
New Nazis Against Gays

  • queencitybuckeye
    Be gay and STFU. No one cares. Really.
  • GoChiefs
    Manhattan Buckeye;637441 wrote:No you've grown to the point that you've entered into the "no one gives a shit that you're gay" society, and expect more attention.

    I don't care who you sleep with, what you do in your bedroom, how you do it, or when you do it. It doesn't make you special, and you aren't subject to any more hardships in life than the person next to you. They just don't constantly gripe about it and expect everyone to celebrate what you do on your own time.

    That's what it's all about. They think they are owed something.

    Here comes the "No, we just want equal rights!!"
  • LJ
    GoChiefs;637445 wrote:That's what it's all about. They think they are owed something.

    Here comes the "No, we just want equal rights!!"

    I always have to kind of giggle at that argument.... You know, a straight guy can't marry another straight guy. Looks like we have equal rights wouldn't you say?
  • believer
    FairwoodKing;637439 wrote:Over the past five centuries, we gays have been persecuted by Christians (burning at the stake; more recently imprisonment), Muslims (executions), Nazis (concentration camps), communists (the gulag), and just about every other recognizable group. Is it any wonder that we are paranoid? It has only been a few short decades since gays and lesbians had to register with the police in the United States. I think we've grown to the point where we don't trust anybody.
    Spare me the stories. We're ALL persecuted in one form or another. It's part of being human. The key is how one deals with it.

    Frankly I'm tired of hearing about gay persecution. And gay trust issues are your own problem.
  • ernest_t_bass
    Belly35;637012 wrote:Does the Seattle Men's Chorus have dress rehearsals?

    Belly made me belly laugh.
  • ernest_t_bass
    God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve.

  • O-Trap
    FairwoodKing;637439 wrote:Over the past five centuries, we gays have been persecuted by Christians (burning at the stake; more recently imprisonment), Muslims (executions), Nazis (concentration camps), communists (the gulag), and just about every other recognizable group.
    You know, it's funny you mention this, because the PROTESTANTS have been persecuted by the same groups in the same ways (and even more so by the first group, as the "Catholic" church (the only recognized Christian church at the time) was RUTHLESS to some of the early protestants). Difference is, I've not grown accustomed to being scared of Catholics, Muslims, Nazis, or "commies."

    Also, if we're going to use this to define how scared we ought to be, then the Jews ought to be shitting bricks. I'd put my life savings on them being the most persecuted group throughout history ... and that doesn't just include ancient history.
    FairwoodKing;637439 wrote:Is it any wonder that we are paranoid? It has only been a few short decades since gays and lesbians had to register with the police in the United States.
    ... because people thought there was something inherently different about a person who was gay. Now, that is virtually laughable, scientifically, so I don't think there needs to be worry that it will happen again. It wasn't just because people "hated the queers." It was largely because they didn't understand what being gay meant. That can't be culturally unlearned.
    FairwoodKing;637439 wrote:I think we've grown to the point where we don't trust anybody.
    Small pockets of people who still commit crimes against gay people? Sure, I wouldn't trust them either.

    Anybody? That's paranoia.
    queencitybuckeye;637444 wrote:Be gay and STFU. No one cares. Really.
    I lollersk8ed.
    LJ;637446 wrote:I always have to kind of giggle at that argument.... You know, a straight guy can't marry another straight guy. Looks like we have equal rights wouldn't you say?
    By the LETTER of the law (which is ultimately what can be judged and changed), a gay man and a straight man DO have equal rights.

    However, consider this:

    A straight man and a straight woman DON'T have the same rights. I do think that the law prohibiting same sex unions is discriminatory, but it is GENDER discrimination. A woman has the right to marry someone. I don't have the right to marry that same someone. Said woman is granted a right I am not granted ... based on her GENDER.
    ernest_t_bass;637471 wrote:God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve.

    I love that you can laugh at that, ETB. It makes me SMH when people use it and they're serious.

    I don't get how people can't sense that the issue is far more complex than that.
  • ernest_t_bass
    Trap... As a Christ follower, what are you views on homosexuality?
  • FairwoodKing
    You people don't seem to realize that there are a great many young gays and lesbians who commit suicide. Per capita far more gay kids kill themselves than straight kids. There is a recent movement on the part of gay organizations to promote something called "It Gets Better." We are trying to convince gay young people that if they just stick it out for a few years, their lives will significantly improve. I shudder to think of what young gay Mormons are going through. Their lives must be a living hell.

    Someone said I live in an isolated community. No, Seattle is not isolated. My gay life is not isolated, either. Every Monday evening I sing with 250 gay men. We not only promote gay issues but we have given concerts for breast cancer awareness, we have given concerts to raise money to provide vocal music instruction in the Seattle Public Schools, we gave 9/11 memorial performances back in 2001, we are very active with the local Jewish community, and we do all sorts of other things to promote good causes. We are the only musical organization in Seattle that regularly performs in the symphonic hall and the opera house. ABC News did a spot on us a few years ago. We are a lot of things but we are not isolated.
  • ptown_trojans_1
    We know the suicide rates are higher and there does need to be outreach on that. However, I fail to see the direct link to the conservative movement. Most suicides if I am correct, are more local and have to do with more social, and local reactions, and not the larger conservative movement. More focus needs to be going into outreach and local discourse than just blaming the other side so to speak.

    As to an isolated community, most Americans honestly do not care about gays or even the lifestyle. As long as it is not in their face, and infringing on their own lives, they do not care. I actually think that is a huge success for homosexuals. When most of society really does not care, it means you have sort of made it. Now, I agree things are not perfect and issues like civil unions, etc. need explored, but hey, it is pretty good compared to other eras.

    That's it for me for me on this thread.
  • LJ
    FairwoodKing;637508 wrote:You people don't seem to realize that there are a great many young gays and lesbians who commit suicide. Per capita far more gay kids kill themselves than straight kids. There is a recent movement on the part of gay organizations to promote something called "It Gets Better." We are trying to convince gay young people that if they just stick it out for a few years, their lives will significantly improve. I shudder to think of what young gay Mormons are going through. Their lives must be a living hell.

    Someone said I live in an isolated community. No, Seattle is not isolated. My gay life is not isolated, either. Every Monday evening I sing with 250 gay men. We not only promote gay issues but we have given concerts for breast cancer awareness, we have given concerts to raise money to provide vocal music instruction in the Seattle Public Schools, we gave 9/11 memorial performances back in 2001, we are very active with the local Jewish community, and we do all sorts of other things to promote good causes. We are the only musical organization in Seattle that regularly performs in the symphonic hall and the opera house. ABC News did a spot on us a few years ago. We are a lot of things but we are not isolated.

    Sounds like you are a bunch of gays....
  • LJ
    ptown_trojans_1;637520 wrote: As long as it is not in their face, and infringing on their own lives, they do not care. I actually think that is a huge success for homosexuals. When most of society really does not care, it means you have sort of made it. Now, I agree things are not perfect and issues like civil unions, etc. need explored, but hey, it is pretty good compared to other eras.

    It's not just gay lifestyle, it's typically any lifestyle. Problem is so many (not so much gays) DO infringe on people's lives
  • Little Danny
    FairwoodKing;637508 wrote:You people don't seem to realize that there are a great many young gays and lesbians who commit suicide. Per capita far more gay kids kill themselves than straight kids. There is a recent movement on the part of gay organizations to promote something called "It Gets Better." We are trying to convince gay young people that if they just stick it out for a few years, their lives will significantly improve. I shudder to think of what young gay Mormons are going through. Their lives must be a living hell.

    Someone said I live in an isolated community. No, Seattle is not isolated. My gay life is not isolated, either. Every Monday evening I sing with 250 gay men. We not only promote gay issues but we have given concerts for breast cancer awareness, we have given concerts to raise money to provide vocal music instruction in the Seattle Public Schools, we gave 9/11 memorial performances back in 2001, we are very active with the local Jewish community, and we do all sorts of other things to promote good causes. We are the only musical organization in Seattle that regularly performs in the symphonic hall and the opera house. ABC News did a spot on us a few years ago. We are a lot of things but we are not isolated.

    I've been to Seattle. Yes, it is a metropolitan city with a diverse group of people of all races, ethnicities, cultures, religions, etc. However, it is a city far removed from the majority of America culturally and socially. I say that and include places like NYC, Chicago, SF, Boston, LA and DC as well. The rest of Americans, those of us who live in fly over country here in the middle, are a different breed all together than people in those places. Those of in these places are different than you civilized people in those cities, but we are not bumbling idiots filled with hatred either.
  • bigdaddy2003
    I have to laugh at FWK's observation that the gay suicides are one hundred percent due to the conservative movement. I hate to tell you this Fairwood but when I was in high school I remember a young man who came out of the closet that was made fun of by kids of all kinds that I assure you had no clue what it meant to be conservative or liberal.
  • bases_loaded

    What do you have against our species? Religion aside, people like you are setting evolution back. Without reproduction we can not filter out the bad genes. You are an evolutionary roadblock, wtf is your problem with the human race?
  • O-Trap
    ernest_t_bass;637491 wrote:Trap... As a Christ follower, what are you views on homosexuality?
    Quite plainly, I think that homosexual ACTIONS are wrong, but that there is nothing "sinful" about having feelings for people of the same sex. Moreover, I don't think such actions are any worse than any other. To be quite honest, it's one of the few that doesn't harm others, and just like with any other, I think that people who are gay are just as able to be Christians as any other.

    To be perfectly honest, I am EXPONENTIALLY more outraged at people who are hurtful to someone because they are gay. The church was never put on this earth to judge people. To judge whether or not ACTIONS are wrong, according to the Bible? Sure. Never people, though.

    It's no wonder that when God sent prophets in the Old Testament, it was because his OWN people were screwing up.
    FairwoodKing;637508 wrote:You people don't seem to realize that there are a great many young gays and lesbians who commit suicide. Per capita far more gay kids kill themselves than straight kids. There is a recent movement on the part of gay organizations to promote something called "It Gets Better." We are trying to convince gay young people that if they just stick it out for a few years, their lives will significantly improve. I shudder to think of what young gay Mormons are going through. Their lives must be a living hell.
    I'm really glad that such an organization exists. It is a TERRIBLE thing whenever someone feels as though they have no reason left to live, regardless of the reason behind it.

    I am aware of it. It doesn't change any of the facts being discussed, though. These young men and women are not likely doing so because they feel the religious, right-wing Conservatives pressing down on their rights. It's likely because some bully/bullies at school or somewhere else in their lives are causing them torment.
    FairwoodKing;637508 wrote:Someone said I live in an isolated community. No, Seattle is not isolated. My gay life is not isolated, either. Every Monday evening I sing with 250 gay men. We not only promote gay issues but we have given concerts for breast cancer awareness, we have given concerts to raise money to provide vocal music instruction in the Seattle Public Schools, we gave 9/11 memorial performances back in 2001, we are very active with the local Jewish community, and we do all sorts of other things to promote good causes. We are the only musical organization in Seattle that regularly performs in the symphonic hall and the opera house. ABC News did a spot on us a few years ago. We are a lot of things but we are not isolated.
    At the risk of speaking out of place, I don't think that meant that you live in a commune that you never leave. I think it meant more something like maybe you speak as though you are from a different country, and that nobody else knows anything about it. Moreover, it comes across as a very us vs. them kind of thing.

    Gay people are just regular people. Nothing special. Hence, there is no need to treat them with any kind of special treatment. I don't wear my heterosexuality, ethnic background (well, okay, a little on St. David's Day), or gender as a badge. I don't expect any kind of acceptance based just on those things. That's what it means to be regular. The good part of it? Nobody will rip on it. The bad part? Nobody gives a damn about it, and nobody wants to hear about my plight.

    That's what it means to be treated equally. Nobody gives a shit about your life, your struggles, or anything like that, unless you know them personally.
    ptown_trojans_1;637520 wrote:As to an isolated community, most Americans honestly do not care about gays or even the lifestyle. As long as it is not in their face, and infringing on their own lives, they do not care. I actually think that is a huge success for homosexuals. When most of society really does not care, it means you have sort of made it. Now, I agree things are not perfect and issues like civil unions, etc. need explored, but hey, it is pretty good compared to other eras.

    Reminds me of Lewis Black talking about the gay community (Warning: NSFW - Language).

  • gut
    FairwoodKing;635016 wrote: I personally don't see this happening, but the idea does scare me. I just have to wonder how far the tea partiers and the other conservatives will go.

    Wow, from concentration camps to THAT?!? Wow. Absurd question. They've been trying to overturn Roe v Wade for 30+ years and it's never going to happen.
  • gut
    Manhattan Buckeye;637441 wrote:No you've grown to the point that you've entered into the "no one gives a shit that you're gay" society, and expect more attention.

    I don't care who you sleep with, what you do in your bedroom, how you do it, or when you do it. It doesn't make you special, and you aren't subject to any more hardships in life than the person next to you. They just don't constantly gripe about it and expect everyone to celebrate what you do on your own time.
    +eleventy billion....Sounds like a few of these guys need to be careful of what gets stuck in their ear.
  • GoChiefs
    Fairwood, is that you that pops out of the package? :D


  • FairwoodKing
    BRAVO!!! That was from our holiday concerts a couple of years ago. No, I'm not the one who popped out of the box. That's my friend Arnaldo. He performs in some local nightclubs. He is so good as a drag chanteusse that if you walked into the middle of his performance, you would never know he was a man.

    Since we are getting personal about the chorus, here is my pic:

    I'm the blond in the middle. Oddly enough, the older man standing next to me is also from Steubenville. We have a great many members from Ohio.
  • O-Trap
    FairwoodKing;637711 wrote:BRAVO!!! That was from our holiday concerts a couple of years ago. No, I'm not the one who popped out of the box. That's my friend Arnaldo. He performs in some local nightclubs. He is so good as a drag chanteusse that if you walked into the middle of his performance, you would never know he was a man.

    Since we are getting personal about the chorus, here is my pic:

    Cool enough.
    FairwoodKing;637711 wrote:We have a great many members [...]
    Well yeah. You're all guys.
  • dwccrew
    FairwoodKing;637439 wrote:Over the past five centuries, we gays have been persecuted by Christians (burning at the stake; more recently imprisonment), Muslims (executions), Nazis (concentration camps), communists (the gulag), and just about every other recognizable group. Is it any wonder that we are paranoid? It has only been a few short decades since gays and lesbians had to register with the police in the United States. I think we've grown to the point where we don't trust anybody.

    Boo hoo, go whine to a group that hasn't been persecuted. The Jews have been persecuted more than any other group and for thousands of years; you don't see them complaining much or at all.
  • said_aouita
    I doubt it. The Government is realizing more important things to be concerned with then a bunch of fruit cakes.
  • Belly35
    Dam Thespian
  • O-Trap
    Belly35;637847 wrote:Dam Thespian

    "... now starring in ... Fiddler on the Dam!"

    Actually, he is in a choir. Thespians are actors. Still, it made me lol.