When you joined the OC

Commander of Awesome

Senior Pwner

Mon, Feb 5, 2018 2:43 PM

IM92's thread on 20 yrs from now got me thinking about when I joined the OC, right around 8 yrs ago.

What were you doing when you first joined the OC? Career wise, how old, place you lived, what were you into then etc...

How has you life changed since then? Married, Divorced, got a cat? What's up with your career, what are your interests now, etc...


Senior Member

Mon, Feb 5, 2018 3:17 PM

When was Ohio Chatter born exactly?

I could be wrong, but I'm thinking Fall of '09?

Commander of Awesome

Senior Pwner

Mon, Feb 5, 2018 3:23 PM
posted by Automatik

When was Ohio Chatter born exactly?

I could be wrong, but I'm thinking Fall of '09?

That sounds about right. Justin's acct was created Nov 09


Honorable Admin

Mon, Feb 5, 2018 3:26 PM

I was one of the first few members to join.

I was at a job I hated, which gave me plenty of time to run things when it first started. I was 26, not married but living with my (now) wife in our first house with 2 dogs. I'm a lot older now, got married shortly after, added another dog along the way and moved last summer into our second house. I've changed jobs a few times (left the job I was at a few months later, 4 years at the next place, 2 years at the next place, almost 2 years at current place).


Honorable Admin

Mon, Feb 5, 2018 3:27 PM

I think it was 11/09/2009.


Reppin' the 330/216/843

Mon, Feb 5, 2018 3:35 PM

Had just started my first job in Greensboro, NC. I only used this username from JJ's because my original one from 2003 or 2004 was banned, I don't even know what ICL is.


Honorable Admin

Mon, Feb 5, 2018 3:38 PM

Freehuddle 4 ever.


1st Team All-PWN

Mon, Feb 5, 2018 3:40 PM

Join date:  April 2010

I was a senior in college and I was one month away from graduating.  I was 22, lived on campus, had a cunt GF, and had a job lined up in LA that I turned down for nothing.

Since then: Lebron left the cavs, browns sucked ass, broke up with cunt gf, unemployed living with parents right after college for almsot a year, found my career, moved to DC for the same career, been in DC for nearly 6 years, Lebron came back, Cleveland curse dead, getting married in July, Browns still suck ass, and Lebron will probably leave again.

Commander of Awesome

Senior Pwner

Mon, Feb 5, 2018 3:53 PM

Join Date May 2010

I was 23 yrs old working for a governemnt agegency in their finance dept. I was youngest person in my office by at least 20 yrs and bored out of mind, working maybe 2 hour s day at the time. Had a GF who got into Law School at Berkeley, and decided to make the move with her to the West Coast. Moved to the West Coast in 2012 have had 3 jobs since then, being at my current one for 4 yrs. I've since broken up with the girl I moved here with and am getting married in ~2 months to someone else. Don't envision leaving the west coast but would move back to Ohio if my partner wanted to for a higher standard of living. Still support and follow Cleveland sports on the daily.



Mon, Feb 5, 2018 3:59 PM

I’m a lot of the same. Same job, don’t coach track anymore though...live in the same house.....same car! Lol

I’m a little less college basketball and more NBA. My wife doing much better than 8 years ago. Daughter from early high school to deep into college. My son from a kindergartner to a big ol 8th grade kid. My mom and sister have moved back into town and that’s a good thing. I have a dog...never really had a pet before.

I’ve grown a lot on here for what that’s worth.


1st Team All-PWN

Mon, Feb 5, 2018 4:10 PM
posted by Ironman92

I’m a lot of the same. Same job, don’t coach track anymore though...live in the same house.....same car! Lol

I’m a little less college basketball and more NBA. My wife doing much better than 8 years ago. Daughter from early high school to deep into college. My son from a kindergartner to a big ol 8th grade kid. My mom and sister have moved back into town and that’s a good thing. I have a dog...never really had a pet before.

I’ve grown a lot on here for what that’s worth.

Has your son's vertical leap improved since then?  lol I had to do it. 



Senior Member

Mon, Feb 5, 2018 4:11 PM

I think I was one of the first to join. It all stemmed from the JJ Huddle charging $12 and then the mass exodus. It was football season and the Huddle went to hell and I needed somewhere to get my OSU fix.

Fall '09. I was living in Copenhagen, Denmark. Promoting and bartending for a nightclub off the books. I was also a wannabe DJ, still learning the ropes. Before that, around August, I quit my first "real" job (lol call center) and said fuck this and picked up and left the country. I booked a one way ticket and my parents flipped out. That lasted 6 months. I was partying a LOT, but I loved every second of it.

Then back to the real world, moved back in my parents to figure out the next move. Started to get reallllly depressed. Job hunting from my parent's basement was not going well. I was also working like 3 odd jobs at the time and getting stupid drunk at local bars in my shitty hometown. Two of my best friends recently moved to NYC and I said fuck it again and decided to leave. I started putting their address on my resume and eventually got interviews. Eventually got hired. That was 7.5 years ago, I've moved to 5 different aparments since then. Job is ok and I DJ regularly. Got a gf, not engaged, no kids, life is going rather well.


Tits McGee

Mon, Feb 5, 2018 4:26 PM

November 2009 - I was two months from turning 25 and I had been living with my parents for about a year. I lived in Toledo prior to that for undergrad/work, but moved to the Akron area after the company I worked for closed. I really enjoyed living at home, lol. But my parents are legit and I was able to save a bunch of money, so that was nice.

I met my bff Mantooth during the summer of 09, so we spent that fall raging before he turned into an old lame. 

I dated an OCer from 2010 to 2012...shouts out to Justin for creating a dating website. 

Got my current job in 2010, met my husband in 2012. We bought a house in 2013, got engaged in 2015 and married in 2016. And now here we are. 

Commander of Awesome

Senior Pwner

Mon, Feb 5, 2018 4:28 PM
posted by Automatik

I think I was one of the first to join. It all stemmed from the JJ Huddle charging $12 and then the mass exodus. It was football season and the Huddle went to hell and I needed somewhere to get my OSU fix.

Fall '09. I was living in Copenhagen, Denmark. Promoting and bartending for a nightclub off the books. I was also a wannabe DJ, still learning the ropes. Before that, around August, I quit my first "real" job (lol call center) and said fuck this and picked up and left the country. I booked a one way ticket and my parents flipped out. That lasted 6 months. I was partying a LOT, but I loved every second of it.

Then back to the real world, moved back in my parents to figure out the next move. Started to get reallllly depressed. Job hunting from my parent's basement was not going well. I was also working like 3 odd jobs at the time and getting stupid drunk at local bars of my shitty hometown. Two of my best friends recently moved to NYC and I said fuck it again and decided to leave. I started putting their address on my resume and eventually got interviews. Eventually got hired. That was 7.5 years ago, I've moved to 5 different aparments since then. Job is ok and I DJ regularly. Got a gf, not engaged, no kids, life is going rather well.

Did you move straight to Denmark, or jump around Europe a bit first? Also why Denmark?


Side note, yeah fuck the recession. Really screwed a lot of us on getting started following college. Also you were bottom 5 of my least favorite posters when I joined. Right up there with Al Capone/Art Model, Skyhook, SQ, and QQ4Fail. Can easily say that isn't the case anymore.



Mon, Feb 5, 2018 4:34 PM

Ah...skyhook79 lol

Wilt Chamberlain had a 50 inch vertical

Commander of Awesome

Senior Pwner

Mon, Feb 5, 2018 4:36 PM
posted by Ironman92

Ah...skyhook79 lol

Wilt Chamberlain had a 50 inch vertical

To this day the only poster I ignored.

Verbal Kint

Senior Member

Mon, Feb 5, 2018 4:47 PM

July 2017, Bitcoin was stagnant near $2,500.


Senior Member

Mon, Feb 5, 2018 4:51 PM
posted by Commander of Awesome

Did you move straight to Denmark, or jump around Europe a bit first? Also why Denmark?


Side note, yeah fuck the recession. Really screwed a lot of us on getting started following college. Also you were bottom 5 of my least favorite posters when I joined. Right up there with Al Capone/Art Model, Skyhook, SQ, and QQ4Fail. Can easily say that isn't the case anymore.


We were all assholes back then. I've been on message forums since I was like 14. I used them as a vehicle to troll, talk shit, and argue about nonsense lol

I became good friends with a Danish exchange student during high school. He came into a lot of money from an inheritance and bought the club and rebranded it. I traveled some, but not as much as I'd like.

I was super naive when I graduated. Look at me ya'll...college grad, went to THE Ohio State University...roll out the fucking red carpet! 

Curly J

Self Pwner in Training.

Mon, Feb 5, 2018 4:57 PM

Same home, same job. Added a Cat to the family back in 2010. Dog passed away June of last year. (She was 19 years old)



Mon, Feb 5, 2018 5:02 PM
posted by Commander of Awesome

To this day the only poster I ignored.

I ignored tiernan, iggy and one of the other trolls I couldn’t remember



Mon, Feb 5, 2018 5:03 PM
posted by Curly J

Same home, same job. Added a Cat to the family back in 2010. Dog passed away June of last year. (She was 19 years old)

A 19 year old dog? Geesh

Curly J

Self Pwner in Training.

Mon, Feb 5, 2018 6:21 PM
posted by Ironman92

A 19 year old dog? Geesh

Not bad for a mixed terrier Mutt. A dog I didn't want in the first when my Ex adopted her. I ended up talking her when we broke up. She's the main reason I met my current wife.


Senior Member

Mon, Feb 5, 2018 6:48 PM

Joined in the original JJ exodus.  

Since then I moved to Cincy, bought a house,  switched jobs,  got married,  got a stepson and bought a jeep. 


Senior Member

Mon, Feb 5, 2018 9:15 PM

Joined the night it was created... pretty sure I was #3 behind Justin and mantooth (on the old site when you viewed your user profile the web address used the chronological number of the account, mine was 3). Was 23 and in grad school at OU at the time, living by myself in an apartment. At that point I had met my now wife, but nothing official then - was also balancing banging an ex and another girl as well as her because I was an asshole in college.

Went back home and worked odd jobs for the end half of 2010, been at my current job since 2011.

Actually settled down with my wife in 2010, engaged 2012, married 2013, had the twins 2017 (and an unfortunate very early miscarriage in 2016). We bought our current house and got our dog in 2013 as well.

In less happy developments, we both had a parent die since then too (her dad 2015, my mom 2017)



Mon, Feb 5, 2018 10:13 PM

Something wrong with this forum?

Edit: all is fine


Senior Member

Mon, Feb 5, 2018 10:37 PM

I was 36 and single with an 11 year old daughter.  I was in a long distance relationship and my girlfriend was studying in Holland.  My parents were somewhat recently divorced and I bought their little 5 acre  farm and was going to show my dad how to make money raising horses. Lol I lost A LOT of money before I gave up. I think my worst year l was -$20k and had 14 horses to feed and take care of. Then when I wanted out, it's not like you can just stop feeding them and I didn't want to take them to auction so it took a couple of years to get down to the 3 we have now. I was in IT and had worked for the same company for I think about 15 years. 

Now I've been married to the long distance girlfriend for 7 1/2 years, my daughter just turned 20 and is a sophomore in college, and we have a 4 year old son and a 2 year old daughter. I was laid off from that company 4 1/2 years ago and it took me 2 months to get a job with the company I work for now. (2 months doesn't sound like a lot now, but my wife was pregnant and not working when I was laid off and making the payment on this little farm was starting to be an issue. Our son was born when I was unemployed.) This company is much better to work for and pays much better but they reorganize about every year and it seems like my job is up in the air a lot. I work from home but I don't love my current boss and I really need to start looking for something else.