Parents - How different are your kids?


7 gram rocks. how i roll.

Wed, Sep 21, 2022 2:11 PM

I guess anyone with siblings can chime in also. 

But I've been thinking about my kids' personalities more often these days and it's wild how different the 2 are. 

Daughter - late riser, not interested in anything competitive, hyper focused on individual tasks, doesn't want to disappoint anyone - to a fault, everything she does she thinks what everyone else will think about it (clothes, activities, the color of her braces, etc)

Son - up at 6am, everything is a competition, severely scatterbrained, doesn't want to disappoint anyone - but doesn't care too much if someone is, doesn't care what anyone thinks of him

I then thought about my siblings and how 4 of us are quite similar and the other is almost on a different planet. Like my brother, my oldest sister, and my youngest sister are very similar personality-wise, but my middle sister is like a nervous wreck at all times and not at all like the rest of us.

So is the lack of similarity amongst siblings a common thing? Or is it common for 1 kid to be like the opposite of another.



Wed, Sep 21, 2022 2:19 PM

Mine are 3.5 and 1.5, so hard to judge. 

But the boy is wild, into trucks, loud, very OCD. Can be mean to his sister about sharing and all that, but very sweet as well.

Daughter just follows him around and wants to play what he plays. She is much tougher than him because of the pushing, not sharing, and us as parents not being able to console all the time like we could with son. 

My gut says he will be very outgoing like his mom, talkative, and driven. He was walking at 10 months and talking with about 25 words by 1.5. He hates being helped and wants to do everything himself. I could also see him being a little reliant on us longer than Id like becasue my wife wont let him "fall and learn" like I will. 

She is quiet, reserved like me. Didnt walk until 13 months and still can only say dada and ba ba. She is very angry when she doesn't get what she wants, though. 


7 gram rocks. how i roll.

Wed, Sep 21, 2022 2:21 PM

should've stated their ages. My daughter is 13 (14 in December), my son just turned 11 this week. My daughter also walked pretty late and doesn't ever take risks, like she's a phenomenal skier (WAY better than my son) and she won't go down any black diamonds because she doesn't want to fall ever. My son will fall a million times and have fun doing it and has hit like 2/3 of the black diamonds in Seven Springs.



Wed, Sep 21, 2022 2:48 PM

Good topic

Will do later

kizer permanente

Senior Member

Wed, Sep 21, 2022 5:26 PM

Son is 9 daughter is 7

Son is ultra competitive. Loves every sport. Very athletic. Rule follower. Extremely honest. Lies make him sick to his stomach nervous. Loves math science and history. Hates reading. Straight A’s even in English too which he doesn’t like. 

Daughter is furthest thing from competitive. Cheers on others. Hates sports. Loves dancing and cheerleading.  Loves reading. Not the best at math. Off the charts in reading comprehension though. Will lie straight to your face with a smile. Will say whatever she thinks will keep her out of trouble. Extremely sweet person though and friends with everyone. 

They’re polar opposites. 



Wed, Sep 21, 2022 5:45 PM

I have 3 girls and my oldest, 23, is nothing like my youngest.  



Wed, Sep 21, 2022 10:54 PM

Daughter 27

Son 19

Daughter was 5 years premature and was perfect until her teens and then still great but a bit deceptive like most teens. Super organized and very determined….can make mountains out of mole hills and dwell on the negative (my mom’s family is all like that)….through her young years at parties and sleepovers she was always the “mom” of the group….still has those features and at 4’11 1/2 it surprises some people. Looks super young.

Son….didn’t talk until he was 4 but could communicate everything (sister was saying catalogue at 15 months and spoke better than he did by 2+ years)….was wound for sound. Fastest damn 2 year old I have ever seen. Couldn’t let go of him. Stuff got to him and you couldn’t get him back. He got all tore up. School was huge for him…when school began he dominated it all. Loved and still loves school. From about age 8 on people around him and classmates label him as the kindest person they’ve ever met. He’s good to everyone and treats everyone the same. The athletes, band kids, geeks, druggies, emus all liked him in school. Handles stress better than sister and an old soul. Very wise and also was always the “mom” of the friend groups and sleepovers. Not cool for southern Ohio….he’s not one that has to have small town, daughter kinda does. He’s better rounded than she is.

Very lucky with both….having a 3rd kid was never a thought.


Senior Member

Thu, Sep 22, 2022 8:03 AM

Hard telling so far. Both girls ages 2.5 and 1. I already feel like the younger one will be tougher just based on the abuse/physicality the older one has on her.

Both were "COVID" babies. One at the very beginning of the pandemic and the other was born last August. Not sure that has had any effect on them (masks, lack of social gatherings, etc.). 

Both my wife and I are on the go at all times. We both work in school districts. She is a teacher, assistant AD, volleyball coach, and track coach. I coach basketball. The girls are always with us and at all the events. When people ask us about "routine" - we simply laugh.

The 2.5 year old isn't potty trained yet - very defiant about that so far. It worries me a bit, but others have said not to fret and just keep working on it. She's a daddy girls through and through so I have a tough time disciplining her at times. Mom tends to be the bad cop. Our youngest is so easy going. She still takes 2 naps a day, sleeps through the night, and only cries if she's hungry or needs changed.

We will think about having a 3rd child sometime in 2024 (our first 2 weren't planned at all, so maybe we can plan our 3rd lol). I pray that my kids get most of their moms qualities and traits. I, admittedly, tend to be a selfish a-hole...but having kids now has definitely made me more aware and I try to be better.


Senior Member

Thu, Sep 22, 2022 8:43 AM

My daughter is 8 and son is 4. They’re definitely starting to grow apart with their interests. She’s more into girl stuff, and he lives and breathes dinosaurs and superhero’s. They still like playing outside together. A couple years ago I could get out the Paw Patrol toys and they’d play together nicely. Not so much anymore.

On a side note, those of you with sons, when do they outgrow the little whiny wiener stage. My four year old can be constant tantrums sometimes. Really starting to take a toll on my wife and I. 


Reppin' the 330/216/843

Thu, Sep 22, 2022 10:23 AM

My daughters are 4.5 and just turned 3. They are pretty different. The older one is more outgoing and advanced for her age. The younger one is a little more delayed in speaking clearly, and is probably more babied (even at daycare) than the older one was. The younger one was easier to potty train completely, probably bc she could follow the lead of her sister. They never really fight, and the older one is much more tolerant than I was as a sibling, always sharing her toys and food, and giving in if the younger one wants her stuff. 

One weird difference is the older one climbed out of her crib at like 2, repeatedly, so that she had to move to a bed. The younger one loves her crib and won’t move to a bed, even though we are pushing it. This gets annoying bc now she cries at 4am when she has to use the bathroom instead of her being able to go herself. We’re going to try and make them share a room, to free up a guest room.

No more kids, got the snip a month ago. 


7 gram rocks. how i roll.

Thu, Sep 22, 2022 1:28 PM
posted by friendfromlowry

My daughter is 8 and son is 4. They’re definitely starting to grow apart with their interests. She’s more into girl stuff, and he lives and breathes dinosaurs and superhero’s. They still like playing outside together. A couple years ago I could get out the Paw Patrol toys and they’d play together nicely. Not so much anymore.

On a side note, those of you with sons, when do they outgrow the little whiny wiener stage. My four year old can be constant tantrums sometimes. Really starting to take a toll on my wife and I. 

I'd say my son still has the same temper tantrum and fits that he has always had. but they are less frequent as he gets older and my daughter almost never had these outbursts. I don't know if it's a female trait being able to better control their emotions but i notice it a lot in my kids. 



Thu, Sep 22, 2022 3:07 PM
posted by friendfromlowry

My daughter is 8 and son is 4. They’re definitely starting to grow apart with their interests. She’s more into girl stuff, and he lives and breathes dinosaurs and superhero’s. They still like playing outside together. A couple years ago I could get out the Paw Patrol toys and they’d play together nicely. Not so much anymore.

On a side note, those of you with sons, when do they outgrow the little whiny wiener stage. My four year old can be constant tantrums sometimes. Really starting to take a toll on my wife and I. 

As an elementary teacher I’ll say 1st grade