Trump vs. Hillary (NO OTHER OPTIONS)
hopefully the same people Trump is influencing with his sophomoric drivel.QuakerOats;1806147 wrote:who do you really believe you are influencing with such sophomoric drivel -
Maybe he's just watched you over the years and has the mistaken belief you influence people. Food for thought!QuakerOats;1806147 wrote:who do you really believe you are influencing with such sophomoric drivel -
QuakerOatsI provide facts and related commentary; and I will continue to call out the liberals for their assault on free enterprise, taxpayers, and freedom.
Dr.PizzaI am a big fan of Donald trump because he is a man who does not care about politics and how people say things (political correct. Hillary has something about her that i just cant trust. I dont feel like a woman would be a great president either no offense but I cant imagine it. We've led the world in a lot of things but we dont need to be the first country to elect a woman to run our country. For that reason i will eb supporting Donald trump this season.
AutomatikAre you Belly's brother?
Good lord, I had forgotten about this meme.BoatShoes;1805795 wrote:LOL. OC still bringing quality entertainment.
I think he's an F. I still wouldn't vote for him against these two, but I wouldn't vote for them, either.like_that;1805815 wrote:Man, this is how much I think both suck ass. I agree with you. I would take a third Obama term over the two. I think Obama is a c- president.
What a terrible system we've developed.
Dude ... chill. It's the Internet.gut;1805949 wrote:LMFAO. You tools would all work for me if you were smart enough...instead you work for people who work for people who work for me. That's what makes you Democrats, because you can't excel on your own merits.
It's ok....Bite down harder on the blanket and your fears will go away.
No dog in this squabble, but I lol'd at that.BoatShoes;1805952 wrote:How did such an esteemed man of serious business on the west coast wind up on a little Ohio forum? Did you literally search "Serious Business" when it was briefly named because your business is so serious?
The tough part is, there are things I look back and liked about the Goldwater brand of Republican. He was staunchly opposed to giving the "moral majority" any real clout in the party.jmog;1806007 wrote:Goldwater was a minority opposition during the civil rights acts passing, that is a fact and he ruined the public perception of republicans in the eyes of African Americans.
Fucking Goldwater.
In all fairness, the nomination of an orange candidate doesn't really count as nominating a POC, and that guy hardly does the Republican Party any favors when it comes to race.
Sweet Moses, Belly.Belly35;1806061 wrote:This goes out to my OC friends for those of you who've decided that voting for Trump or Hillary is not a good idea and voting for third-party please reconsider. you falling into the trap of the media believing that you have an option and that would be a third party we all have to agree that neither Trump nor Hillary are what's America's should really have as a candidates for presidency but it is what it is. this election is not about the candidates themselves. So don't buy into that hype that the media is trying to sell you. This election is about whether you want to accept the career politician fraud corruption and irresponsibility of Washington Hillary Clinton or the presidency of a Donald Trump who is a non-politician speaks his mind type individual and brash unorthodox business type. for me I'm an entrepreneur I'm also a veteran I cannot accept the fact that we have four dead people based upon a lie and incompetency Hillary Clinton. I can understand the fact that many of you do not accept Donald Trump because of his brashness and the fact that he's never been in politics. But that is the exact point do we want to continue to accept the lying cheating of career politicians or is a time that we step up and say no more we are Americans we want to truth and we wants what's best for our country and not an agenda set forth by some party we want change and we want what's best for America . It's time to for change and if choosing a Donald Trump is wrong then let it be wrong but choosing a Hillary Clinton is accepting the fact that Washington DC will have control over you keep lying to the American public continued the fraud and corruption to profit for themselves. Don't compromise and vote third-party make a hard-line decision send messaging to Washington we no longer will accept the corruption and lies
First, given the remarkably few percentage points that third-party candidates have gotten in ANY election in our modern era, I call complete bullshit on saying the media is behind a third-party vote. The media spends all their time talking about Trump and Clinton. Those are the candidates "the media" wants you to consider.
Every election is about the candidates themselves. If someone says otherwise, they're selling you a bag of goods.
Trump is not an entrepreneur. The only businesses of his that have been successful have been the kinds he grew up watching his dad start. Virtually every venture (okay, sans the television show The Apprentice) outside of real estate development has failed. He's not an entrepreneur. He has merely been the chief beneficiary of the nepotism lottery.
It's also worth noting that in the 2008 election, one of the primary indictments against Obama was that he had too little political experience. Can we please make up our minds as to whether that's a good or bad thing? I appreciate it.
We have two major party candidates who are now amid legal troubles (Clinton's email fiasco and Trump's fake university ... yet another failed business venture). And you're telling me that my third-party vote is a compromise? No. I'm the one voting to tell Washington something different. Your vote tells Washington that it can keep throwing sewage candidates out there, and people will keep voting for them, because we'd rather pick the winning horse than vote on conscience.
Gary Johnson has nearly no chance to win. Until enough people stop viewing a third-party vote the way you are, it will always be between the two remarkably similar parties. But that's the issue. It is ONLY the general public's view that is preventing third-party candidates from being viable. If everyone who didn't vote third-party because it's a wasted vote would do so anyway, it wouldn't be a wasted vote.
And if Republicans and Democrats want to pull third-party voters into their camp, they need to put up a MUCH better candidate ... or at least a candidate that isn't an absolute piece of shit. Otherwise, those parties have nobody to blame but themselves, and they should probably shut the fuck up about appealing to third-party voters.
The Democrats had a chance to do this. Bernie Sanders would have drawn all the same Democrat votes, PLUS more independent votes, PLUS the Socialist Party votes.
The Republicans had the chance, too, back in 2012. Ron Paul would have drawn all the same Republican votes, PLUS more independent votes, PLUS the Libertarian Party votes.
But nope. These two parties have their heads so far up their asses they think that the best option is to throw a dumpster fire on the ticket, slap a letter next to it, and then try to guilt the people who call them out on it for not voting for it anyway.
Donald Trump has been shaking hands and making deals with corrupt politicians for decades (he admitted as much in the Republican Primary debates, using the Clintons as an example ... what a dumbass). He's been noted as using bully tactics to not make good on his contracts and commitments. He's leveraged his bankruptcies to still increase his own personal piggy bank. Work history is the ONLY thing different between Trump and even the most corrupt Washington insider.
I like good businessmen who build a business around the community's perceived value of a good or service. I like innovators and hard workers.
Donald Trump is none of these. He's given no indication that he would be a good politician, and he's never been anything more than a one-trick pony in business, and even that one trick was handed to him by his daddy.
Belly, if you ACTUALLY want to buck the media, stop pushing this twat nozzle who has been nothing but a media darling and media whore for most of his adult life. -
O-TrapAutomatik;1806164 wrote:Are you Belly's brother?
lets dissect this shall we lolDr.Pizza;1806163 wrote:I am a big fan of Donald trump because he is a man who does not care about politics and how people say things (political correct. Hillary has something about her that i just cant trust. I dont feel like a woman would be a great president either no offense but I cant imagine it. We've led the world in a lot of things but we dont need to be the first country to elect a woman to run our country. For that reason i will eb supporting Donald trump this season.
...yet hes running for President which is a political position? lolDr.Pizza;1806163 wrote:I am a big fan of Donald trump because he is a man who does not care about politics.
that's just liking him because hes an asshole.Dr.Pizza;1806163 wrote: and how people say things (political correct.
Me neither.. I also don't think blacks should be considered people and definitely not allowed to vote. we oughtta Make America Great Again like in those days!Dr.Pizza;1806163 wrote:I dont feel like a woman would be a great president either no offense but I cant imagine it. We've led the world in a lot of things but we dont need to be the first country to elect a woman to run our country. .
ShockingDr.Pizza;1806163 wrote: For that reason i will eb supporting Donald trump this season. -
I don't know any specifics. I was answering to Belly's post where, in particular, he was referencing a brashness of Trumps. If you had been paying attention up to that point, you would have caught that. Brashness doesn't bother me and I appreciate that over the vague, sugary political double speak.BoatShoes;1806140 wrote:IOW he speaks at a 4th grade level with exaggerated hyperbole and ignorance. What is it people are thinking but won't say...that we should ban Muslims from immigrating into the country and devote huge national resources to deporting 11 million illegal aliens and spend $25-$50 billion on a border wall?
Also, talk about hyperbole... dude, you're branding it yourself >.> -
We wouldn't be the first country to have a woman president/leader.Dr.Pizza;1806163 wrote:I am a big fan of Donald trump because he is a man who does not care about politics and how people say things (political correct. Hillary has something about her that i just cant trust. I dont feel like a woman would be a great president either no offense but I cant imagine it. We've led the world in a lot of things but we dont need to be the first country to elect a woman to run our country. For that reason i will eb supporting Donald trump this season.
As to having a woman run a country, I see no particular reason why a woman cannot. What exactly are your criteria for objecting to the female gender on this?
For the record, just because I have no objection to a woman in a President's role doesn't mean that I'm voting for Hillary. I'd rather drink a gallon of a hobo's spit than to vote for her. -
I'm guessing it's either:CenterBHSFan;1806180 wrote:What exactly are your criteria for objecting to the female gender on this?
(a) some female-brain answer about women being "too emotional" for it, or
(b) something about a woman having access to nuclear weapons during "that time of the month," as though no women possess any self-control during PMS. -
I am have been reading through your comments and I feel like you are trying to force your beliefs on everyone. Just because people dont liek hillary clinton doesnt mean we arent aloud to like Donald trump. He offers solutions to many trouble facing americans today. Hillary is for open borders and that will cause devestation to our economy both locally and globally because of her wreckless trade deals. Donald trump has ran businesses and led men in business and he will make strong relationships with the ones who dont like us currently under Obumma. Donald trump is a man of integrity and honesty, something hillary knows nothing about which is why you probably support her. To each an own. Lets show some mutual respect here -
Dr.Pizzahow do you quote peoples the things that people say!
Are you having a stroke?Dr.Pizza;1806182 wrote:Otral
I am have been reading through your comments and I feel like you are trying to force your beliefs on everyone. Just because people dont liek hillary clinton doesnt mean we arent aloud to like Donald trump. He offers solutions to many trouble facing americans today. Hillary is for open borders and that will cause devestation to our economy both locally and globally because of her wreckless trade deals. Donald trump has ran businesses and led men in business and he will make strong relationships with the ones who dont like us currently under Obumma. Donald trump is a man of integrity and honesty, something hillary knows nothing about which is why you probably support her. To each an own. Lets show some mutual respect here -
eh?Dr.Pizza;1806182 wrote:Otral
I am have been reading through your comments and I feel like you are trying to force your beliefs on everyone. Just because people dont liek hillary clinton doesnt mean we arent aloud to like Donald trump. He offers solutions to many trouble facing americans today. Hillary is for open borders and that will cause devestation to our economy both locally and globally because of her wreckless trade deals. Donald trump has ran businesses and led men in business and he will make strong relationships with the ones who dont like us currently under Obumma. Donald trump is a man of integrity and honesty, something hillary knows nothing about which is why you probably support her. To each an own. Lets show some mutual respect here -
^^comments like this is why i am voting for trump because people love to judge other people. As long as you are a resident of this country, you can vote for whoever youd like -
AutomatikI hope you're not "aloud" to operate a motor vehicle.
So long as your beliefs are rooted in something other than whims or blind political affiliations, I don't. If you tell me there is pie in the sky, I don't care if you have all the conviction of a social reformer. I will probably tell you that's not true.Dr.Pizza;1806182 wrote:I am have been reading through your comments and I feel like you are trying to force your beliefs on everyone.
Based on this topic, there are plenty of people who don't like Hillary Clinton and do like Donald Trump. I know many more who aren't on this forum.Dr.Pizza;1806182 wrote:Just because people dont liek hillary clinton doesnt mean we arent aloud to like Donald trump.
A week ago, his only tangible solution offered was, "Build a wall, and 'make' Mexico pay for it."Dr.Pizza;1806182 wrote:He offers solutions to many trouble facing americans today.
I think Clinton is an atrocious candidate. I would never vote for her. I would offer you a diatribe about it, but I've not run into many Clinton supporters telling third-party voters to get on the train. Most of them have given something along the lines of, "No, you're right. She sucks. I'm voting for her because she's better than Trump, but I wanted Sanders."Dr.Pizza;1806182 wrote:Hillary is for open borders and that will cause devestation to our economy both locally and globally because of her wreckless trade deals.
I don't agree with their political views, but I don't contend with them as much about it, because they're at least honest about the fact that their candidate sucks.
Most of Trump's businesses have been run into the ground. He's not even a top-10 real estate developer in NYC alone.Dr.Pizza;1806182 wrote:Donald trump has ran businesses and led men in business and he will make strong relationships with the ones who dont like us currently under Obumma.
You know what Trump's biggest asset is? The thing he's best at? Self-promotion.
That's not a negative. It's to his credit. You need that somewhere in a successful enterprise. He's got it in spades. How else is he getting people to invest in non-real estate business ventures with his failure-riddled track record?
But a good self-promoter doesn't automatically make someone a good businessman or entrepreneur. He was handed his daddy's CEO job five months out of college. Then, upon Fred's death, he was handed $40MM.
To this day, the only things he's really been good at are self-promotion and property development. He should stick to those and stay out of politics. He's got too thin skin, too little skill in diplomacy, and too little experience.
Dr.Pizza;1806182 wrote:Donald trump is a man of integrity and honesty
He's skipped out on legally-binding contracts with small businesses, because he knew those businesses couldn't afford a legal battle to make him pay what he agreed to pay.
He's had a serial problem with infidelity.
He frequently makes claims about his ancillary business ventures that he doesn't have data to back up (and that never comes to fruition).
He's a man whose platform has been founded on shock.
Like I said, he's a good self-promoter.
If you'd ACTUALLY read my posts around here, you'd know I have nothing but contempt for Clinton, and I wouldn't trust her with my dog, let alone the governing of the country in which I live.Dr.Pizza;1806182 wrote:something hillary knows nothing about which is why you probably support her. To each an own. Lets show some mutual respect here
However, we're unfortunately not dealing with extremes, here. One crooked egomaniac is up against another. Let's not cover one in sugar and pretend it's a notably better option, okay? -
FatHobbitI thought I posted this already but I don't see it anymore.
The thing I hate about Donald Trump is he appeals to the worst parts of the Republican party. He appeals to sexism, racism, religious descrimination... he is a blow hard and a bully and I can not believe that he is the best candidate the Republicans had to offer. -
ZWICK 4 PREZThis dude hasnt posted in 5 years and comes back today.. whose alternate SN is this?
On the bottom right of a post is a link to reply with quote. If you click that it will open up a post with everything that person typed in [ quote ][ /quote ] and you can respond below.Dr.Pizza;1806183 wrote:how do you quote peoples the things that people say! -
HereticMy guess is that Dr. Pizza is a troll account. Either that or Belly found someone he can both out-type and out-reason, making this Christmas in August for him!
Lol likely. Does nobody else have relatives who type like belly? I can usually tell what he means. :RpS_razz:Heretic;1806195 wrote:My guess is that Dr. Pizza is a troll account. Either that or Belly found someone he can both out-type and out-reason, making this Christmas in August for him! -
thank you!FatHobbit;1806194 wrote:On the bottom right of a post is a link to reply with quote. If you click that it will open up a post with everything that person typed in [ quote ][ /quote ] and you can respond below. -
O-TrapZWICK 4 PREZ;1806193 wrote:This dude hasnt posted in 5 years and comes back today.. whose alternate SN is this?
Believe it or not, no IPs match, sans one named Seventytimes7, which has 11 posts.Heretic;1806195 wrote:My guess is that Dr. Pizza is a troll account. Either that or Belly found someone he can both out-type and out-reason, making this Christmas in August for him!