Dr Winston O'Boogie
Senior Member
Dr Winston O'Boogie
Senior Member
posted by jmogDid you use any particular method, like Dave Ramsey, snow ball, another called the annihilation method or something?
My goal is 7-8 years, no debt. I have no CC debt (use some but pay off each month just to keep credit score going up), no student loan debt, etc, so I have 2 cars and house. Wife's car will be paid off next year, my truck and house both in 6-7 years is the goal. That will put me right around 50 maybe 52 and debt free.
If I can do that, then my wife's next car will be paid for with saved up cash from said debt removals.
Basically the Ramsey philosophy. We do use a credit card I put all expenses I can on it, pay it off monthly and collect Marriott points that way.
Debt stressed me out - unreasonably. I think I must be pretty risk averse. I may not maximize every arbitrage opportunity that’s out there. But I sleep better.
On top of that, I was an alcoholic. So there were a lot of poor financial decisions made for bad reasons. But that’s in the past too.