Resolutions thread


Honorable Admin

Wed, Dec 13, 2017 1:27 PM

I'm not a big New Years Resolutions guy, the only one I've had in the past few years was to start reading more in 2016 (110 books read since then). My biggest goals for 2018 are to brew more beer (at least 6 batches) and to launch one new web project (I know what it will be, I just need to build it). 

Anyone else have anything planned for 2018?



Chief Shenanigans Officer

Wed, Dec 13, 2017 1:49 PM

I do like doing resolutions.  I just never really wait until New Year's Day to do them.

At present, none are really on the horizon.

Dr Winston O'Boogie

Senior Member

Wed, Dec 13, 2017 2:01 PM

Hold the bread intake way down.  Carbs in general, but bread specifically.  In the past 6 months I've developed horrible habits of eating bread/baked goods in excess.  I can feel it in my belt.  

Verbal Kint

Senior Member

Wed, Dec 13, 2017 2:05 PM
posted by Dr Winston O'Boogie

Hold the bread intake way down.  Carbs in general, but bread specifically.  In the past 6 months I've developed horrible habits of eating bread/baked goods in excess.  I can feel it in my belt.  


Don't skip carbs, skip any and all grains and limit sugars to infrequent berries.


Tits McGee

Wed, Dec 13, 2017 2:09 PM

I don't make serious resolutions, but I'll do a silly one here and there. Last year it was to stop eating an entire sleeve of saltines with my chicken noodle soup. I succeeded. The year before that was to work on my posture. That's still a work in progress. 

I haven't really thought of one for next year yet. I do want to read more. I've been slacking the last three or so months. 


Senior Member

Wed, Dec 13, 2017 3:08 PM

Before spring I would like to...

Belongings purge. Go through everything I own and get rid of items accordingly

Patch and repaint the the majority of the walls in my apartment. I have a lot of holes from previous artwork that is now gone due to my last roommate moving out.

Learn to ride switch on a snowboard. This has been an ongoing goal for around 3 years now. I just never sack up and dedicate a day to doing it. 

Commander of Awesome

Senior Pwner

Wed, Dec 13, 2017 3:26 PM
posted by Automatik

Before spring I would like to...

Belongings purge. Go through everything I own and get rid of items accordingly

Did that this summer and was awesome. Now I'm hooked, nothing makes me happier than getting rid of shit.


2017 Goals:

Ride 1500 miles

Go to the gym consistently

Did both.

2018 Goals:

Ride 2K miles

Run 500 miles

Drink less often

I've gotten my drinking habit way down from where it was 2012 [used to be a beer(s+) every night kind of guy] and I'm down to like 3 times a week. And even on nights I do crack one, I've gotten better about keeping it at one or up to 3 on a weekend. I'd like to drink even less, not a problem but getting older etc...

The issue with the miles is just time. Going to start looking to buy a house, i'm sure that will suck up a lot of my time.



Wed, Dec 13, 2017 3:40 PM
posted by Commander of Awesome

nothing makes me happier than getting rid of shit.



My resolution is for COA to become the Reds GM


Reppin' the 330/216/843

Wed, Dec 13, 2017 3:43 PM

Run more

Drink less

Swear less 


Senior Member

Wed, Dec 13, 2017 3:48 PM
posted by Commander of Awesome

Did that this summer and was awesome. Now I'm hooked, nothing makes me happier than getting rid of shit.


2017 Goals:

Ride 1500 miles

Go to the gym consistently

Did both.

2018 Goals:

Ride 2K miles

Run 500 miles

Drink less often

I've gotten my drinking habit way down from where it was 2012 [used to be a beer(s+) every night kind of guy] and I'm down to like 3 times a week. And even on nights I do crack one, I've gotten better about keeping it at one or up to 3 on a weekend. I'd like to drink even less, not a problem but getting older etc...

The issue with the miles is just time. Going to start looking to buy a house, i'm sure that will suck up a lot of my time.

I did a huge purge around 2 years ago after reading an article about the Konmari method. It was hard, but wow...great feeling when done. You don't realize how much useless clothing you have until you fill up garbage bags to donate. 



Senior Member

Wed, Dec 13, 2017 4:05 PM

Don't have any fitness related mandatory training on the slate so my main goal will be to get back onto the local 5K circuit and do another half marathon in the fall and get a new job.


Chief Shenanigans Officer

Wed, Dec 13, 2017 4:13 PM
posted by thavoice

... get a new job.

What do you do?


Senior Member

Wed, Dec 13, 2017 4:19 PM
posted by O-Trap

What do you do?

What I do doesnt really matter to the main point.  I enjoy, well enjoyed, what I do but the ownership has been retalitory against me and my military service and getting very close to being in breach of the law.   I could handle it prior but when it starts to directly hit me monetarily with less hours is when it goes too far. I put a few feelers out this week and have been pretty happy with the responses I have been getting.


Honorable Admin

Wed, Dec 13, 2017 4:20 PM

Sounds like a crappy situation, good luck finding something new.

Commander of Awesome

Senior Pwner

Wed, Dec 13, 2017 4:28 PM
posted by Automatik

I did a huge purge around 2 years ago after reading an article about the Konmari method. It was hard, but wow...great feeling when done. You don't realize how much useless clothing you have until you fill up garbage bags up to donate. 


That's exactly what got me moving as well. Now if I could just get my partner fully on the train as well...


Chief Shenanigans Officer

Wed, Dec 13, 2017 4:45 PM
posted by thavoice

What I do doesnt really matter to the main point.  I enjoy, well enjoyed, what I do but the ownership has been retalitory against me and my military service and getting very close to being in breach of the law.   I could handle it prior but when it starts to directly hit me monetarily with less hours is when it goes too far. I put a few feelers out this week and have been pretty happy with the responses I have been getting.

I was only asking as my current employer is looking for a few positions.  Figured if you had the relevant expertise, I'd drop you a line.



Wed, Dec 13, 2017 6:01 PM
posted by Commander of Awesome

That's exactly what got me moving as well. Now if I could just get my partner fully on the train as well...

Is your large inventory of jeans in play?


Honorable Admin

Wed, Dec 13, 2017 6:49 PM

We've actually been in a purging mood lately. We took two garbage bags of clothes between the two of us to Goodwill last weekend and have at least 5 boxes worth of household stuff to take this weekend. We've got a bunch of other stuff that we'll put in a yard sale in the spring, as well.

Commander of Awesome

Senior Pwner

Wed, Dec 13, 2017 8:36 PM
posted by Ironman92

Is your large inventory of jeans in play?



I actually did get rid of an embarrsing amount of pants, but still have an embarrassing amount of pants.


Kosh B'Gosh

Thu, Dec 14, 2017 7:39 AM
  1. Sell our house in Kansas
  2. Find a more permanent residence
  3. Continue getting fit -- lift 3x per week already, stopped drinking pop/caffeine, play soccer 1-2x per week; need to run more
  4. Figure out how to make a little money on the side to pay for the childcare necessary AND pay off student loans quicker


Senior Member

Thu, Dec 14, 2017 3:56 PM

I generally have not made any resolutions, but I want to start exercising, and I need to cut back some on my alcohol intake; so I am thinking about acutally formalizing those two things into a resolution to hopefully make it happen.  I also need to clean the basement out (again), which will help with getting my excercise area/weights set up, and clean out the attic.  


An exceptional poster.

Sun, Dec 17, 2017 8:16 AM

Gain 15 pounds in my legs. I’m probably a guy you would look at and say, “he skips leg day”. I don’t, I just have a hard time gaining mass (strength isn’t an issue) below my belt. Going to focus on that this year. Also want to spend less time on my phone, not sure how I’ll measure that. 


Honorable Admin

Sun, Dec 17, 2017 9:13 AM

Do you have social media apps on your phone? I deleted facebook and it helped a lot. 


Honorable Admin

Tue, Jan 2, 2018 10:38 AM

Bumping this back up for the new year.


Tits McGee

Tue, Jan 2, 2018 12:30 PM

I never really came up with anything except reading at least one book/week. 

Commander of Awesome

Senior Pwner

Tue, Jan 2, 2018 12:32 PM
posted by justincredible

Do you have social media apps on your phone? I deleted facebook and it helped a lot. 

This is a great idea, except now I spend way too much time on Reddit I at least like Reddit better than FB. FB for me is just one big SMH.