What’s the Hold Up?



Tue, Dec 26, 2017 6:32 PM

Woman has a beautiful face in your opinion

Rank these potential hold ups in order from whoa to meh...whatever

* 25 lbs overweight

* too tall or too short by 2+ inches

* smokes a pack of cigs a day

* flat chested 

* no job and not looking



Tue, Dec 26, 2017 6:34 PM


1. Smoker

2. Won't work

3. too tall/short

4. flat chested

5. 25 lbs overweight


Reppin' the 330/216/843

Tue, Dec 26, 2017 6:40 PM

1. Work

2. Smoke 

3. 25 lbs

4. Too tall

5. Flat chested


Senior Member

Tue, Dec 26, 2017 7:17 PM


2.Won't work

3.Too short

4.Flat chested

5. 25lbs overweight.



Verbal Kint

Senior Member

Tue, Dec 26, 2017 7:32 PM

1) Smoker

1) Won't work



I could deal with the other 3,

unless she is 6'1" or 4'11"

3) Flat

4) Overweight

5) Fine with 5' to 6', 


Senior Member

Tue, Dec 26, 2017 7:32 PM

1. Work, and it's not even close. 

2. Flat chested

3. Smoker

4. Height

5. Weight 


Senior Member

Tue, Dec 26, 2017 8:02 PM

1. Smoker

2. Won't work. 

The other three really don't matter.   I've dated fatties, they just try harder.   Flat chested might be the biggest deal of the three.  Wife is flat but it doesn't really bother me.  Height isn't a biggie.   I guess if a girl was taller than me,  it might be an issue.  I'm 6'5" so its pretty rare.   The wife  is 5'0" so I don't really have a limit on short.   


Elderly Intellectual

Tue, Dec 26, 2017 8:05 PM

1. Work

2. Smoke 

3. 25 lbs

4. Too tall

5. Flat chested



Tue, Dec 26, 2017 8:25 PM

1. Smoker 

2a. Won't work

2b. Weight

4. Height

5. Chest

4-5 are literally not even a hold up at all. That would literally never stop me from dying someone.



Tue, Dec 26, 2017 8:43 PM
posted by superman

1. Smoker

2. Won't work. 

The other three really don't matter.   I've dated fatties, they just try harder.   Flat chested might be the biggest deal of the three.  Wife is flat but it doesn't really bother me.  Height isn't a biggie.   I guess if a girl was taller than me,  it might be an issue.  I'm 6'5" so its pretty rare.   The wife  is 5'0" so I don't really have a limit on short.   

6’5 and 5’0....by chance sweethearts from jr high?

Verbal Kint

Senior Member

Tue, Dec 26, 2017 8:43 PM
posted by Laley23

4. Height

5. Chest

4-5 are literally not even a hold up at all. That would literally never stop me from dying someone.


That is harsh and probably illegal in most states...



Senior Member

Tue, Dec 26, 2017 8:46 PM
posted by Ironman92

Woman has a beautiful face in your opinion

Rank these potential hold ups in order from whoa to meh...whatever

* 25 lbs overweight

* too tall or too short by 2+ inches

* smokes a pack of cigs a day

* flat chested 

* no job and not looking

1. Smoker-deal breaker for me, disgusts me from the smell to the taste. 

2. I guess no job, but not that bad. If she was my age (late 30s) and living with parents and no job that’s a red flag. 

3. 25 lb overweight doesn’t bother me at all but I guess the last two bother me even less. 

4. Flat chested, I see beautiful women from As to Ds (sorry, bigger than Ds is odd looking). 

5. Too short/tall doesn’t matter at all. If she is a midget or 7’ tall it would be weird but 4’9” to 6’5” all good here. 


Senior Member

Tue, Dec 26, 2017 9:12 PM

I am pretty much in the same camp as everyone else:


Smoking is a deal breaker

Not working and overweight are pretty even.  

Flat chested I figured was at least an A cup.  Of its really flat it would be number 1.

Too tall or short....who cares


Senior Member

Wed, Dec 27, 2017 9:52 AM
posted by Ironman92

6’5 and 5’0....by chance sweethearts from jr high?

Haha no.  We met in our 30s.  I was actually dating a pro volleyball player when I met her.   The volleyball player is 6'2".  


Senior Member

Wed, Dec 27, 2017 11:16 AM

Are we talking one night stand, relationship or marriage here? 

1. Smoking is annoying but i would definitely bang or date a chick who smoked

2. Not working sucks. I would still bang or date someone who didn't work. But i wouldn't support them. Also my wife is a relatively hard worker but she doesn't like having a "real" job. She is a stay at home mom and she teaches esl to Chinese kids online. It doesn't pay much and the fact she doesn't want a job pisses me off too. We have 2 kids and she does take care of them but somehow she thinks I don't pull my weight with the kids. She's God damned right i let her do all the shitty kid stuff. I'm up for the fun stuff but i have no issue handing her a kid with a shitty diaper or letting her deal with them at night. We didn't actually talk about this before we got married, but she finished her teaching degree right before we got married so i assumed she would work.  She was a sub for about 6 months and then a long term sub for another 6 months. The school she was subbing at changed principals and a big chunk of the teachers left. She could have applied for a full time job, but she got pregnant with our first kid and she said she was done working full time.  Which was complete bull shit because i got laid off that summer and it would have been awesome if we had benefits when our son was born. (But it was also super convenient because there were issues with the pregnancy and i was available 24/7 to take care of her and drive her to Dr appointments) Anyway... rant over...

I would not care about height, chest size or a little overweight. 


Senior Member

Wed, Dec 27, 2017 11:22 AM

 After being married almost 30 years to the same woman - who still looks beautiful and desirable to me - ever so often I marvel at how I view other woman in terms of their attractiveness.  Suffice it to say I look at them much differently now then I did back then.  However, if looking at only those five factors

Smoking is the deal-breaker for me.

The no-job issue would depend on the reason, situation, etc.,

Weight, bust size, height - again, it depends.  Or, as I like to put it, how do I feel about the overall package?  There are just too many other variables which would greatly affect how I look at the five listed here.  I would think height in the taller spectrum is at least an initial advantage, because it gets them noticed quicker.


Senior Member

Wed, Dec 27, 2017 1:04 PM

1) No job and not looking - Doesn't matter how old they are no job and not looking is 100% deal breaker and red flag. 

2) Smoker - Didn't really used to matter but really wouldnt date someone who smokes now.

3) Flat Chested - I'm just not a fan of flat chested women. If she isn't at least a C cup then Im out.

4) Too tall/short - I've dated women from 5 to 6 feet tall so height isnt a big deal to me.

5) 25 LBs overweight - Wouldn't bother me at all. 




Wed, Dec 27, 2017 1:24 PM
posted by Iliketurtles

1) No job and not looking - Doesn't matter how old they are no job and not looking is 100% deal breaker and red flag. 

2) Smoker - Didn't really used to matter but really wouldnt date someone who smokes now.

3) Flat Chested - I'm just not a fan of flat chested women. If she isn't at least a C cup then Im out.

4) Too tall/short - I've dated women from 5 to 6 feet tall so height isnt a big deal to me.

5) 25 LBs overweight - Wouldn't bother me at all. 


I guess in your case the 25 lbs extra would help add to the boob size 😂


1st Team All-PWN

Wed, Dec 27, 2017 2:12 PM
posted by Laley23

1. Smoker 

2a. Won't work

2b. Weight

4. Height

5. Chest

4-5 are literally not even a hold up at all. That would literally never stop me from dying someone.

This is my list too.  I could also make smoker and weight 1a and 1b.


Senior Member

Wed, Dec 27, 2017 3:00 PM

1) Overweight (lol, just started thinking about a girl who is flat chested AND 25 lbs overweight)

2) Smokes (this is a tough one vs. overweight....25 lbs is good bit, but also relative - would be 15 extra lbs to some, 40 extra lbs to others)

3) No job

4) too tall/short

5) flat chested (this could actually be a positive - buy the tits you want for her!)

Verbal Kint

Senior Member

Wed, Dec 27, 2017 4:15 PM
posted by FatHobbit

Anyway... rant over...

IMPO with a grain of salt and not knowing anying beyond what was posted.  Appears rant justified, but I see her point of view, but if it extended past when the youngest hit first grade, major problems.




Wed, Dec 27, 2017 5:29 PM
posted by FatHobbit

Are we talking one night stand, relationship or marriage here? 

1. Smoking is annoying but i would definitely bang or date a chick who smoked

2. Not working sucks. I would still bang or date someone who didn't work. But i wouldn't support them. Also my wife is a relatively hard worker but she doesn't like having a "real" job. She is a stay at home mom and she teaches esl to Chinese kids online. It doesn't pay much and the fact she doesn't want a job pisses me off too. We have 2 kids and she does take care of them but somehow she thinks I don't pull my weight with the kids. She's God damned right i let her do all the shitty kid stuff. I'm up for the fun stuff but i have no issue handing her a kid with a shitty diaper or letting her deal with them at night. We didn't actually talk about this before we got married, but she finished her teaching degree right before we got married so i assumed she would work.  She was a sub for about 6 months and then a long term sub for another 6 months. The school she was subbing at changed principals and a big chunk of the teachers left. She could have applied for a full time job, but she got pregnant with our first kid and she said she was done working full time.  Which was complete bull shit because i got laid off that summer and it would have been awesome if we had benefits when our son was born. (But it was also super convenient because there were issues with the pregnancy and i was available 24/7 to take care of her and drive her to Dr appointments) Anyway... rant over...

I would not care about height, chest size or a little overweight. 

Damn, didn’t mean to bring up any touchy subjects...just a little convo about lazy, smokin, heavy, short, flat chested chicks lol


Senior Member

Wed, Dec 27, 2017 5:33 PM

What about a smokin' body and absolute butter face vs. cute and 40 lbs overweight and flat chested?



Wed, Dec 27, 2017 6:17 PM
posted by gut

What about a smokin' body and absolute butter face vs. cute and 40 lbs overweight and flat chested?

I’d take the butter face and hope good makeup and hairstyles can help out.

40 lbs and flat chested is funny....I call those FNB (fat no boobs)


Senior Member

Wed, Dec 27, 2017 6:36 PM
posted by Ironman92

I’d take the butter face and hope good makeup and hairstyles can help out.

40 lbs and flat chested is funny....I call those FNB (fat no boobs)

That was my initial thinking....but then I went with dietician, trainer and boob job.

I should have probably said neither issue is remotely fixable to make it tougher.


Senior Member

Wed, Dec 27, 2017 9:29 PM
posted by Verbal Kint

IMPO with a grain of salt and not knowing anying beyond what was posted.  Appears rant justified, but I see her point of view, but if it extended past when the youngest hit first grade, major problems.


I think it's probably something we should have talked about before we got married and we both just assumed. We were in a long distance relationship for about two years while she finished school and it was tough, but i just assumed she wanted to finish school (which was super smart on her part) because she wanted to work. Lol SURPRISE!