OC Mount Rushmore: People who suck


1st Team All-PWN

Mon, Aug 5, 2019 5:25 PM

This isn't specific people, as we would all name Draymond.  This is for type of people who suck, or who we hate.  Per usual, keep politics out of it.

-The guy/girl who comes into the office dead sick.  You're not a hero for coming into the office.  Nobody wants to be around you if you are deathly sick.  This might be a hot take, but I think it's actually more selfish to come into the office sick. Go fuck yourself. Also, if your office allows you to work from home, then you get an extra go fuck yourself for coming into the office. 

-The guy/girl that doesn't move their car forward on a left turn.  I wish my car could shoot missiles at people who don't scoot their car forward at left turns.  Three cars could easily make the turn at red, but instead only one car gets to go, because the driver was chicken shit to to move forward. 

-This one is personal to me, but coaches who don't know the rule book and constantly bitch to the ref(s).  STFU and coach your kid.

-Bandwagon/fair weather fans.  I think you all already know my take on this, so I won't dive into it. 

I will post my honorable mentions after I see others post their Mt Rushmores.   I could've done an entire separate Mt Rushmore on people I hate at the airport/on airplanes. 


Honorable Admin

Mon, Aug 5, 2019 5:54 PM

My views on this are well known. The loud eater.


1st Team All-PWN

Mon, Aug 5, 2019 6:14 PM
posted by justincredible

My views on this are well known. The loud eater.



Senior Member

Mon, Aug 5, 2019 6:19 PM

The left hand turn thing.....I agree.....it incenses me. 

Let’s start with the left hand turn when light turns green.....move the fuck into the intersection!!!! And.....if left hand turning anywhere that there is no turning lane......move the fuck over as close as you can to the center so that others can get around. Left turn on left turn green signal....get the fuck moving because there are others behind you that would like to make it!  Complete rudeness in all three cases. A whipping with a whiffle ball bat would be appropriate. 

I think, OP, it would be good to start a separate thread on airport shit. Maybe another one on sports related. And one on just driving annoyances. 


Senior Member

Mon, Aug 5, 2019 6:34 PM

1. Traffic: Sitting at a stoplight that turns green but you can't immediately go because several cars to your right are still turning to their left after the light turned red for them.

2. Social media: I don't have Facebook anymore but one of the last things I did before I got rid of it was call out someone who continually shared obvious fake shit. "Did you know there's a town in Michigan banning Christian churches but since 2014 there's been 85 new mosques built!" The culprits are usually old dipshits.

3. Candice Keller. This fucking idiot. "There was a mass shooting ten miles up the road from me; I better go on Facebook and blame everything different from me!" See point 2 I guess. 

4. Old people at the gym. They could just not give a fuck about anything. 


Tits McGee

Mon, Aug 5, 2019 7:02 PM
posted by friendfromlowry

1. Traffic: Sitting at a stoplight that turns green but you can't immediately go because several cars to your right are still turning to their left after the light turned red for them.

2. Social media: I don't have Facebook anymore but one of the last things I did before I got rid of it was call out someone who continually shared obvious fake shit. "Did you know there's a town in Michigan banning Christian churches but since 2014 there's been 85 new mosques built!" The culprits are usually old dipshits.

3. Candice Keller. This fucking idiot. "There was a mass shooting ten miles up the road from me; I better go on Facebook and blame everything different from me!" See point 2 I guess. 

4. Old people at the gym. They could just not give a fuck about anything. 

I have hidden about 6 people who do the exact thing you mentioned in your 2nd one. Some of these people share 20-30 fake things a day. 30! How does anyone even have that much time?? My middle school science teacher blocked me because I commented that one of the stories he shared wasn't true, and also linked proof. He's a dumbass and it saved me from eventually hiding his posts, so it didn't bother me. I did see him at my hometown festival this past Saturday but managed to hide from him in the beer garden, lol.

I'll nominate people with horrible grammar. I know it doesn't bother most people, but I hate it. Spock using could of and should of makes me die a little inside every time. That man educates children. 😩 At least it's just gym. 

Oh, and Steelers fans who were born in Ohio and/or are also Cavs and Indians fans. GTFO.


Senior Member

Mon, Aug 5, 2019 8:58 PM

People staring at their phone at a traffic light and don't notice when the light changes



Mon, Aug 5, 2019 9:15 PM

Both of these have to do with airplanes.

1. People who will sit in the isle and the window leaving the middle seat open so that someone doesn’t sit with them, when the stewardess has said 5 times that the plane is full and that every seat will be filled. Then watch them look down and try to not make eye contact as people walk by. Then waste 3 minutes changing seats when someone asks to sit in the middle. 

2. When exiting the plane just let the row in front of you go without trying to cut in front of them and looking like an asshole so u can save 7 seconds when getting off the plane 



Mon, Aug 5, 2019 9:20 PM
  1. People who don’t move forward or closer to center (left) at red lights on an option straight or turn lane. People behind you want to turn, and can, if you would move enough to let cars through. Similar to the other posts, but for right turns. I hate this more than anything else on the road.
  2. People who change the song halfway through. How about if the song is good enough for you to pick, we listen to the whole thing?
  3. People who take 7 pictures of the same thing — and save all 7 — versus picking the best of the bunch. This is mostly directed at my wife, because she uses my phone for this.
  4. Anyone who talks on their phone loudly in public. Some exceptions, but for the most part, SFTU or find a more private spot away from all of us.


Honorable Admin

Mon, Aug 5, 2019 9:24 PM
posted by gut

People staring at their phone at a traffic light and don't notice when the light changes

Anyone that looks at their phone while driving, stopped or otherwise. 


Honorable Admin

Mon, Aug 5, 2019 9:30 PM
posted by geeblock

Both of these have to do with airplanes.

1. People who will sit in the isle and the window leaving the middle seat open so that someone doesn’t sit with them, when the stewardess has said 5 times that the plane is full and that every seat will be filled. Then watch them look down and try to not make eye contact as people walk by. Then waste 3 minutes changing seats when someone asks to sit in the middle. 

2. When exiting the plane just let the row in front of you go without trying to cut in front of them and looking like an asshole so u can save 7 seconds when getting off the plane 

Death penalty for #2.



Mon, Aug 5, 2019 10:10 PM
posted by geeblock

Both of these have to do with airplanes.

1. People who will sit in the isle and the window leaving the middle seat open so that someone doesn’t sit with them, when the stewardess has said 5 times that the plane is full and that every seat will be filled. Then watch them look down and try to not make eye contact as people walk by. Then waste 3 minutes changing seats when someone asks to sit in the middle. 

2. When exiting the plane just let the row in front of you go without trying to cut in front of them and looking like an asshole so u can save 7 seconds when getting off the plane 

#1 is only a problem on Southwest, where they herd you like fucking cattle boarding the plane. I can’t stand that airline. 



Mon, Aug 5, 2019 10:12 PM
posted by Laley23

#1 is only a problem on Southwest, where they herd you like fucking cattle boarding the plane. I can’t stand that airline. 

It is a little annoying but I try to fly south west whenever possi


Tits McGee

Mon, Aug 5, 2019 11:21 PM
posted by Laley23

#1 is only a problem on Southwest, where they herd you like fucking cattle boarding the plane. I can’t stand that airline. 

I like the free bags, but boarding definitely sucks. 


Chief Shenanigans Officer

Tue, Aug 6, 2019 12:06 AM
posted by Laley23

#1 is only a problem on Southwest, where they herd you like fucking cattle boarding the plane. I can’t stand that airline. 

I usually end up just sitting around by the terminal until the final boarding call.  Cuts down on the line.




Senior Member

Tue, Aug 6, 2019 12:29 AM
posted by O-Trap

I usually end up just sitting around by the terminal until the final boarding call.  Cuts down on the line.

The other insidious thing is how airlines sell status, either directly or thru credit cards or most often corporate deals.

So if you fly the busiest business routes (early Monday, Thursday evening), they usually run out of overhead space in GROUP FRICKIN' TWO!.  Meaning if you don't want to check your bag, you have to get there usually a little before boarding begins.  Screw it, I want that extra 20 minutes of sleep.

Part 2 of that peeve are the asshats who put their personal item and/or coat in the overhead instead of under their seat.


Chief Shenanigans Officer

Tue, Aug 6, 2019 12:53 AM
posted by gut

Part 2 of that peeve are the asshats who put their personal item and/or coat in the overhead instead of under their seat.

Man, I used to want to cut those people.

I gave up even trying to bring a carry-on.  I check a bag and bring my personal item, a computer bag.


Senior Member

Tue, Aug 6, 2019 6:08 AM
posted by gut

Part 2 of that peeve are the asshats who put their personal item and/or coat in the overhead instead of under their seat.

These people are super annoying. We were near the end boarding our last flight and all 6 seats in our row were empty but both sides of the overhead were full. Incredibly frustrating. 



Tue, Aug 6, 2019 7:53 AM

The overhead is always going to be full. Regardless of personal bags or not. They can only fit about 3 bags per row, which equates to half the plane, maybe a little more if it’s a smaller plane. simply isn’t room for everyone to have a carry-on. 

Anyway, I always check a bag. The regional jet flights that you need to pink tag take just as long as waiting for your bag at baggage claim anyway. Plus, with delta, if it’s over 20 minutes from parked at gate to bag delivery I get 2,500 extra miles to account. And half the airports the workers don’t scan, so even if it’s 10 minutes, I’ll get the miles. Probably gotten close to 3 free flights with miles from that over the last 5 years



Tue, Aug 6, 2019 8:47 AM

The wait time to get your checked bag has decreased significantly. I hadn’t checked a bag in a few years until last month and I was shocked at how quickly I got my bag 


Reppin' the 330/216/843

Tue, Aug 6, 2019 9:19 AM

Most have been listed, but also at airports, the people who stand up in the gate area when they are in group 5 (before they have even announced boarding), and block the way for people in the groups ahead of them

Social media stay at home moms who get 4 likes on a post but post like they are some kind of influencer. Always signing up to be a seller for boxed baby clothes or makeup. 

Anyone writing a check anywhere in a retail environment.



Chief Shenanigans Officer

Tue, Aug 6, 2019 9:27 AM
posted by geeblock

The wait time to get your checked bag has decreased significantly. I hadn’t checked a bag in a few years until last month and I was shocked at how quickly I got my bag 

I've noticed this, too, though it's been hit-and-miss.


Senior Member

Tue, Aug 6, 2019 11:44 AM

The Mt. Rushmore of drivers:


Left lane cruisers. Special credit to North Carolina drivers who use the two lanes as a "high line/low line" situation a la Nascar.

People who by their actions don't understand that entrance ramps are also known as acceleration lanes.

South Carolina drivers. Michigan, you're a bunch of rookies when it comes to overall bad driving.



Senior Member

Tue, Aug 6, 2019 12:13 PM
posted by geeblock

The wait time to get your checked bag has decreased significantly. I hadn’t checked a bag in a few years until last month and I was shocked at how quickly I got my bag 

I haven't seen any obvious change, although I've flown only once or twice a year for the last 5 years.   Columbus always seems to be the slowest when we get back.  I picked up my wife there a few weeks ago, the arrivals board and the airplane announcement confirmed one carousel, but they unloaded a later-arriving flight's luggage first - and then they put her flight's luggage on another carousel without telling anyone.  

Re the overhead bin, she told me leaving Columbus, SW announced the bins were full after the FIRST group was boarded ..... wow.  They had to stop and check everyone else's overhead carry-on for stowing in the luggage compartment.  On the plus side, she said hers was one of the first on the carousel when she landed.



Tue, Aug 6, 2019 1:27 PM

Inept/unaware drivers

people that are always late

people that show everyone how mad they are so they can get their way when 95% of the time being nice, fair and reasonable wouldn’t gotten them their way

Baseball statistical/analytical nerds that act like there is nothing to the game beyond the numbers and percentages ...they argue with one tell all stat to their advantage and nothing else discussed matters.....just an arrogant and lazy attitude. They think they could be legitimate GMs but couldn’t teach a kid the first damn thing about how to actually play the game.


Senior Member

Tue, Aug 6, 2019 1:37 PM

People who are ski/snowboard without actually KNOWING how to ski/snowboard. Fucking hell, teach yourself how to do it before you bomb yourself down the hill like a jackass.

People who walk across the entire sidewalk allowing no room to pass. Basically slow walkers in general are terrible.

Vegans who don't STFU