
Rally to Restore Sanity

  • I Wear Pants
    He isn't making excuses. He's just saying you cannot compare the two.

    And serving food and it being longer definitely makes a difference. Go to any fair (I work fairs and I can tell you the patrons are mostly Republicans) and tell me there isn't litter. It's because there is food there and people tend to stay for a while. Another huge contributor is that the trash cans tend to get filled up quickly and overflow.

    Does this excuse anyone from littering be it at a fair or at a rally? Nope. But acting like there aren't reasons for it happening is silly. The vast majority of littering at events can be eliminated by placing more trash cans and making sure they are emptied. Easy as that. Yet most places still don't.
  • majorspark
    Are they eating their signs? I saw them all over the place. Food has nothing to do with that. Tell me why they carried them in but could not muster the effort to carry them out. The amount of trash cans has nothing to do with that. Its laziness and disrespect.

    Some of these signs lay at a national memorial to those that sacrificed their lives for this country. I don't understand what is with some of you people. Like I said before if any group that espoused my political Ideology acted in such a disrespectful manner I would not hesitate to call them out. I guess for some of you politics trumps reality.

    Now it is because they were short on trash cans. Well at least they provided enough shitters. With all that food and 6hrs in the DC mall nature calls. I am glad they were able to make it to the shitter before dropping a deuce on the mall or on the WWII memorial.
  • I Wear Pants
    They should have carried the signs. I give no excuses or reasons for that.
  • majorspark
    I Wear Pants;507706 wrote:Go to any fair (I work fairs and I can tell you the patrons are mostly Republicans) and tell me there isn't litter. It's because there is food there and people tend to stay for a while. Another huge contributor is that the trash cans tend to get filled up quickly and overflow.
    I never took you for a carny.

    Also what proof do you have that most people that attend fairs are republican?
  • majorspark
    I Wear Pants;507718 wrote:They should have carried the signs. I give no excuses or reasons for that.

    Lots of signs laying out there my friend.
  • believer
    majorspark;507698 wrote:And the lack of respect for the WWII memorial is despicable. Those extra couple of hours I guess were just to hard. Those paper signs were just too heavy to carry back. And hey they were serving chow. Too much of a sacrifice for them to dispose of their trash responsibly. Just chuck the trash on the memorial to those who sacrificed their lives for their country. Disgusting.

    Personally Ptown I don't understand why you want to make excuses for these people. What they did was wrong and disrespectful. I can't say for sure it reflects the character of those that espouse a certain political ideology. I would like to think not. But one has to wonder. Actions speak louder than words.

    If any group that espouses my political ideology holds a rally in DC and trashes and disrespects public grounds in this manner I will be the first to condemn them and make no excuse for such behavior. I don't care if they were there for 24 hours and were fed like kings. No one is forced to be there they can come and go as they please.
  • ptown_trojans_1
    majorspark;507698 wrote:As for the number of people being 4x is there a link to prove this? Not that it really matters. People dropping their shit on the ground where they stand is no excuse. No matter the numbers.

    So since this event lasted a couple of more hours people just can't hold their trash for those extra hours. Please...

    Food and drinks were served. So what. Does that absolve their personal responsibility and respect of public property? Were they eating their signs? I saw a lot of signs laying on the ground in the video.

    And the lack of respect for the WWII memorial is despicable. Those extra couple of hours I guess were just to hard. Those paper signs were just too heavy to carry back. And hey they were serving chow. Too much of a sacrifice for them to dispose of their trash responsibly. Just chuck the trash on the memorial to those who sacrificed their lives for their country. Disgusting.

    Personally Ptown I don't understand why you want to make excuses for these people. What they did was wrong and disrespectful. I can't say for sure it reflects the character of those that espouse a certain political ideology. I would like to think not. But one has to wonder. Actions speak louder than words.

    If any group that espouses my political ideology holds a rally in DC and trashes and disrespects public grounds in this manner I will be the first to condemn them and make no excuse for such behavior. I don't care if they were there for 24 hours and were fed like kings. No one is forced to be there they can come and go as they please.

    Yeah, just my estimate on the size of the crowds, considering it was from the Capital all the way to the Washington Monument, while the other was just from the Reflecting pool to the Lincoln. I'm not making excuses, just saying that the two are completely different and you cannot compare the two. You cannot make the blanket statement "Oh, look at those trashy liberals." You have to take fully everything into consideration.

    Yes, there was food, and there were poor trash cans, and lack of trash cans. The Park Authority got ripped by the Washington Post for this actually. It was sad and not excusable, but is totally understandable when you consider food, drinks, cold, papers to read to kill time, lack of trash cans and 5+ hours of waiting.

    I was also there for the inauguration and can tell you of the massive amounts of people and lack of trash areas.
  • captain_obvious
    They are called pockets. You can actually crumple up wrappers and put them in the pockets. Another brand new invention... bags. They come in all kind of varieties. Some you carry and some you can actually put over your shoulder; those type seem to be catching on so much that they even have a name... a backpack.
  • BGFalcons82
    ptown_trojans_1;507654 wrote:Iunno, maybe the fact that there were 4x times as many people as the other rally and the fact that food and drinks were being served. Or, how about the event was 5+ hours while the other was just 2-3.

    Wait a minute.....I want to make sure I'm reading this right. Are you writing that there were 4 times as many people at the 10-2-10 rally as compared to Beck's 8-28 gathering?
  • ptown_trojans_1
    BGFalcons82;507793 wrote:Wait a minute.....I want to make sure I'm reading this right. Are you writing that there were 4 times as many people at the 10-2-10 rally as compared to Beck's 8-28 gathering?

    Oh, hell no. I am talking about the Obama inauguration. I honestly don;t care about the 10-2-10 nor did I know anything about it.

    That said, people still should have taken personal responsibility, but the two were completely different,
  • BGFalcons82
    ptown_trojans_1;507795 wrote:Oh, hell no. I am talking about the Obama inauguration. I honestly don;t care about the 10-2-10 nor did I know anything about it.

    That said, people still should have taken personal responsibility, but the two were completely different,

    OK, glad to clear that up.

    I see in an earlier post where someone is blaming the Park Police for the lack of trash cans. Sorry...not buying that BS. If you put on an event....that is plan it, send out invites, arrange travel, set the program, etc., then part of the planning is logistical. You have to plan ahead for people using the toilets, providing water so people don't pass out all over the place, and trash clean up. It's part of the deal. If these people can't plan a small event like this, how am I given any confidence that they know how to plan health care, energy needs, and running a car company or two?
  • CenterBHSFan

    If these people can't plan a small event like this, how am I given any confidence that they know how to plan health care, energy needs, and running a car company or two?

    You don't.

    LOL, seriously, not exactly the same thing. I get what you're saying, though.
  • I Wear Pants
    majorspark;507719 wrote:I never took you for a carny.

    Also what proof do you have that most people that attend fairs are republican?
    I've just been to a lot of them. No proof. They tend to be more rural affairs and attract a particular type of crowd. This crowd I've found is usually pretty conservative. Not always and not everyone but I would be shocked to find a fair that I felt was populated by even close to the amount of liberal people as conservative.
  • CenterBHSFan
    More conservatives frequent county fairs.

    More liberals go to "festivals".
  • I Wear Pants
    CenterBHSFan;508278 wrote:More conservatives frequent county fairs.

    More liberals go to "festivals".
    Meh, depends on what kind of festival we're talking about. Some music festival like Bonnaroo or something? I'll agree. Something like the Ohio Swiss Cheese Festival that I just worked I'd disagree.

    I was just using it as an example that one political party or ideal doesn't have a stranglehold on the littering douchebag industry. Everyone does it and it's sad.
  • majorspark
    I Wear Pants;508411 wrote:Meh, depends on what kind of festival we're talking about. Some music festival like Bonnaroo or something? I'll agree. Something like the Ohio Swiss Cheese Festival that I just worked I'd disagree.

    I live just outside Sugarcreek. Yes most of the local people around here hold conservative political views. There are a good number of people that come to this event from large cities in Ohio.
  • CenterBHSFan
    I was just being whimsical about the fair/festival thingie lol
  • I Wear Pants
    There always are. It's just when you stand there from 10 or 11 in the morning until about 11 at night you get a pretty good gauge on the people that are at an event. I haven't worked one fair or festival where there was even close to as many liberal people around.

    This has nothing to do with their littering or not littering. Just an anecdote I brought up. Can't even remember why. But at any even when the trash cans fill up the litter gets dropped on the ground.

    I was too. Was mostly a "I noticed this when being a carney for the summer" thing.
  • cbus4life
    Was held today, seems like it was a tremendous success.

    Great closing speech from Stewart.

    From what i've seen and heard, just a really positive event, well-attended and well-executed. Very pleased that it was a success.
  • I Wear Pants
    "There are terrorists and racists and Stalinists and theocrats, but those are titles that must be earned," Stewart said. "You must have the resume. Not being able to distinguish between real racists and tea partiers, or real bigots and Juan Williams or Rick Sanchez is an insult, not only to those people, but to the racists themselves, who have put in the exhausting effort it takes to hate -- just as the inability to distinguish terrorists from Muslims makes us less safe, not more."
  • cbus4life
    I can't control what people think this was. I can only tell you my intentions. This was not a rally to ridicule people of faith. Or people of activism or to look down our noses at the heartland or passionate argument or to suggest that times are not difficult and that we have nothing to fear. They are and we do. But we live now in hard times, not end times. And we can have animus and not be enemies.

    Unfortunately, one of our main tools in delineating the two broke. The country's 24-hour politico pundit panic conflict-onator did not cause our problems, but its existence makes solving them that much harder. The press can hold its magnifying glass up to our problems and illuminate problems heretofore unseen, or it can use its magnifying glass to light ants on fire, and then perhaps host a week of shows on the sudden, unexpected dangerous-flaming-ant epidemic. If we amplify everything, we hear nothing.

    Seems like a darn good message to send.
  • Dover
    Under the headline "Politics is central at Stewart Rally" Fox has posted the following article.

  • ptown_trojans_1
    I didn't go to yesterday, was helping a friend move (she got a 30 days notice to move by her landlord, sucked)

    But, I did have some friends go and said it was packed, but fun. They went down, didn't see anything, heard a little from Colbert and Stewart and some music. But, it was so crowded they left, went to Chinatown to a bar and watched the rest of the event with other people.

    I'm hearing nothing but positive things though from many of my friends who went. So, I guess it was a success.
  • Automatik
  • believer
    ptown_trojans_1;539620 wrote:I guess it was a success.
    I hope to say the same thing Wednesday morning.