
So What Changes if Romney is Elected?

  • QuakerOats
    Failing to realize, or refusing to acknowledge, the dramatic reduction in economic freedom we all are suffering, and will suffer from for decades (let alone the shackling from the monstrous regulatory burden), is indeed, not smart.

    For God's sake you have been levied with an extra $6 TRILLION in NEW DEBT in just the last 3 1/2 years as obama has grown an already-too-big government by another 52%!! Hel! you can't even buy a large soda anymore because government said so. What more is it going to take before you wake up. I'd say it appears it is going to take a lot more 'smarts' apparently.
  • I Wear Pants
    QuakerOats;1215187 wrote:Failing to realize, or refusing to acknowledge, the dramatic reduction in economic freedom we all are suffering, and will suffer from for decades (let alone the shackling from the monstrous regulatory burden), is indeed, not smart.

    For God's sake you have been levied with an extra $6 TRILLION in NEW DEBT in just the last 3 1/2 years as obama has grown an already-too-big government by another 52%!! Hel! you can't even buy a large soda anymore because government said so. What more is it going to take before you wake up. I'd say it appears it is going to take a lot more 'smarts' apparently.
  • I Wear Pants
    And you have the exact same thinking as radical Islamists or whoever else it is that you hate. Everyone that disagrees with you is stupid or misled.

    If you refuse to believe that there could be smart, informed people that disagree with some of your positions you are a radical and likely an asshole.
  • Heretic
    QuakerOats;1215187 wrote:Hel! you can't even buy a large soda anymore because government said so. What more is it going to take before you wake up. I'd say it appears it is going to take a lot more 'smarts' apparently.
    Strange. I can walk outside my office and buy a 20 ounce cola (multiple varieties, too!) out of a machine with no difficulty. And if that's not enough, I can go about a half mile to a gas station to get a two-liter. That durn gubment must be slacking, Cap'n Exaggeration!!!
  • bigdaddy2003
    The statement that you can't buy a large pop anymore is false for now but it's not like Quaker is a nut job in thinking that it's coming.
  • I Wear Pants
    bigdaddy2003;1215282 wrote:The statement that you can't buy a large pop anymore is false for now but it's not like Quaker is a nut job in thinking that it's coming.
    Yes, yes he is.

    I assume you're saying this because of some municipalities and such not selling soda or other unhealthy foods in their parks and offices. That doesn't really transfer over to "the federal gubmint is going to ban large sodas".

    And if you're talking about McDonald's, et al in general not having as many "super size" options anymore those were business decisions made by those companies that had nothing to do with the government.
  • QuakerOats
    NYC style diktats coming to you soon .......

    You can keep your heads buried in the sand and refuse to acknowledge the unparalleled growth in government which is simulataneously forcing away your freedoms while shackling you to government enslavement, or can you learn from history and those who have been around for quite awhile. You can accept big government and let it rule you, or you can fight its insidious intrusion and destructive force. We have been free for a longer period than any other free nation, but as with all, it always inevitably changes. Our days are numbered as government is ever more devouring the economy and reducing economic freedom, without which we all are doomed. And when you read and listen to such brazen ignorance of history, and ignorance of the incrementalism that is, perhaps quietly, but nonetheless dangerously stealing your future, it is not surprising how the transformation occurs. An entire continent, Europe, that was not long ago the envy of the world, is aflame, yet here we are being led down the exact same path and many here are fulling accepting of it. Tends to boggle the mind.
  • QuakerOats
    I Wear Pants;1215286 wrote:Yes, yes he is.

    I assume you're saying this because of some municipalities and such not selling soda or other unhealthy foods in their parks and offices. That doesn't really transfer over to "the federal gubmint is going to ban large sodas".

    And if you're talking about McDonald's, et al in general not having as many "super size" options anymore those were business decisions made by those companies that had nothing to do with the government.

    Oh for heaven's sake; let me spell it out for you --- I am talking about ideas like NYC where they want to ban the ability of supposedly free peoples from being able to buy a large pop ......... now is that about the heighth of ridiculousness, and government overreach, and the nanny state coming after you or what? And if they can do assinine things like that, just what is it can they not do? When they start creeping down on you for a can of pop, when do you finally say enough is enough. Are you that much of a wimp, or can you handle your own affairs.
  • BGFalcons82
    QuakerOats;1215300 wrote:Oh for heaven's sake; let me spell it out for you --- I am talking about ideas like NYC where they want to ban the ability of supposedly free peoples from being able to buy a large pop ......... now is that about the heighth of ridiculousness, and government overreach, and the nanny state coming after you or what? And if they can do assinine things like that, just what is it can they not do? When they start creeping down on you for a can of pop, when do you finally say enough is enough. Are you that much of a wimp, or can you handle your own affairs.
    I'm beginning to think no one reads the news, Quaker:

    For those that don't want to read, these links describe NYC Mayor Bloomberg's plan to ban soda sizes, ban popcorn/milkshakes, and raise taxes even more. In the end, isn't it always about the money?
  • QuakerOats
    It's about liberal elites who know best ...................... #U$& 'em.
  • sleeper
    Although Quaker is obviously very far right leaning, he's not really off base in any of his posts. His main theme is mocking Obama's "Change we can believe in", but is he wrong? No.
  • I Wear Pants
    QuakerOats;1215300 wrote:Oh for heaven's sake; let me spell it out for you --- I am talking about ideas like NYC where they want to ban the ability of supposedly free peoples from being able to buy a large pop ......... now is that about the heighth of ridiculousness, and government overreach, and the nanny state coming after you or what? And if they can do assinine things like that, just what is it can they not do? When they start creeping down on you for a can of pop, when do you finally say enough is enough. Are you that much of a wimp, or can you handle your own affairs.
    I thought you were a supporter of small government.

    Why does what happens in NYC effect you? Funny how your type of people is fine telling people "well if you don't like it just move to a different town/state/whatever" in regards to things like gay marriage bans but one city proposes to limit soda sizes and the world is coming down.

  • QuakerOats
    Keep calling the messenger names, obviously makes you feel good, and feelgoodism is the certainly the calling of all liberals/progressives.

    Here's a nice read:
    By: Ridley|June 29, 2012No Comments
    I like to believe that when I write these blogs that there is a mixture of encouragement, accountability, love and maybe even wisdom. I like to share my thoughts and feelings and, even though you may not always agree with me, at least it gives us a starting point to talk. This morning I read a piece from Mike Huckabee’s (former governor of Arkansas) column. I don’t think I could make my point any better. But I have a thought to share once you read his piece.
    As if the soda ban didn’t prove this already, there is nothing too small for the government to regulate. CBS reports that the Justice Department’s new regulations under the Americans with Disabilities Act have gone into effect. Among them: All amusement park rides must have at least one seat built for someone in a wheelchair. The slopes on at least 50 percent of all miniature golf holes cannot exceed a steepness ratio of 1 to 48. And all businesses must accept miniature horses as guide animals for the disabled. So remember, you can’t bring a bottle of shampoo onto a plane, but you can bring a horse. The Justice Department may not be able to keep weapons out of the hands of Mexican gangsters, or even try to keep the gangsters out of America. But at least it’s good to know that they’re out there working hard to protect our right to play miniature golf with a miniature horse.
    I, like many of you, am frustrated and outraged by the many ways that our government has overstepped its power. Regulating soft drinks? Forcing health insurance? Passing mandates for small businesses that really don’t make sense? I’m not exactly sure where the common sense fits in any more. Why do you regulate the size of a soft drink and not beers at a baseball game? Which one has more potential for harm–a 16 oz soda in the hand of a 12 year old or a 6-pack of beer in the body of a 45 year old driving home from a ball game? I read this week that there is a small town in Utah where their airport is being destroyed by prairie dogs. Yep, the cute little diggers you see on commercials some times. They are undermining fences, landing strips and other airport fixtures. But they can’t do anything about it because–you guessed it–the federal government has protected the critters. The same government that says you have a right to kill a baby if she is inconvenient for your lifestyle.
  • ptown_trojans_1
    believer;1214869 wrote:Sooooooo....the "smart peeps" know that Uncle Sugar is handing out lucrative defense contracts and are moving to the Beltway?

    Meantime the morons in fly-over country are sending our tax dollars to the idiots on Capitol Hill so all the smart peeps can collect their Federally subsidized great pay with great benefits....that is if we morons can find the jobs to do it. ;)

    Haha, yeah. I moved to DC because that is where I thought I could best utilize my skills. I think a lot of my generation has the same idea. I;m amazed at how smart people are here and have great ideas.
    I'll get to the idiots in a sec.
    QuakerOats;1214980 wrote:And we see where that has gotten us. The intellectual elites have just about buried us.

    Those idiots are the older generation. My generation, the younger folks, is more adapt to compromise, new ideas, collaboration, and trying to solve the complex problems we face. The idiots are the incumbents and the established DC culture. That said, yes my generation is not perfect, hell there is still a lot to learn. But, I think if the grey hairs start to utilize ideas that are put out there by think tanks, reports, industry, and start to compromise, those idiots will turn smart.
    QuakerOats;1215044 wrote:Then perhaps you should look at it in an inverse fashion: Government has grown 52% under obama vs. the average of the W years; if you don't understand that you have lost liberties and become enslaved to government (in monetary terms to the tune of now over $140,000 per taxpayer in debt alone, not including the horrific regulatory monster that has been created), then perhaps you aren't the smart youngster I thought you were. WOW.
    I still haven't found what liberties I have specifically lost. I can still live and work as I did before I moved out here. My health insurance is going down, my car insurance is going down, I can still eat and drink whatever I want pretty much in moderation. What the hell are you talking about?
    Yes, the debt is high, and yes it is a big deal, but really the establishment, on both sides, does not seem it important to solve the problem. No one has the balls to do anything that would result in a compromise.

    In addition, my whole problem with the chicken little stuff is how you present your argument. It is full of boilerplate, political language, instead of analytical, language that eliminates the charged words that bring nothing to the conversation. Socialist, dictator, evil, end of the word language does nothing to advance the dialogue that will lead to the solutions to the problem.

    What is the solution? Hell is you know, you never get into the wonky, nerdy details. Instead, it is still over the top BS political language that makes you sound illogical and discounts any of your points.

    Why should anyone of significance listen to anything you say? Take out your charged words and you are left with nothing. Empty space.

    The real question for this thread is how is President Romney going to work and get Congress to accept his agenda? How is he going to get the Senate to approve anything he asks for? How?

    If the Senate goes Red, and if the they are close to 60, how do they convince those D's to agree to anything of significance like Obamacare or the debt?
    Will R's compromise on taxes? Will they cut the DOD budget? How so?

    Those are things you need to ask and figure out, instead of the empty language that is routinely put out there.
  • jhay78
    ptown_trojans_1;1215506 wrote:In addition, my whole problem with the chicken little stuff is how you present your argument. It is full of boilerplate, political language, instead of analytical, language that eliminates the charged words that bring nothing to the conversation. Socialist, dictator, evil, end of the word language does nothing to advance the dialogue that will lead to the solutions to the problem.

    What is the solution? Hell is you know, you never get into the wonky, nerdy details. Instead, it is still over the top BS political language that makes you sound illogical and discounts any of your points.

    Why should anyone of significance listen to anything you say? Take out your charged words and you are left with nothing. Empty space.

    The real question for this thread is how is President Romney going to work and get Congress to accept his agenda? How is he going to get the Senate to approve anything he asks for? How?

    If the Senate goes Red, and if the they are close to 60, how do they convince those D's to agree to anything of significance like Obamacare or the debt?
    Will R's compromise on taxes? Will they cut the DOD budget? How so?

    Those are things you need to ask and figure out, instead of the empty language that is routinely put out there.
    I think Quaker's tone echoes how a lot of people who live outside the Beltway feel. They look at the Constitution and the slippery slide of our Republic over the last 80 years and realize it can't go on forever. The irony in your disgust with his tone is that the minute on Republican tries to cut one dime from Medicare or any other domestic entitlement, the left immediately howls and embarks on the usual tantrums. Yet you always chide "both sides" for the over the top language.

    The reality is we can't really have adult conversations anymore about important issues. But pretending the tactics of one side don't exist will solve nothing. We'll get to Romney and his policies later; right now we're playing defense against the those who embrace the "fundamental transformation" of our country.
  • QuakerOats
    ptown_trojans_1;1215506 wrote:Why should anyone of significance listen to anything you say? Take out your charged words and you are left with nothing. Empty space.
    The only thing empty is the U.S. Treasury, and you lost much of your economic freedom because of that and continued deficit spending; you just don't realize it yet, apparently. You've also lost your health care, just haven't felt it yet. We could go on ...
  • Devils Advocate
    Fetus disposal will surely be more efficient.
  • ptown_trojans_1
    QuakerOats;1217042 wrote:The only thing empty is the U.S. Treasury, and you lost much of your economic freedom because of that and continued deficit spending; you just don't realize it yet, apparently. You've also lost your health care, just haven't felt it yet. We could go on ...
    LOL. Ok, so in this post you said what? A one liner, a broad statement with little or no substance to it, another statement about spending with little or no substance, and then a statement saying I've lost my healthcare without any proof or substance to it.

    Debt spending is not going away. There is no magic bullet and since the Congress cannot compromise, it will increase. So, if you really want to keep whinning without bringing substance, go ahead.

    Hell, since the healthcare law was passed the ammount I pay under my company for health insurance with Aetna has gone down. And, they have structured my heathcare to lifestyle changes, so if I maintain a healthy style, I get a lower rate. And, now that the law is codified, that may increase.
    Man, damn, I better enjoy it since my healtcare is going away.....
  • ptown_trojans_1
    jhay78;1215564 wrote:I think Quaker's tone echoes how a lot of people who live outside the Beltway feel. They look at the Constitution and the slippery slide of our Republic over the last 80 years and realize it can't go on forever. The irony in your disgust with his tone is that the minute on Republican tries to cut one dime from Medicare or any other domestic entitlement, the left immediately howls and embarks on the usual tantrums. Yet you always chide "both sides" for the over the top language.

    The reality is we can't really have adult conversations anymore about important issues. But pretending the tactics of one side don't exist will solve nothing. We'll get to Romney and his policies later; right now we're playing defense against the those who embrace the "fundamental transformation" of our country.
    Oh, the liberals are just as bad. I agree. I make no bones about it.

    The last part, yes it is sad we can't have dialogue and discourse. I feel all the noise by all the media, blogs, websites adds nothing and does nothing to solve the problems.

    If we are really, really series, we need to stop the BS, and put forth actual ideas from both sides. It takes both parties and action by Congress, yes action, to lower the debt, fix the tax system, and address the rising costs in healthcare.

    Political rhetoric does nothing but kick cans down the road.
  • QuakerOats
    ptown_trojans_1;1217233 wrote:LOL. Ok, so in this post you said what? A one liner, a broad statement with little or no substance to it, another statement about spending with little or no substance, and then a statement saying I've lost my healthcare without any proof or substance to it.

    Debt spending is not going away. There is no magic bullet and since the Congress cannot compromise, it will increase. So, if you really want to keep whinning without bringing substance, go ahead.

    Hell, since the healthcare law was passed the ammount I pay under my company for health insurance with Aetna has gone down. And, they have structured my heathcare to lifestyle changes, so if I maintain a healthy style, I get a lower rate. And, now that the law is codified, that may increase.
    Man, damn, I better enjoy it since my healtcare is going away.....

    Shall we play connect-the-dots?