
Obama (hint) to create jobs.

  • BGFalcons82
    QuakerOats;887330 wrote:Solved. Let's go drinking!!
    I got the first round after we get our money printed out of thin air. The conversation will go like this:

    What's that, barkeep? $50 for a can of Bud? No, thanks...I'll just have an iced tea for $35.
  • BGFalcons82
    BoatShoes;887014 wrote:The CBO reports that the net effect of job creation when taking into account extended working hours was in that range. I've provided evidence from a respected source suggesting that the Recovery Act has kept unemployment 1.6% points lower than it otherwise would be...that is unemployment would still be above 10% and we'd already be in a double dip recession if we ever even would have left the original contraction.
    Huh. Saved jobs. How do you calculate those? :confused: Is there a survey taken by 310,000,000 Americans that would somehow show us the empirical formula for such a calculation?

    "..1.6% lower than it otherwise would be" Who gets to determine the definition of "would be"? Dealing in hypotheticals is so much fun to do, but it is not scientific, mathematic, realistic, nor 100% predictable. If I remember correctly, the CBO scored ObamaKare as reducing costs over 10 years only because the Obama Admin, Nancy and Harry fed them garbage to score and not the truth. How can we trust anything the CBO says without examining the garbage it was fed?
  • Cleveland Buck
    QuakerOats;887319 wrote:To foster growth you need the ability for capital formation, as capital always flows to where it's treated best. Thus capital has, in many measures, offshored itself to environments of low taxation and low regulation. Given that those two items are antithetic to the obama regime, we have what we have.
    Capital comes from savings that banks can lend. We don't have any savings. Our economic "growth" for the last 20 years has been borrowing money to spend. And when people try to save we just print a bunch of money driving up food and energy prices so they can't save. That and our policies of trying to prop up the failed economy are just forcing people out of work are the reasons we have no savings and no domestic capital. Foreign capital is attracted to strong currencies that aren't going to depreciate in value. We certainly don't have that. The world's appetite for dollars is waning more and more each day. That along with our tax system picking winners and losers and our burdensome regulations are the reason we have no foreign capital.
  • QuakerOats
    Prescott;887324 wrote:Is this an example of stimulus money well spent??
    In 2009, Solyndra secured a $535 million loan guarantee from the U.S. Treasury to produce solar panels. But on August 31, 2011, the company shut its doors and announced its intent to file for bankruptcy.

    The revelation came after President Obama visited the plant in May 2010 and touted it as a shining light for the future of green jobs and a green-energy economy.
    “The promise of clean energy isn’t just an article of faith — not anymore,” Obama said at the time. “The future is here.”
    The future was bankruptcy.

    And now:

    The carnival ride continues ....... change we can believe in ....
  • Altor
    BoatShoes;887273 wrote:I brought up tax receipts as a percentage of GDP because your point about overall increases in tax receipts is of no consequence.

    Taxes are cut. Everybody that pays taxes has more money in their pocket. Businesses use that money to hire more employees and buy more inventory. They sell more product because more people have more money (either because they now have a job, or because they were taxed less). GDP goes up (i.e. wealth is created). Businesses pay a larger amount of money in taxes, even if it is a smaller percentage of their profits. GDP has gone up faster than tax receipts, so the percentage drops. But EVERYBODY...employees, employers, the has more money than they did before taxes were cut.
  • gut
    $400B....pissing into the wind.
  • gut
    He sounds like a fucking used car salesman. "You should pass it right away....You should pass it right now..."....Hurry, this deal won't last!!!! Tell 'em Barry sent ya!

    "If we act now"....Hurry, operators are standing by.
  • gut
    Has this guy been around the country to see all the brand new schools, sitting empty with no teachers or students?
  • Ty Webb
    My take on this speech comes in the form of a letter to Republicans:

    Dear Republicans in Congress,

    You have now offically pissed me the fuck off. It's ON

    President Obama
  • SportsAndLady
    Ty Webb;887940 wrote:My take on this speech comes in the form of a letter to Republicans:

    Dear Republicans in Congress,

    You have now offically pissed me the **** off. It's ON

    President Obama
  • gut
    Well, now the unemployed can just sit back and wait for the job offers to start rolling in.
  • ts1227
    ccrunner609;887915 wrote:where has this assclown been with all this hard rhetoric? About time he acts like a president and less like a whiny little bitch.

    He has plenty of time to fold like a lawn chair like he always does when it comes to any compromise though.
  • tk421
    So, shovel ready jobs 2.0 is what I'm getting from the comments. Yeah, that's not going to work.
  • majorspark
    gut;887887 wrote:He sounds like a fucking used car salesman. "You should pass it right away....You should pass it right now..."....Hurry, this deal won't last!!!! Tell 'em Barry sent ya!

    "If we act now"....Hurry, operators are standing by.
    It needs passed now so the public can find out whats in it.
  • majorspark
    And the tax code just became more of a pain in the ass.
  • Manhattan Buckeye
    Is there a reason why any of this couldn't have been brought up before his MV vacation? It is just more of the same.
  • believer
    tk421;887976 wrote:So, shovel ready jobs 2.0 is what I'm getting from the comments. Yeah, that's not going to work.
    It'll work as well as Porkulus 1. After all, that $800 billion kept unemployment from going above 8% and saved the world from economic collapse. Right?
  • tk421
    Hell, if government spending is the only thing that can bring us back from high unemployment, why not go all in and spend 2 Trillion. Shit, we don't have 400 Billion, why not borrow as much as we can to end this? Come on, Obama. You and your party really believe only the government can save us, grow some balls.
  • BoatShoes
    tk421;888020 wrote:Hell, if government spending is the only thing that can bring us back from high unemployment, why not go all in and spend 2 Trillion. Shit, we don't have 400 Billion, why not borrow as much as we can to end this? Come on, Obama. You and your party really believe only the government can save us, grow some balls.
    Now you're talking.
  • Writerbuckeye
    BoatShoes;888134 wrote:Now you're talking.
    You, like Obama, want to see this country in ruins.

    Got it.
  • tk421
    Obama already tried 800 Billion and unemployment still went over 9%. What exactly is 450 Billion going to accomplish? Nothing.
  • BoatShoes
    Writerbuckeye;888149 wrote:You, like Obama, want to see this country in ruins.

    Got it.
    Lol. And what's even better is that most of this bill, like the Recovery Act, is tax relief...which you claimed earlier in this thread "don't cost money" and which QuakerOats gives credit for increases in tax receipts. You were not opposed to tax relief that was not accompanied by spending cuts in the past...and BHO has offered tax relief and will introduce a bill with offsetting spending cuts, and yet you won't support that. BHO is supporting tax relief and spending cuts and yet you claim he wants to ruin the country. Please explain friend.
  • Cleveland Buck
    tk421;888020 wrote:Hell, if government spending is the only thing that can bring us back from high unemployment, why not go all in and spend 2 Trillion. Shit, we don't have 400 Billion, why not borrow as much as we can to end this? Come on, Obama. You and your party really believe only the government can save us, grow some balls.
    We can't borrow $2 trillion all at once anymore. The Federal Reserve would be the only buyer for those bonds, and that might be the last straw for the dollar.
  • BoatShoes
    tk421;888164 wrote:Obama already tried 800 Billion and unemployment still went over 9%. What exactly is 450 Billion going to accomplish? Nothing.
    I've explained earlier in this thread why unemployment still went over 9%...because that stimulus (a third of which was tax relief so if you're to be consistent, you can't include in the $800 pricetag...making it $500 billion but I digress) amounted to only about 1.5% of GDP whereas the contraction caused by the housing slump and subsequent consumer spending contraction amounted to 6% of GDP.

    You say it accomplished nothing based upon a mere assertion but people lat the FED, treasury, CBO, banks, etc. disagree.