
Insurance cost ……

  • Belly35
    I have coverage via the VA and Tricare that covers most of my medical needs if I want to use the services and network doctors, my wife can also use the Tricare Standard or if we pay a little for Tricare Prime $587.00 per year using their network.
    (Veteran and Disable Vets look into this for your families)

    However over the years we as a family opted to pay for insurance because we can afford it and we like the service offered by other Primary Carriers and used the VA and Tricare as secondary.

    My wife company has been shopping for new insurance carrier the price has increased over 40% and or the deductable is over $4000.00 for my wife and I.

    Hey! Low information Obama supporters …. Get read to pay the piper for not being insured

    How much has your insurance gone up or will go up?
    Do you know what the company insurance increase % was?
    I have insurance. Hope this helps.
  • FatHobbit
    Belly35;1405515 wrote:I have coverage via the VA and Tricare that covers most of my medical needs if I want to use the services and network doctors, my wife can also use the Tricare Standard or if we pay a little for Tricare Prime $587.00 per year using their network.
    (Veteran and Disable Vets look into this for your families)

    However over the years we as a family opted to pay for insurance because we can afford it and we like the service offered by other Primary Carriers and used the VA and Tricare as secondary.

    My wife company has been shopping for new insurance carrier the price has increased over 40% and or the deductable is over $4000.00 for my wife and I.

    Hey! Low information Obama supporters …. Get read to pay the piper for not being insured

    How much has your insurance gone up or will go up?
    Do you know what the company insurance increase % was?
    My insurance has not gone up, but two years ago they made us get our blood drawn and analyzed or it is significantly more expensive. I think it's 700% more expensive to not get the blood draw. We have a few people who are afraid of needles who threw a big fit, but I think they all eventually did it.
  • Belly35
    ZWICK 4 PREZ;1405521 wrote:I have insurance. Hope this helps.
    When you grow up and the kid and wife operational cost increase you'll sing a different song bro.
    I can tell you now that where you work you better be watching for a hit of about 40% increase and $4000.00 deductable per family ... Amoxicillin </SPAN>is not cheap..
    Belly35;1405535 wrote:When you grow up and the kid and wife operational cost increase you'll sing a different song bro.
    I can tell you now that where you work you better be watching for a hit of about 40% increase and $4000.00 deductable per family ... Amoxicillin </SPAN>is not cheap..
    that's alright. we're ballin outta control.
  • sleeper
    Health care costs are going to skyrocket when Obamacare comes in. I personally can't wait because it's going to hit a good chunk of the morons for voting for Obama and quickly end any chance we ever have a Democrat in office ever again.
  • gut
    I've not looked closely at group plans for employers, but IMO most people would be better off shopping around for individual plans tailored to their needs. When I have bought insurance on my own it was considerably cheaper, probably because of a little higher deductibles and out-of-pocket max. Most people, however, would choose such a plan if they could get the money their employer otherwise pays for them and come out ahead.

    But otherwise, if you are covered by your employer than you are subsidizing older workers and people with families. That works to your advantage when you are in that situation, but since we can assume most people won't spend a career with the same employer....

    I understand the dynamics of insurance and why group is supposed to be lower, but my anecdotal experience says maybe it isn't. It may very well be - for a premium plan that is upsold to the company, but many are really over-insured and thus that costs them money unnecessarily. Also, the only real savings you are talking about are administration costs, because it's no different than auto-insurance in that they would otherwise underwrite you based on different characteristics to get the same group risk dynamics.

    Like I said, it's anecdotal and probably wrong, but I'm not sure there's all that much "competition" in employer sponsored plans. I do know in recent years employers have been shopping and getting more aggressive, but in the past your typical HR person wouldn't do anything unless told to cut costs. Union agreements would dictate a lot of the other choices.
  • gut
    sleeper;1405567 wrote:Health care costs are going to skyrocket when Obamacare comes in. I personally can't wait because it's going to hit a good chunk of the morons for voting for Obama and quickly end any chance we ever have a Democrat in office ever again.
    Ehhh, they'll blame the Repubs and they'll blame big-business. You give the average moron to much credit - you are correct they will notice higher premiums, but understanding why is a completely different story.

    Just another massive entitlement and the Repubs/Dems will have a tug-of-war over how much credit to give people, and at what income level, and how much to tax the makers to pay for it.
  • Belly35
    ZWICK 4 PREZ;1405565 wrote:that's alright. we're ballin outta control.

    Ballin please! Bro I know where you live, what you drive, where you work and have worked, still have that other house, what your golf game is like ... live is good for you and your family, that you should be very proud of and thankful for (you've built your success) but ballin is a little much...

    Wait a minute .... Obama hates you ballin, self achiever mofo but you're a Obama butt buddy...:D
  • Belly35
    Until insurance companies can cross state lines cost will never be really competitive. Until more people are employed the pricing of insurance will increase. Until Obamacare is defunded and limited to a worthless document insurance will keep going up and the cost of medical service, equipment and drugs will increase. America once had the best medical plan in the world now it on the edge of a sociallist program heading for failure fo all.
  • sleeper
    gut;1405576 wrote:Ehhh, they'll blame the Repubs and they'll blame big-business. You give the average moron to much credit - you are correct they will notice higher premiums, but understanding why is a completely different story.

    Just another massive entitlement and the Repubs/Dems will have a tug-of-war over how much credit to give people, and at what income level, and how much to tax the makers to pay for it.
    I mean it is labeled "Obamacare". Hard to blame anyone other than Obama.
  • gut
    sleeper;1405591 wrote:I mean it is labeled "Obamacare". Hard to blame anyone other than Obama.
    But start with however many people have insurance that didn't. Then add people with employer provided insurance who either won't see the impact or won't care. Then you have all the ignorants that will pretty much believe what they want to.

    I'm not sure of what will really happen to costs. I think mostly it will just create a different set of winners and losers, and not necessarily in a way intended by Obamakare. I was always very skeptical of what net benefit, if any, the gubmit could deliver - any cost benefit was likely to be gobbled up in gubmit waste, inefficiency and cronyism.

    The real scary impact that worries me is what is going to happen on the research side. Let's say the gubmit is effective at reducing cost - well then squeezing those margins is going to lead companies to further skim research. We get plenty of other subsidies accruing to the US - likely overall a net benefit - so I was always fine with subsidizing medical and pharma R&D.
  • sleeper
    You aren't sure what will happen with costs? They will triple at least. If you are on an employer plan, you may only see $100-$200 more a month in increases while your employer picks up the rest of the tab. It's going to be a disaster, especially for young people who are barely getting by with depressed wages, a shitty job market, and an egregious amount of college debt.

    Boomers will be okay though. They've borrowed this country into a bankruptcy with inflated lifestyles that they didn't deserve and want no responsibility in paying in back. THEY ARE THE PROBLEM. :thumbdown:
  • gut
    Triple? Really?!? Why?

    I'm not buying into the scare tactics. Cost will probably go up some, but I can't see how adding another massive buyer into the market is going to cause costs to triple. That makes absolutely no sense. And adding a bunch more insureds to the mix should only help, because most of those people chose to forego insurance because they are young/healthy.

    I can see costs going up because deductibles and payments are forced down, and also forcing pre-existing to be covered, but tripled?

    Now I'll agree that paying for all these previously uninsured is going to increase our taxes, but - and maybe I'm wrong - that's not going to be done through premiums. They're not going to be waiving premiums for anyone and then have to pass that onto other payers.
    Belly35;1405578 wrote:Ballin please! Bro I know where you live, what you drive, where you work and have worked, still have that other house, what your golf game is like ... live is good for you and your family, that you should be very proud of and thankful for (you've built your success) but ballin is a little much...

    Wait a minute .... Obama hates you ballin, self achiever mofo but you're a Obama butt buddy...:D
    Facetiousness Belly.. look it up.
  • sleeper
    Triple. You heard it here first. 2014 is only right around the corner. :thumbup:
    sleeper;1405632 wrote:Triple. You heard it here first. 2014 is only right around the corner. :thumbup:
    i bet you an ipad 2 that it doesn't triple
  • FatHobbit
    Healthcare costs were skyrocketing with or without Obama Care. If they are going to go up faster because of it is IMHO open to interpretation.
  • Abe Vigoda
    I will take belly's bait. Prior to this year, the cost of health insurance for my company has experienced an average increase of 12% over the past twenty years. Benefits have been reduced, and out of pocket expenses have increased just to maintain this much of an increase. Family out of pocket is now 10,000. Single costs 6,048 and family is 12,120 per year. Simply put, I can no longer afford to offer my employees health insurance. The system was broke and the Republicans missed their chance for fixing it. Permitting insurance to be sold across state lines is not a fix. Studies have shown minimal impact on premiums. (Google it yourself, I am too lazy to provide a link)

    Belly, instead of bitching and repeating what you hear on Fox, why don&#8217;t you and your tin party come up with some solutions? Here is some good information on premiums.
  • sleeper
    Abe Vigoda;1405646 wrote:I will take belly's bait. Prior to this year, the cost of health insurance for my company has experienced an average increase of 12% over the past twenty years. Benefits have been reduced, and out of pocket expenses have increased just to maintain this much of an increase. Family out of pocket is now 10,000. Single costs 6,048 and family is 12,120 per year. Simply put, I can no longer afford to offer my employees health insurance. The system was broke and the Republicans missed their chance for fixing it. Permitting insurance to be sold across state lines is not a fix. Studies have shown minimal impact on premiums. (Google it yourself, I am too lazy to provide a link)

    Belly, instead of bitching and repeating what you hear on Fox, why don&#8217;t you and your tin party come up with some solutions? Here is some good information on premiums.
    I actually do have a solution. Don't treat people who don't have health insurance. Costs would plummet overnight but that would lose plenty of votes for the D party so it's a wasted effort.
  • gut
    FatHobbit;1405639 wrote:Healthcare costs were skyrocketing with or without Obama Care. If they are going to go up faster because of it is IMHO open to interpretation.
    This is all true. I just don't see much reason that it would cause them to go up significantly faster. The only real change, from a cost perspective, is the pre-existing condition issue. That's not insignficant, but there's otherwise no reason that I see why adding another coverage provider is going to cause costs to skyrocket.

    The key issues, IMO, are research expenditures (which I expect to take a hit as a result) and also the disincentive to even become a doctor (really doesn't pay like it used to). Likely even more concerning is the best doctors will probably run for-cash private services (this has already been happening as Medicare increasingly nickel & dimes them). They might take coverage to pay the bills and have 2-3 days a week, but the other days you'll need some bucks to see them privately. That would make getting them as your doctor with coverage practically a lottery otherwise.
  • HitsRus
    Last May, my business was hit with a 48% increase to keeping our $1000/$2500 ded. PPO plan. We were able to trim that increase to 20% by going to a lesser plan. At this very moment we are now waiting for the new quote effective May 1.....and probably shopping the market as our administrator told us to expect another large increase. I'll keep you guys informed.
  • HitsRus
    The system was broke and the Republicans missed their chance for fixing it.
    Wow. delusional. So the dems answer was to ram thru a bill that no one read or understood. Thanks.
  • gut
    HitsRus;1405654 wrote:Last May, my business was hit with a 48% increase to keeping our $1000/$2500 ded. PPO plan.
    I'm just curious as to what specific aspects of Obamakare are driving that. Only thing I can think of is the gubmit plans are forcing given benefits at a given cost, and so the providers are trying to make that up on non-gubmit plans. The net effect is to force everyone onto the gubmit plan, which is probably the intention.
  • gut
    HitsRus;1405656 wrote:Wow. delusional. So the dems answer was to ram thru a bill that no one read or understood. Thanks.
    But they had to pass it so they could see what was in it. My god Pelosi is one dumb ****.