
Kent State Student Death …….call it what it is?

  • Belly35
    Hate Crime or Not?
    Your opinion?

    Call me a racst if you wish but what good for the goose is good for the gander......
    Hate crimes runs both my book
  • Sage
    Unless they singled him out because he was white and beat him for it, then it is not a hate crime.

    Hate Crimes, by definition, can cut both ways. I'll tell you what this was though:

    Dudes talking smack to the wrong guys, and those said wrong guys taking a beat down too far.

    Bad decision, but not a hate crime. Lol.
  • devil1197
    There are a ton of assaults and murders that are white on black and vice versa. Does that mean they are hate crimes? Nope.

    Hate crimes do run both ways, but nowhere in the article is there any evidence of racial motivations or slurs being thrown around.
  • majorspark
    Anyone who commits unprovoked violent acts on another human being is guilty of a hate crime.
  • Sage
    That could be argued as well.
  • SQ_Crazies
    What happened was they almost got run over, yelled to the guy to watch where he was going...that's talking smack? He deserved to die? This is the 2nd thread where you've said things along these lines And you're laughing about it.

    It is absolutely a hate crime because there was no other reason for it. If the races were reversed it would be considered a hate crime whether anyone wants to admit it or not--that's the truth. You know it, and I know it. I'm not racist, that's just how things are.
  • iclfan2
    The entire hate crime legislation is a joke. A crime is a crime. Who cares what provokes it.
  • majorspark
    iclfan2 wrote: The entire hate crime legislation is a joke. A crime is a crime. Who cares what provokes it.
    Thats what I was saying when I said all unprovoked (not self defense) violence against another human being is a hate crime. All violence other than self defense is motivated by some form of hate against the victim. Jealousy, greed, racism, vengence, etc...
  • Sage
    ccrunner609 wrote: Saw this article a few days ago and to be honest, wasnt surprised they were black. Had to keep it real.
    Ah, the things people say when cloaked in anonymity.
  • LJ
    ccrunner609 wrote: Saw this article a few days ago and to be honest, wasnt surprised they were black. Had to keep it real.
    I'm just telling you right now, that is an extremely borderline comment... on ANY of the forums here.
  • slide22
    LJ wrote:
    ccrunner609 wrote: Saw this article a few days ago and to be honest, wasnt surprised they were black. Had to keep it real.
    I'm just telling you right now, that is an extremely borderline comment... on ANY of the forums here.
    Honestly I don't think its that bad.. he never said he hates black people or anything.
  • Society
    LJ wrote:
    ccrunner609 wrote: Saw this article a few days ago and to be honest, wasnt surprised they were black. Had to keep it real.
    I'm just telling you right now, that is an extremely borderline comment... on ANY of the forums here.
    Oh please. I have read much worse on other forums on this site. Only because race was brought into it you automatically consider it to be a borderline comment. Let's keep it real.
  • RoyalNut
    majorspark wrote: Anyone who commits unprovoked violent acts on another human being is guilty of a hate crime.
    another prime example of why concealed carry is a good thing!
  • RoyalNut
    SQ_Crazies wrote: What happened was they almost got run over, yelled to the guy to watch where he was going...that's talking smack? He deserved to die? This is the 2nd thread where you've said things along these lines And you're laughing about it.

    It is absolutely a hate crime because there was no other reason for it. If the races were reversed it would be considered a hate crime whether anyone wants to admit it or not--that's the truth. You know it, and I know it. I'm not racist, that's just how things are.
    I'm starting to like you. A spade is a spade is it not my friend?
    And it is just how things are.

    And any way you cut this one. It was a senseless tragedy. One life taken, two ruined and wasted. Pretty much a clean sweep.
  • MrTrackMski
    Why does hate have to be a crime? Why a law for such a thing?
    Don't I have the right to believe whatever I want? How do my personal beliefs become a crime? My thoughts are my thoughts unless society/government wants to control what I "THINK" or "BELIEVE".

    I have problems with the term "hate crimes" because that then gets into my personal beliefs...and I do HATE a number of things in this world. Some are really STUPID, but I am entitled to HATE those things.

    How does my hatred hurt anyone? It is inside me. And of course, some people may not know that I hate their "attitudes, opinions, etc.). I can NOT hate the person (that is another topic).
    The challange I face is what I do with my hate.
    I do hate mushrooms. A PERSONAL STUPID thing. I admit. I could take a sledge hammer to a mushroom laden pizza if one was put in front of me. VIOLENCE on the mushroom. I don't think that is a crime...unless it is YOUR PIZZA. Destroying some one else property.

    Trivial points I am sure to countless people on here.
    POINT: Thoughts are one thing. Putting one's thoughts into action: that is a different thing.
    Controlling one's thoughts so that they do not break the law, etc is the challange one faces in this world. I want to smack people who live in OHIO who wear the wrong color of clothing. My feelings are NOT a crime. If I proceed to put those feelings into action, then I may have violated a law and I SHOULD be punished for the ACTION not the feeling.

    If a person commits murder and is eligible for the death penalty ,,, what more do you want? Have the person serve extra time because he/she hated that person? Bring them back from the grave? Extra years before the execution?

    Do not get me wrong: if you do the crime, you had better have the time and/or money. PUNISH them to the fullest extend of the law. But to use the term "hate crime" and to make "hate a crime"....I do not buy that.

    The term "hate crimes" is another example of PC (Petty Crap) taking over the THOUGH PROCESS of this country... IMHO.
  • CenterBHSFan
    MrTrack, you make quite a case here, I find myself agreeing with you.
    Imagine that! lol
  • RedRider1
    Another example of nothing good happening after 2am. Sad.
  • ernest_t_bass
    Reverse racism
  • SQ_Crazies
    ernest_t_bass wrote: Reverse racism
    The funny thing is, you're right and it's stupid that it's looked at that way because it's the same thing. I'm sick of the talk about racism because it's like it only goes one way. I have nothing against black people or any other race of people until they give me a reason to (same with white people) but some of the biggest racists I've ever seen in my life are black (Sharpton, Jackson). It's a two way street and the majority of people have been brainwashed to associate racism with whites hating on blacks. Look, I know the history of it but that's just it--history is history. I didn't own slaves, neither did my parents or my grandparents and after that they were all European. I'm not trying to piss anyone off by saying this but from my view racism is mainly fueled by black people these days. It's like, if you're white, you don't really have a race or something...
  • Al Capone
    If the roles would be reserved in this crime,Sharpton and Jackson would be marching through the streets. Plus be plastered on every tv station.
  • ernest_t_bass
  • derek bomar
    Sage wrote: Unless they singled him out because he was white and beat him for it, then it is not a hate crime.

    Hate Crimes, by definition, can cut both ways. I'll tell you what this was though:

    Dudes talking smack to the wrong guys, and those said wrong guys taking a beat down too far.

    Bad decision, but not a hate crime. Lol.
  • Sage
    "Reverse racism" is hilarious. There is no such thing. It's simply just racism.

    Some of you folks on here have pretty interesting views when it comes to White people in this country. When was the last time you said, "You know, being white---it really went against me here." Never. So please, just shut the hell up.
  • ernest_t_bass
    Sage, we don't say that... we say "Hmm, I guess I was not the most qualified person."

    You are absolutely right... we DON'T say... "They didn't hire me b/c I'm white! I'm calling Don Imus!"
  • devil1197
    Al Capone wrote: If the roles would be reserved in this crime,Sharpton and Jackson would be marching through the streets. Plus be plastered on every tv station.
    And thats not because its a HATE Crime. Its because those two guys are attention hungry idiots trying to turn a random violent act into a racial issue.

    Until there is evidence that this crime was racially motivated, its just a horrible crime.