OC Mount Rushmore: Things you are elite at


1st Team All-PWN

Tue, Jun 25, 2019 8:11 PM

I stole this idea from Pardon My Take (podcast I listen to), which originally used this segment as a joke. I know ironman has also done a few sports themed Mount Rushmore threads, so I know this isn't that original.   The whole premise behind the joke was after the NBA finals there is always a lull in sports during the summer so ESPN comes up with stupid shit like Mount Rushmore of athletes to fill in the lull, before the NFL season starts. I figured we can try to get activity going by having Mount Rushmore threads.  They can be about anything (cereals, people you hate, music, etc.) . I can do the first few threads, and then if there is interest others can volunteer to start the next thread.

This Mount Rushmore I just stole from the most recent episode.  It's the Mount Rushmore of shit you think you are elite at.   I am calling out anyone who thinks they are elite at a sport.  

-Getting out of conversations I don't want to be in.  We all have stuck in convos we don't want to be in.  I am at the point if I don't even know the person I can feel immediately if it is that type of convo and I quickly find my exit. 

-Mario Tennis (N64)

-Killing mice/rats

-Taking up more space on the armrest during flights


Senior Member

Tue, Jun 25, 2019 9:04 PM

-MarioKart 64 and Mariokart 8

-Bag mask ventilation. 

-Idk if you can be elite at parenting, but I do think I do a damn good job at it. 2-3 times a week when my wife works night shift I'm taking care of my nine month and 4 year old on my own. Feeding them, entertaining them, bathing them, getting them to bed at a normal time which can be challenging since they're both on different schedules. I seldom lose my temper with them or feel overwhelmed. Anyways, just patting myself on the back. 

Edit: Forgot i needed a fourth. I'm elite at eating pizza. 


Senior Member

Tue, Jun 25, 2019 9:11 PM

The first of the long anticipated threads of new ideas by like_that. Nice. 

Put me up for having two vasectomies. 


1st Team All-PWN

Tue, Jun 25, 2019 9:27 PM
posted by BRF

The first of the long anticipated threads of new ideas by like_that. Nice. 

Put me up for having two vasectomies. 

lol, you have to round out your mount rushmore. 


12th Son of the Lama

Tue, Jun 25, 2019 10:25 PM

- I personally felt like I was elite at (my level of) basketball officiating.

- Eating pizza is a good one.  I'll steal it.

- Not finishing lists.



Tue, Jun 25, 2019 10:57 PM
  • Traveling. All aspects.
  • My job. By definition of elite I would qualify.
  • Saying goodbye at parties and not getting stuck.
  • Pop-a-shot.


An exceptional poster.

Wed, Jun 26, 2019 12:29 AM
  • Eating ice cream. I ate 76 ounces in 10 minutes to win a contest once. I have no idea how that compares to professional eaters, but everyone else that was in that range vomited (which was grounds for disqualification).
  • Medical writing. A large component of my job involves research and publication. I excel at creating a work of art on paper. Rarely do my manuscripts require editing.
  • Useless trivia. I know all the state birds. That should be enough justification. I've won that stupid HQ Trivia game a handful of times. I'm also in the final pool of Jeopardy contestants who may or may not get the call to come to LA.
  • Not much different than #3, but crosswords. I started doing the NYT puzzles in January this year and have finished all but 4 days since without hints. My average Monday time is 5:15, Sunday 32:10.




Senior Member

Wed, Jun 26, 2019 7:25 AM

1.  Cooking

2.  running

3. detailing a automobile

4.  not real sure


Senior Member

Wed, Jun 26, 2019 10:11 AM

1. Eating steak (once polished off four 16 ouncers while drunk)

2. Bench press

3. Can take the lyrics of a lot of songs and turn them into something nasty & perverse.

4. Naps


Honorable Admin

Wed, Jun 26, 2019 10:26 AM

- trivia

- naming actors based on the voice from voiceover work 

- following up a perfect tee shot with an absolute shank/chunk

- creating minor league websites

Commander of Awesome

Senior Pwner

Wed, Jun 26, 2019 11:58 AM
  • Spreadsheets
  • Building a routine/schedule and sticking to it (honorable mention but related: eating the exact same fucking thing every day and not getting tired of it)
  • Walking - judging by pace I walk faster than anyone on the planet. I walk with purpose damn it, aint got no time to waste.
  • Drinking games: Whether it's beer pong, asshole, chandeliers, boat races (ace anchor here), cornhole, or even stupid ass flip cup. I pwn at them.


Honorable Admin

Wed, Jun 26, 2019 12:37 PM
posted by Commander of Awesome
  • Walking - judging by pace I walk faster than anyone on the planet. I walk with purpose damn it, aint got no time to waste.
  • Drinking games: Whether it's beer pong, asshole, chandeliers, boat races (ace anchor here), cornhole, or even stupid ass flip cup. I pwn at them.

These are good, I would also consider myself elite in both.


1st Team All-PWN

Wed, Jun 26, 2019 12:57 PM
posted by Commander of Awesome
  • Spreadsheets
  • Building a routine/schedule and sticking to it (honorable mention but related: eating the exact same fucking thing every day and not getting tired of it)
  • Walking - judging by pace I walk faster than anyone on the planet. I walk with purpose damn it, aint got no time to waste.
  • Drinking games: Whether it's beer pong, asshole, chandeliers, boat races (ace anchor here), cornhole, or even stupid ass flip cup. I pwn at them.

lol'd.  I am there with you for lunch.  Also walking, but for distance not speed.  My wife and I walk a lot, especially when we travel.  We probably walk 10-15 miles a day when we travel.  We have realized that our friends/family do not share the same attitude toward walking.  


Senior Member

Wed, Jun 26, 2019 1:50 PM

Finding wayward golf shots- If you play with me and hit one a little wonky,fear not I will find it.

Keeping score in baseball and tracking pitches and pitch count.


Mowing the lawn



Tits McGee

Fri, Jun 28, 2019 8:57 AM

Napping/sleeping in general. I could nap daily. I slept for 3 hours after work yesterday and still went to bed at a normal time. 

Reading. I read at least a book/week, and I've always read very fast. 

Drinking. Probably not a good thing, but I have a pretty high tolerance for a broad. I'm a happy drunk. I don't get angry or emo, I drink to have fun. 

Making my way to the front at a concert. It doesn't even require being pushy or rude.



333 - I'm only half evil

Fri, Jun 28, 2019 9:30 AM

Baking - I'm the one who is always doing the desserts. I'm pretty good with mixing/matching flavors. I've recently started to use fondant for decoration. I'm still at the basics and pretty good with the usual draping and cutouts, but I'm pretty sure I'll never be artistic enough to sculpt with it lol

Kicking - even though I can't throw a ball, I can kick the fuck out of it. Kickball as a kid was stepping stone to snobbery

Joking somebody with a straight face.

Folding fitted sheets. I've found the trick to it!



Fri, Jun 28, 2019 10:08 AM
posted by CenterBHSFan

Folding fitted sheets. I've found the trick to it!

Video or you’re full of shit.



333 - I'm only half evil

Fri, Jun 28, 2019 10:29 AM
posted by Laley23

Video or you’re full of shit.


Most people, as I used to, try to fold using the gathers when it's the end of the corner seam that you want to use. Then watched a few vids on the tube.



Senior Member

Fri, Jun 28, 2019 12:20 PM

Math/science/engineering-I try to stay humble about it in RL but at times I am amazed at things even other engineers couldn’t figure out how to do/fix/troubleshoot.  Got perfect 36s on both math and science parts of ACT in HS and perfect on the quantitative part of the GRE. I used to win alcohol money in college by doing calculus and differential equation problems in my head. It truly is a gift from God as I never had to work hard at it.


Useless trivia (except about things like literature/etc). I do well watching Jeopardy, Who Wants to be a Millionaire etc until they hit literature catagories. 


Procrastination-One of the downsides of being book smart is that in my head I “know” I can get some work report or spreadsheet done in a few hours when I have a week. So I will spend the week at work on ohiochatter wasting time then do it all the night before it is due while at home. Pisses me off every time I do it but I do it every time anyway. This dates back to elementary school, have been doing it ever sense. I could be SO much more productive at work, but because I always get my work done I never get a bad review so I keep doing it. I probably could have been promoted more often than I have been had I not had this problem.  


Relaxing-The meme where the cartoon character is inside his burning home sipping tea saying “everything is ok” is me. Real life could be a dumpster fire that week and I can just sit and relax. Drives my wife nuts.




Senior Member

Fri, Jun 28, 2019 11:12 PM

I am elite at taking an easy home improvement project and totally fucking it up



Fri, Jun 28, 2019 11:30 PM

Posting frequency on OC

Wii Golf

Teaching kids to tie shoes (bleh tho)

Not 3 putting on my regular golf course

Time estimating on arrival times/how long stuff takes

Finding error in Todd Haley decisions


Senior Member

Sat, Jun 29, 2019 2:25 PM

Drinking Beer - Doesn't matter if its craft or not Ive just always been able to drink a lot unlike liquor. 

Beer Pong - Im not great at all drinking games like COA but beer pong is my jam. 

Driving for long periods of time - Pretty much my whole life we drove everywhere. I've taken trips from Florida to Maine/CT multiple times. Ohio to CA/AZ multiple times, as well as lots of other places and for the past 7 years Alabama to Ohio too many times to count. I have been to 47 states. 

Eating - Best things would be breakfast foods, pizza, hot dogs, and McDonald's Chicken Nuggets. 


Chief Shenanigans Officer

Mon, Jul 1, 2019 4:40 PM

Eating: I held the record for a small, annual taco-eating contest in Kosciusko County in Indiana for a few years.

My job: I've been doing it since the position itself was in its infancy, so I do pretty well with it.

Googling: I know this sounds dumb, but if something exists on the surface web (even an allusion to something on the deep web), I can pretty much find it.  I've taught myself several skills at a professional level by just Googling.  I've also been asked to find personal information about people, most of which I've been able to do.

Use proper grammar: My college professors were ridiculously particular about this, and after awhile, I just picked a lot of it up.


Senior Member

Wed, Jul 3, 2019 12:08 PM
posted by O-Trap

Eating: I held the record for a small, annual taco-eating contest in Kosciusko County in Indiana for a few years.

My job: I've been doing it since the position itself was in its infancy, so I do pretty well with it.

Googling: I know this sounds dumb, but if something exists on the surface web (even an allusion to something on the deep web), I can pretty much find it.  I've taught myself several skills at a professional level by just Googling.  I've also been asked to find personal information about people, most of which I've been able to do.

Use proper grammar: My college professors were ridiculously particular about this, and after awhile, I just picked a lot of it up.

I get the “googling”. 90% of the population don’t know how to use any of the syntax to narrow searches (like quotes). Almost no one knows things like you can search directly on specific websites like 


otrap site:ohiochatter.com


would search for otrap only on this site. 

kizer permanente

Senior Member

Wed, Jul 3, 2019 12:19 PM

I wouldn't call it elite per se since it's average to below average in higher league baseball, but my fastball was 90 and I topped at 92 in high school which was pretty elite for high school. Most other kids on the team were upper 70's low 80's. I couldn't throw for strikes at that speed either which also makes it less elite lol. But if I had someone 0-2 they were definitely getting my top speed and I didn't care where it was going. But being left handed it had a tendency to tail away from a right hander and it was tough to hit... as long as it wasn't 3 ft outside. 


Chief Shenanigans Officer

Wed, Jul 3, 2019 12:42 PM
posted by jmog

I get the “googling”. 90% of the population don’t know how to use any of the syntax to narrow searches (like quotes). Almost no one knows things like you can search directly on specific websites like

otrap site:ohiochatter.com

would search for otrap only on this site. 

Right.  I used to use "inurl" a lot as well.  For ... reasons (for something that could have gotten me into copyright trouble if it could have ever been proven).