Most Hated Team(s)

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Commander of Awesome

Senior Pwner

Sun, Jun 9, 2019 3:23 PM

Sitting here on Sunday before Monday's NBA game 5 between the Raps and GSW. I'm by no means a Raptors fan, but I really want them to beat the GSW. Got me thinking about other teams I fucking hated.


Baltimore Ravens

No team will top this shitty organization. I hate them with a passion. Fuck Art Modell, he's a giant POS. Fuck Ray Lewis, he's a giant POS.

Pittsburgh Steelers

Ben Rapistfucker, giant sack of shit. James Harrison, HUGE sack of shit. Never got fined for helmet to helmet hits which always pissed me off.  Hines Ward, cheap shot POS. This team consistently has cheating POS on it, going back to the roid eras. Fans never acknowledge it, and continue to buy their daughters a rapist jersey.

04 Red Sox

Again, a team full of cheaters. No respect from me. Don't care if the rest of baseball did too, this team was obnoxious. LOL at the media buying up the bloody sock game.

'15-Current GSW

Just a bunch of front running bitch boys. Having been in the bay area since 2012, I actually used to enjoy watching them. I could go to games for under $20. Now the shittiest ticket is over $100 and they're leaving Oakland for SF. What a way to treat loyal fans who followed this shitty organization for decades. Draymond Green might be the most unlikable person in sports today. Remember when he was consistently kicking dudes in the dick? What a POS. Curry, dude is one of the worst defenders in the NBA and everyone acts like he is god's gift to basketball. "SUCH A NICE GUY OMG HE GOES TO CHURCH!!!1111" How about fuck him? Remember when he assaulted a fan with his mouth guard bc a foul call didn't go his way? I can see through his BS. KD...just lol. I actually almost feel bad for him bc he's such a pussy.

09 Magic

Cheaters (steroids) and just happened to have the best 3 pt shooting series in NBA history. Pissed me off, Cavs were a better team.

Roger Goodell

Not a team, but fuck him too. Too many reasons to list.

Ok, let's hear your most hated team(s). Could be during a series, total organization, a specific yr, etc... Hell, I'll even let the Nascar and tennis fans weigh in.


Senior Member

Sun, Jun 9, 2019 7:04 PM

I tend to decide who I hate most based on my interactions with their fan base....Just fucking obnoxious

USC football

alabama football

kentucky basketball

pittsburgh steelers

detroit red wings 


Senior Member

Sun, Jun 9, 2019 7:23 PM

Mine is a tie for first: Steelers and Yankees


Honorable Admin

Sun, Jun 9, 2019 8:44 PM

Cardinals (MLB)



Sun, Jun 9, 2019 8:58 PM

Can’t say I hate but current GSW I can never  ever root for.


i have an illogical dislike of ND football...same with every team Patrick Ewing played on, nothing against him but didn’t like Gtown or 90’s Knicks


Typically it’s a hater player or players that get me rooting against when I do.

Roger Clemens.




Sun, Jun 9, 2019 9:09 PM

Maybe it’s recency bias, or that it’s been 5 years now. But I can’t think of a single team I’ve hated more than GSW. And yes, lots of it is because it came at the expense of the Cavs, but I’d say at least half is because of how fake they are. Yet nobody seems to fucking notice, outside of a few talking heads. 

I’d have to think on the rest, as usually I hate them because of their fans. But nobody comes close to this GSW team.


paying it forward

Sun, Jun 9, 2019 9:43 PM

any team from that state north of Ohio 


Senior Member

Sun, Jun 9, 2019 10:00 PM
posted by Laley23

I’d have to think on the rest, as usually I hate them because of their fans. But nobody comes close to this GSW team.

1.  “as usually I hate them because of their fans”.  Yes: Steeler fans front runners not from there. Wearing their Steeler gear around where I live. (Cueing BR). 

2. Yankee fans living around where I live. Witness: tonight’s game.... numerous cheers on anything Yankee. 

3.  I’m not a big fan of NBA, and I don’t like Lebron much.....yet he DID deliver a championship to a starved area. That being said, I despise the GSW. Punks. Except Durant....he’s just lost.  


Senior Member

Sun, Jun 9, 2019 10:04 PM
posted by vball10set

any team from that state north of Ohio 

This, too. 

How do you get to Michigan (from Ohio)?

Go north til you smell it and then west til you step in it. ;-)


Senior Member

Sun, Jun 9, 2019 10:17 PM




Duke basketball






Senior Member

Mon, Jun 10, 2019 8:48 AM

Steelers/Ravens/Colts- NFL

NBA- Warriors

MLB- White Sox (Ozzie Guillen was such a bitch)


1st Team All-PWN

Mon, Jun 10, 2019 9:47 AM

My list is pretty much COA's list, except I would add 08 Boston.  I never thought I could hate a team or franchise more than that team.  GSW proved me wrong.  I could write a post longer than COA's post solely on GSW.  It is going to take A LOT to top my hatred for them. 


Commander of Awesome

Senior Pwner

Mon, Jun 10, 2019 12:38 PM

Bit surprised no one has mentioned the LBJ Heat teams. Hated them too and was soooo happy when Dirk bested them in the first finals.

Also reps for the 08 Boston team. I'll never forget Paul Pierce's shitting his pants/wheelchair game.


Senior Member

Mon, Jun 10, 2019 5:36 PM

NFL- Ravens,Steelers,Raiders,Colts

MLB- Yankees,White Sox

NBA- Golden State, New York Knicks

College- TTUN



Mon, Jun 10, 2019 10:57 PM

The Patriots. Jesus, how could I forget the Patriots.


Senior Member

Mon, Jun 10, 2019 11:32 PM

Wtf is wrong with the OP? Lol you hated the 2004 Red Sox? So awesome to see them overcome the curse with the ultimate comeback over the Yankees in the ALCS. I was glad they won and idgaf about the Red Sox. 

Cant stand the Bruins, they were complete douchebags in the Columbus series. NFL wise can’t stand the Browns but that’s mostly bc of their ridiculous fans 



Tue, Jun 11, 2019 8:25 AM

I've noticed now I rarely have a hated team. I guess part of that is once I stated to casually bet games, I care more about the money and side than the team. So, I bet the Pats or Bama and will root for them in that case. 

But, currently:


  • Rams (goes back to the early 2000s, leaving St. Louis, and the blown call v the Saints). 
  • Ravens, for reasons others have mentioned. 


  • No one team really, more specific players like Harden and Dwight Howard


  • Most of the AL East, except the Os (I enjoy that ballpark a lot) 
  • Cubs (I will never get over that 2016 World Series) 

NHL:  I agree on the Bruins. I really, really dislike those guys. 

College football:

  • Clemson
  • Michigan



1st Team All-PWN

Tue, Jun 11, 2019 8:40 AM
posted by Classyposter58

Wtf is wrong with the OP? Lol you hated the 2004 Red Sox? So awesome to see them overcome the curse with the ultimate comeback over the Yankees in the ALCS. I was glad they won and idgaf about the Red Sox. 

Cant stand the Bruins, they were complete douchebags in the Columbus series. NFL wise can’t stand the Browns but that’s mostly bc of their ridiculous fans 

WTF is wrong with you?  There has been nothing likable about the Red Sox from 1998 - present.  Fuck them and their fans. 


paying it forward

Tue, Jun 11, 2019 10:35 AM
posted by like_that

WTF is wrong with you?  There has been nothing likable about the Red Sox from 1998 - present.  Fuck them and their fans. 

reps, with negs to Assyposter58


Senior Member

Tue, Jun 11, 2019 12:53 PM
posted by Classyposter58

Wtf is wrong with the OP? Lol you hated the 2004 Red Sox? So awesome to see them overcome the curse with the ultimate comeback over the Yankees in the ALCS. I was glad they won and idgaf about the Red Sox. 

Cant stand the Bruins, they were complete douchebags in the Columbus series. NFL wise can’t stand the Browns but that’s mostly bc of their ridiculous fans 

Browns fans being ridiculous?  Is that because we are loyal to a fault?


Son of the Sun

Tue, Jun 11, 2019 3:06 PM

I pretty much hate Boston teams in about everything. The definition of the sort of obnoxious fan alternating between over-the-top praise of their teams and over-the-top faux-outrage whenever ANYONE doesn't share their feelings. As a Steeler fan, the Pats are the most hated because of the playoff losses over the years, but I just hate all of them. They've replaced New York fans as most obnoxious for me. Mainly because with about every NY franchise other than the Yankees ranging from mediocre to "what a fucking trainwreck", a good percentage of them have fallen into that self-hating "I'm a fan, but..." rut that I like seeing them in.

With Boston out of the way....

MLB: Cubs, Cardinals

NFL: Ravens (Bengals were here also, but now that they've fallen off from thinking they're good because they're actually reaching the lofty grounds of "first round of playoffs" to accepting they're pretty much trash, they're almost impossible to even notice).

NHL: Capitols (repeated seasons of really intense playoff series with the winner usually going on to win it all does create good hate!)

NBA: N/A -- don't care enough to really "love" or "hate" any team, although I agree with the obnoxious nature of Golden State. But I think for me, it's more a thing where I hate certain players (like Harden) due to their play style and so I tend to dislike the teams they play for, but then swing to another emotion when they're gone. Like with Houston, I dislike them now because of Harden, but in the 90s, I liked them because I was a Hakeem fan.

College: Clemson (something about Dabo really makes me want to start punching stuff). Michigan's fallen to be kind of like where the Browns have been with me for a few years, where it's not worth the energy to hate them because the rivalry success hasn't been there for some time, but with both, things can change with 1-2 games going the wrong way at the wrong time. I find that the teams I tend to save the hate for are rivals (either pure rivals or recent-time playoff rivals) who've had success whomever I'm cheering for. But Michigan still is pretty easy to dislike due to the combination of being a quality team most years and Harbaugh pretty regularly giving off this weird asshole sort of vibe.


Senior Member

Tue, Jun 11, 2019 3:07 PM

Notre Dame


Senior Member

Tue, Jun 11, 2019 4:59 PM

NFL - Philly, NYG, Skins, Steelers, Seahawks, 49ers

MLB - Braves, NYY, Cubs, Nationals. 

NHL - Capitals, Flyers, Bruins, Blackhawks

NBA - GSW, Whatever team LBJ is on, Rockets (Harden) 

College - Florida, Miami, Notre Dame, UNC 


Son of the Sun

Tue, Jun 11, 2019 6:35 PM

Guess I should add Cowboys and Lakers to my list, simply for being those media darling teams that get tons of love regardless of how mediocre they've been over the past forever. To use Dallas as an example, if any of our NFL teams had the exact same seasons on a win-loss level as they've had, it's a guarantee that we wouldn't be catching our team either in prime time or the 4 p.m. national slot virtually every single week. But (a) they do and (b) it's likely one of their former players will be in the booth announcing the game because when a team gets pimped to the country every fucking year, any remotely good player becomes the sort of household name that networks want serving as their color guy, assuming they have any aptitude for that sort of on-the-fly speaking.

Meanwhile, in reality, both teams are a former great in their field that's now not much more than a relic propped up by networks to disguise the fact they're just another team that doesn't stand out from the pack in any way other than coverage (or ownership/management blundering, as both of them have been more prolific than most in that front in recent years, with a senile drunk running everything with the Cowboys and the Lakers just being a hilarious shitshow that's amazingly fun to pay attention to now because you don't know what wacky fuck-up is coming up next).


Senior Member

Wed, Jun 12, 2019 9:31 PM
posted by slingshot4ever

Browns fans being ridiculous?  Is that because we are loyal to a fault?

No it's because they turn games into brawls. I mean I'm not sure why I can watch my Lions go 5-11 and not have the urge to whoop a Bears fan but I don't know it's what Cleveland does I guess