
Dems hid damning health care report until after vote

  • Writerbuckeye
    Seriously, these folks should all be brought up on charges for this kind of nonsense.

    And where is the media on all this? This should be the lead story on every news outlet in the country -- because, by God, if the Republicans had pulled a stunt like this, you know damn well it would have been.

    More change we can believe in, I guess.
  • BoatShoes
    Well the story broke a couple of days ago and I saw it on ABC news fwiw. I just looked at a couple of news sites, including and it is no longer on the front page. Are you suggesting that it still should be on the front page? If that's true, even Fox News is guilty and they are the answer to the left wing media, no? "Iporn" is among the tops on the agenda for them today.
  • CenterBHSFan
    The results from the report were troubling. The report released by Medicare and Medicaid actuaries shows that medical costs will skyrocket rising $389 billion 10 years. 14 million will lose their employer-based coverage. Millions of Americans will be left without insurance. And, millions more may be dumped into the already overwhelmed Medicaid system. 4 million American families will be hit with tax penalties under this new law.
    Anybody who actually took the time to think about this "reform" bill and thought about what woud happen after it had started moving the wheels, will not be suprised or shocked about this at all.

    The people who still support this bill probably haven't done that......yet.
    I say yet because I think that within the next couple of years they will when there is no avoiding it.

    But, it's too late now.
  • CenterBHSFan
    BoatShoes wrote: Well the story broke a couple of days ago and I saw it on ABC news fwiw. I just looked at a couple of news sites, including and it is no longer on the front page. Are you suggesting that it still should be on the front page? If that's true, even Fox News is guilty and they are the answer to the left wing media, no? "Iporn" is among the tops on the agenda for them today.
    BS, I'm curious as to what you think about the report, are you suprised or disappointed?
  • Writerbuckeye
    BoatShoes wrote: Well the story broke a couple of days ago and I saw it on ABC news fwiw. I just looked at a couple of news sites, including and it is no longer on the front page. Are you suggesting that it still should be on the front page? If that's true, even Fox News is guilty and they are the answer to the left wing media, no? "Iporn" is among the tops on the agenda for them today.
    The fact that this was deliberately held back is not several days old (at least not the details about it) although the report itself was in the news several days ago.

    I'm telling you if this stunt had been pulled by a Republican administration it would be news for DAYS if not longer. The media wouldn't let it go until someone's head was placed under an ax.

    That's the difference.
  • BoatShoes
    CenterBHSFan wrote:
    BoatShoes wrote: Well the story broke a couple of days ago and I saw it on ABC news fwiw. I just looked at a couple of news sites, including and it is no longer on the front page. Are you suggesting that it still should be on the front page? If that's true, even Fox News is guilty and they are the answer to the left wing media, no? "Iporn" is among the tops on the agenda for them today.
    BS, I'm curious as to what you think about the report, are you suprised or disappointed?
    It's not so much the report itself but that it was apparently held back because of it's ominous estimates. And, the second most disconcerting thing for me is that the HHS and the CBO reports, though conflicting, are only two major reports that I've seen cited. We're talking about major legislation here. Why are there not 10 or 20 reports done by agencies with reputable actuaries and economists so the people can have a mutual fund of sorts in regards to reports about the estimated costs of federal legislation.
  • Writerbuckeye
    Here's something posted about a half hour ago on this issue via Hot Air...
  • CenterBHSFan
    BoatShoes wrote: It's not so much the report itself but that it was apparently held back because of it's ominous estimates. And, the second most disconcerting thing for me is that the HHS and the CBO reports, though conflicting, are only two major reports that I've seen cited. We're talking about major legislation here. Why are there not 10 or 20 reports done by agencies with reputable actuaries and economists so the people can have a mutual fund of sorts in regards to reports about the estimated costs of federal legislation.
    Good points.

    I have no idea why there aren't that many other available reports to help with judgement. If I had to guess, I would say it would be because if you get too many agencies making these reports, that a larger suspicion of "special interest" resides.

    On a side note:

    Is there anybody who previously was all for this legislation that is now having second thoughts or buyers remorse?

    I can't answer this question myself, as I've been against it from the get-go. But I have to think that there's alot of people out there now who are getting some disturbing thoughts. Such as wondering if ideology is really that much more important than feasability.
  • fish82
    Sounds like it's time to find out what Bam knew, and when he knew it.
  • BoatShoes
    Even if BHO knew, they'll do anything they can to pin it on Sebelius and she'll be the sacrificial lamb in order to preserve the health care "victory"
  • 2quik4u
    this is fucking bullshit, everyone of these mothafuckers better get voted out
  • Writerbuckeye
    BoatShoes wrote: Even if BHO knew, they'll do anything they can to pin it on Sebelius and she'll be the sacrificial lamb in order to preserve the health care "victory"
    Just who is it you think is going to hold anyone's feet to the fire?

    We no longer have a media that will push this to the point that somebody gets the ax -- and they (media) sure as hell won't hold Obama responsible. They have to cover for the guy because they went "all in" to get him elected.
  • Belly35
    I'm proud to say I take no ownership to this Administration.
    Time we all start marching to Washington and put an end to this .....
    Thsi is not the American I want my kids and their kids to have to live with....

    Call your comgressman now and demand a he or she to denounce the Healthcare Bill in public and stop any and all aspect of the Bill now............

    Tomorrow I will be in the office of my Congressman .....
  • Shane Falco
    I'm SHOCKED!

    I just can't hardly believe it! :D
  • jhay78
    Add this to the list of everything else these clowns did to get their bill through.

    Seriously, what party, with the Presidency, a 40-vote advantage in the House, and a majority in the Senate, has to resort to this type of crap to get a bill through?
  • QuakerOats
    It is rotten enough that they rammed through the most disastrous piece of garbage legislation ever enacted. To hide reports and factual data is simply CRIMINAL!
  • majorspark
    You people need not worry. If the reports predictions come to fruition, the federal government will be ready to step in and solve the problem with a host of new laws, regulations, and taxes. After all those uncompassionate right wingers kept them from getting real change through.
  • Shane Falco
    Not too many coming to the defense here!



    Hello?..... Hello?..

  • BoatShoes
    majorspark wrote: You people need not worry. If the reports predictions come to fruition, the federal government will be ready to step in and solve the problem with a host of new laws, regulations, and taxes. After all those uncompassionate right wingers kept them from getting real change through.
    Well, what if the CBO's predictions come to fruition? :D
  • derek bomar
    so...we're supposed to be shocked at a report saying medicare and medicaid expense is going to increase in the future? ummk
  • tk421
    I can't say I'm surprised. This administration is quickly turning into the most corrupt of my lifetime. Too bad no one will ever care because the media has given up its role as the watchdog of the political arena for the public. Had this been Bush or another Republican administration, the media wouldn't give up until they were out of office. I can't stand the Republican party as it is today, but I will absolutely never vote for a Democrat. This crap is pathetic.
  • majorspark
    derek bomar wrote: so...we're supposed to be shocked at a report saying medicare and medicaid expense is going to increase in the future? ummk
    I for one am not shocked. In fact the reports findings are likely conservative.
  • Cleveland Buck
    BoatShoes wrote: Well, what if the CBO's predictions come to fruition? :D
    Has it ever come to fruition before? Then I guess we don't have to worry about that.
  • ptown_trojans_1
    Most corrupt in history? Worst administration in history? Come on guys.

    Obama is not sitting in the office right now scheming up ways to destroy this country and laughing his ass off in a devilish grin. This administration is not corrupt. Or at least not as corrupt as the previous 5 administrations (Nixon Watergate, Reagan Iran/Contra, Clinton Lewinsky/ NSC corruption w/ Berger).
    Not to mention all the shady President's during the 19th century, which people seem to always forget, or how about Teapot Dome?

    The right wing is just like the left wing, in that it is finding every little thing, blowing it way out of proportion and claiming this administration will destroy us all. We heard the same thing during the Bush years from 02-08.

    As to truth in DC, I'd say there is actually some good stuff that comes out of this city, in think tanks, NGOs, the State Department, Defense, and yes even some Congressional Committees. The hatred DC is so thick, rightfully so in some aspects, but the city is not full of corrupt, evil people that just want to suck all the money away from you. That is just a gross misrepresentation of the complexities that are going on here.

    Am I surprised by the report, no. Do I think it was purposely held to impact votes, no. Reports are usually held up for various reasons such as institutional squabbling over recommendations. Remember, the administration's Nuclear Posture Review took 4 months longer due to internal debate and discussion. Yet, people think that the administration is evil, just like people thought Bush was evil. It is funny how the script has flipped.
  • Cleveland Buck
    They don't scheme ways to suck all of the money away from us, they scheme ways to keep money flowing into their pockets. It makes no difference to them if it comes from corporate monopolies or from taxpayers who are none the wiser. This administration is no more corrupt than any others. They are exactly the same. Of course, they campaigned on the idea that they weren't the same, but the people who bought that load and voted for him anyway are to blame as much as anyone.