I finished Lords of the Realm, the story of baseball up to the 1994 Strike.
I thought I knew how screwed up labor relations were growing up, but holy cow, was it bad. I didn't realize how often strikes or lockouts occurred in baseball. Also, how baseball just could not get out of its own way in terms of tv and money rights. Also, crazy how broke some teams were in the 80s and 90s that led to the 1994 strike.
Funny too how the same things you hear about baseball now, it is older, too long, and too expensive to head to the ballpark, were complaints 30-40 years ago.
It is a great book for those that are interested in the history of labor relations in baseball.
Next up is "Beyond Glory: Joe Louis vs. Max Schmeling, and a World on the Brink" by David Margolick. I'm looking forward to it as I know just a little bit about the story.