
Is it time to legalize Marijuana?

  • original_sin
    Maybe the distilled spirits lobbyists/industries have a vested interest in it still being illegal? My guess is yes.
  • Websurfinbird
    Writerbuckeye wrote: For those who do smoke, don't believe for a second there is no risk to your health. Putting contaminants into your lungs puts you at risk for any number of diseases, not the least of which is lung cancer. Even though some studies show no DIRECT link to lung cancer risk, there's no way to be certain when you are putting carcinogens into your body.

    As a lung cancer survivor, I would hope if marijuana is legalized, people would at least be smart enough to know smoking it puts them at risk, if not for cancer, then certainly for other illnesses like bronchitis and emphysema.

    So if it does get legalized -- how about a nice batch of chocolate brownies? :D
    Agreed. Plus, if it is legalized, it could come with warning labels like we see on alcohol bottles and cigarette cartons.

    I don't use marajuana often, maybe a couple of times a year at best, but I'm all for legalization.