, I really don't think he is. I think he was simply sharing a belief he had about President Obama thast would help him in his re-election bid.
  • IggyPride00
    Makes you wonder where he was when the terrorist tried to blow up the plane on Christmas Day...Oh wait, he was on vacation and didn't want to be disturbed.
    I thought Obama did pretty good in responding within 3 days. When Bush was on his 2 week vacation in 01 during the Shoebomber incident it took him 6 days to make mention of it. Guess he didn't want to be bothered either.

    Maybe one day we can have a president who will respond immediately, as neither Democrat nor Republican Presidents seem at all interested in making timely responses to terror attacks.
  • Manhattan Buckeye
    "Evidently, this issue has been discussed and put to rest by the two men most intimately involved with it so I guess I'm wondering why can't the rest of us do the same thing?"

    Because one of the two men is turning out to be a complete hypocrite with respect to racially charged statements, and that man happens to be the POTUS. Do you think Lott should have been treated with the same "kid gloves" with which you're willing to handle Reid, or are you just like the POTUS, that is it depends on what side of political spectrum makes the comment?

    Granted there are more pressing issues, but political figures can and IMO should be scrutinized. They work for us. If Reid or anyone else doesn't like the scrutiny, they are free to resign.
  • Manhattan Buckeye
    "I thought Obama did pretty good in responding within 3 days. When Bush was on his 2 week vacation in 01 during the Shoebomber incident it took him 6 days to make mention of it. Guess he didn't want to be bothered either."

    One major freaking difference, there wasn't prior intelligence on the shoebomber, the idiots in charge of security KNEW about the penis exploder beforehand. Surely you see that, right?
  • IggyPride00
    One major freaking difference, there wasn't prior intelligence on the shoebomber, the idiots in charge of security KNEW about the penis exploder beforehand. Surely you see that, right?
    I think the President should be out reassuring the American people that day if nothing else that they are doing everything possible to deal with the situation.

    I think they should also not be charged in civilian court, as both of these bombers were. Given them the military tribunals.

    I don't agree with alot of what Obama does, but he is following the Bush blue-print to a T on how he dealt with the shoebomber so I can't be critical as the Bush/Cheney model of dealing with this proved effective before.
  • Swamp Fox
    For the record, I was not happy with Trent Lott's reference to the need to go back to a time of segregation and hatred and all the other things associated with "the old" Strom Thurmond. I oppose those kinds of beliefs regardless of who is speaking. I think old Trent was in a spot where he felt like he needed to say something nice about the "old days" and frankly blew it. In the final analysis, what we have are two poeple from opposite sides of the political spectrum who both said incredibly stupid things in public. The way I see it, we can all continue to argue over who is less wrong, or we can act like adults and get past all the rhetoric on both sides, forget about it and move on, with the interests of the country holding sway over who's more right and less wrong between Lott and Reid. Frankly....who cares?
  • cbus4life
    He isn't getting a pass on this at all, so can't really use the whining about the media thing, here.

    But, at least your wives/husbands can get some rest for the next few days, as you all are getting off pretty well on your own mentioning media bias again.