
Sarah Palin Megathread

  • Belly35
    How much of factor will Sarah Palin be if any in the 2012 Presidential Electons?
  • killdeer
    she may pave the way for another neo-Reagan conservative to find a way into the fray by moving discussion back to the right...however, I don't see Palin herself as a factor. As a Republican, and fiscal conservative, I find her to be a joke and probably becoming a parody of herself.
  • fish82
    Way too early to even predict if she can sniff the nomination. She'll be a bigtime factor though.
  • Mr. 300
  • ptown_trojans_1
    I have no idea. But, I would not be surprised if she ran.
  • derek bomar
    No way, unless Republicans have an affinity for BroBama
  • Con_Alma
    A factor? Yes. A canidate? No.
  • Cleveland Buck
    The media won't allow it.
  • cbus4life
    She won't be a candidate, but she'll be all over the place, regardless.
  • Prescott
    She is making too much money and annoying too many liberals to run for any office.I find it amusing that the liberals in the media have been analyzing her book the past few days and berating her and smirking while they do it. She sure gets under their skin.
  • Belly35
    This is only a what if:
    What if Obama would take Hillary as a VP 2012
    (Not sure she would take it, she may just go for the Office of President again because of the Obama failures but at another topic) would the GOP take Sarah as VP to counter that position?
  • cbus4life
    Well, it would all depend on whether they think she would hurt or strengthen the ticket.

    Fair or not, i don't think she did much for the McCain campaign, though some might disagree.

    I could see it happening, though.
  • Prescott
    Fair or not, i don't think she did much for the McCain campaign, though some might disagree
    The Republican ticket was not going to win that election no matter who ran.
  • Hesston
    no, not credible enough
  • cbus4life
    Prescott wrote:
    Fair or not, i don't think she did much for the McCain campaign, though some might disagree
    The Republican ticket was not going to win that election no matter who ran.
    Probably right.
  • Nate
    The Republicans need a worthy candidate to even win the next election. Palin is a joke. McCain was a joke. I'm not big in politics but there hasn't been a candidate worth a crap in a long, long time.
  • Tinkertrain
    Total non-factor as a canidate, Sarah Palin is the worst thing that has happened to the republican party in a very long time. She may very well drive a wedge between moderate and conservative's and if they wedge exsists the R's will not be able to unseat Obama no matter what he does.

    If I were calling the shot's for the republican national commitee i'd make it bluntly clear to Sarah that she is to shut the hell up and stay in Alaska.
  • CenterBHSFan
    I like Sarah Palin and would vote for her. She's got just as much experience as Obama did/has, and has actually accomplished things. Before Obama was elected as President, what exactly did he accomplish for his resume? (voting "present" and campaigning doesn't count)
  • Strapping Young Lad
    Let's hope not!!!!!!! Remember this is the same old Sarah that would've liked to have BOOKS REMOVED FROM THE LIBRARY B/C SHE THOUGHT THEIR CONTENT MAY NOT BE COMPATIBLE WITH HER CONSERVATIVE RELIGIOUS BELIEFS!!!!!!!

    that is NOT the kind of religious whack job that I want as my president.....
  • bigdaddy2003
    I don't think she is a joke but I also don't know if she will be a candidate. I would vote for her because I think she relates to everyday people much more than any other person in the position. Oh and I like a lot of her policy positions.
  • Swamp Fox
    I know that this has been said before, but if I were the chief Democratic strategist in the campaign of 2012, I would personally offer Palin money to run for President. And yes, she is driving a huge wedge between the moderates and conservatives in the Republican Party and making it virtually impossible to elect any Republican in 2012. The Republican Campaign committee needs to make sure that Sarah takes a long vacation from the second week of October until the new year and does not surface anywhere until all the campaigning and voting is over. Otherwise, the Republicans are dead in the water. They may be anyway.
  • Cleveland Buck
    This country will be in such financial ruin by then that it doesn't even matter.
  • bigdaddy2003
    The Republicans are fighting amongst each other but so are the Dems. It doesn't make much difference who the Repubs pick but Obama won't be re-elected.
  • fish82
    Strapping Young Lad wrote: Let's hope not!!!!!!! Remember this is the same old Sarah that would've liked to have BOOKS REMOVED FROM THE LIBRARY B/C SHE THOUGHT THEIR CONTENT MAY NOT BE COMPATIBLE WITH HER CONSERVATIVE RELIGIOUS BELIEFS!!!!!!!

    that is NOT the kind of religious whack job that I want as my president.....
    You do know that's complete bullshit, right? You people amaze me sometimes.
  • fish82
    Swamp Fox wrote: I know that this has been said before, but if I were the chief Democratic strategist in the campaign of 2012, I would personally offer Palin money to run for President. And yes, she is driving a huge wedge between the moderates and conservatives in the Republican Party and making it virtually impossible to elect any Republican in 2012. The Republican Campaign committee needs to make sure that Sarah takes a long vacation from the second week of October until the new year and does not surface anywhere until all the campaigning and voting is over. Otherwise, the Republicans are dead in the water. They may be anyway.
    The polls say otherwise. At this rate, the GOP could nominate a circus chimp in '12 and get to 270.