MLB Pitching....the future?

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Wed, Jun 9, 2021 4:57 PM

So basically every pitcher in MLB throws very hard....while very few pitchers throw a 89-91 mph fastball along with other pitches. Young guys aren’t lasting, bullpen guys have a shorter playing span than an NFL running back....and again, everyone throws 97.

Bullpens around the league aren’t good...but man do they throw hard.

I see no trend to go “backwards” BUT I feel every team is going to have an extra guy or two that can pitch and get outs...the old fashioned way and I feel it’ll work because it’s different.

I feel analytics will teach guys with Dallas Keuchel and Wade Miley stuff how to better pitch and get outs. Less arm injuries and can pitch more innings. I see maybe a return of the knuckle ballers and side arm...Laredo guys. 

Pitchers now seem more similar than ever and while 98 is harder to square up than 90...that’s true but if 90 is moving and locating and the last 3 guys you faced all through 98.....90 becomes a comfortable at bat resulting in an out.

Where do you see MLB pitching headed in the very near future?



Wed, Jun 9, 2021 5:23 PM

When they move the mound back it’ll go back to how it was when everyone threw 93-95.

Al Bundy

Senior Member

Wed, Jun 9, 2021 6:14 PM

A generation ago, the belief was that reducing the number of starts, number of pitches thrown, and number of innings pitched would make careers longer and reduce injuries. There are more players going on the injured list today, and you rarely see pitchers having careers as long as long Ryan, Carlton, Perry, etc. 

Going back to a four man rotation could be a big advantage, especially for small market teams.



Wed, Jun 9, 2021 9:15 PM
posted by Laley23

When they move the mound back it’ll go back to how it was when everyone threw 93-95.

But their arms still won’t last