Movies that are a 10



Thu, Dec 26, 2019 10:08 AM

List the movies that are 10’s in your opinion. If you are deciding whether or not a movie is a’s not.


Wizard of Oz

Die Hard

Home Alone

A Few Good Men

Dumb and Dumber

A bunch of 9.5’s but this is my list. Nothing in the last quarter century shows my age and I’ve missed out on most movies in the last 20 years.


Senior Member

Thu, Dec 26, 2019 10:44 AM

That is a tough one since my scale only goes to 8.......

Gotta think of the movies i will always watch when they are on no matter where they are in the movie.....

Dumb and Dumber.


Field of Dreams.


Hoosiers (side note, our local HS played at the gym from the movie on Monday night. Place was pretty cool!)

Rogue One.





Thu, Dec 26, 2019 11:34 AM
posted by thavoice

That is a tough one since my scale only goes to 8.......

Gotta think of the movies i will always watch when they are on no matter where they are in the movie.....

Dumb and Dumber.


Field of Dreams.


Hoosiers (side note, our local HS played at the gym from the movie on Monday night. Place was pretty cool!)

Rogue One.



I was tight on Forrest Gump...I debated it so, therefore put it at 9.5 in my head, but knew it would get mentions for sure.


Senior Member

Thu, Dec 26, 2019 11:46 AM
posted by Ironman92

I was tight on Forrest Gump...I debated it so, therefore put it at 9.5 in my head, but knew it would get mentions for sure.

Easily one of the best soundtracks of all time.

For Field of Dreams. I went there just over two years ago. So surreal.  Literally out in the middle of nowhere, down some stone roads. Got there right at dusk. There are no gates, no fences or anything to keep folks out so we parked and went onto the field and such. There was a combine taking down the corn, but let about 10 -15 feet or so left for the outfield fence.    So freaking cool, and the cost to enter if you went during the day (presume you get to go into the house and such) was, of course, $20.

I also have to add in:

Saving Private Ryan.


The ending 'Earn this' and 'tell me i've lived a good life, tell me i'm a good man' always make it seems onions are being peeled.



Thu, Dec 26, 2019 12:33 PM

I’ll post a list later (also important to rank these, imo, with an eye on how films were made and there times. Like ranking all time athletes vs peers as opposed to vs current day).

I will saw off the bat, Gump is a trash movie. It should be listed along the lines of Gigli and has no business even being typed on a thread like this. Fuck you both, I92 and Voice.


Son of the Sun

Thu, Dec 26, 2019 12:47 PM

Be a bit tricky. I'm good at knee-jerk reactioning 10/10s on first viewing, but then my opinion changes on re-watching it. I'll add to this later, maybe, assuming I think to. Since I'm mainly watching gangster/mob stuff now, here are the ones I'd give 10s to.

Godfather 1 and 2


City of God

For horror, I haven't watched it in ages, but as memory serves, I'd give Dawn of the Dead (original) a 10. But I'd want to watch it again to see if it holds up or if the years have caused me to prop it up a bit much.

But with horror, even the stuff I really like, I have to admit is probably a bit flawed for a 10. Lot of ones I'd put close like the first Hellraiser, Jacob's Ladder (another I need to catch again), Train to Busan and so on. And part of me ranking them so high might in part be due to how so, so many of those movies peak at "so bad it's good" and just go down from there, so I might be personally over-valuing them simply because they're actually good instead of "MST3K-entertaining" to watch.


Senior Member

Thu, Dec 26, 2019 1:04 PM
posted by Laley23

I’ll post a list later (also important to rank these, imo, with an eye on how films were made and there times. Like ranking all time athletes vs peers as opposed to vs current day).

I will saw off the bat, Gump is a trash movie. It should be listed along the lines of Gigli and has no business even being typed on a thread like this. Fuck you both, I92 and Voice.

....and to quote Eddie Murphy, in a movie (coming to America) that may or may not make this list, FUCK YOU TOOOO!!!!!


Its okay though.   I still like Gump. 



Thu, Dec 26, 2019 1:46 PM
posted by Laley23

I’ll post a list later (also important to rank these, imo, with an eye on how films were made and there times. Like ranking all time athletes vs peers as opposed to vs current day).

I will saw off the bat, Gump is a trash movie. It should be listed along the lines of Gigli and has no business even being typed on a thread like this. Fuck you both, I92 and Voice.

It didn’t make my list....but thanks



Thu, Dec 26, 2019 4:42 PM
posted by Ironman92

It didn’t make my list....but thanks

You debated and ranked it a 9.5. My words were deserved lol



Thu, Dec 26, 2019 4:48 PM

I’m probably going to exclude some that others will mention and trigger my memory. But initial thoughts.

  • Godfather
  • Godfather, Part 2
  • Jurassic Park
  • There Will Be Blood
  • All The Presidents Men
  • Saving Private Ryan
  • Shawshank Redemption
  • Gone With The Wind
  • Halloween (comparing to other horror)
  • Inglourious Basterds
  • The Social Network

Training Day is probably as close as I can get without adding it. 9.999999/10.


Tits McGee

Thu, Dec 26, 2019 4:51 PM



Senior Member

Thu, Dec 26, 2019 5:53 PM
posted by Laley23


  • Godfather
  • Godfather, Part 2
  • Shawshank Redemption
  • Gone With The Wind
  • Inglourious Basterds

The first two on this list I edited from you were immediately on my thoughts, along with Shawshank. I live an hour away from the filming place in Mansfield. It’s fun to drive by the prison and just look around. When I used to channel surf, I would always stop to watch any of those three movies. 

Gone With The Wind was one I also thought of from the past. This classic I used to show in my Government classes at the end of the year. I liked to show classic films in class because I felt that many students would never watch them on their own. Others were Mr. Smith Goes To Washington and Casablanca. 

Inglourious Basterds: I love it!  I recently read that Tarentino spelled it that way because he thought that’s how you say it, so that’s how he spelled it. 


Reppin' the 330/216/843

Thu, Dec 26, 2019 7:12 PM
posted by Fab4Runner


Passed out to this drunk in college a hundred times. I actually agree.

Shawshank was the one that first came to mind. 


Senior Member

Fri, Dec 27, 2019 7:59 AM

Come on guys...we are talking about 10 out of 10 here.  To see movies like Jurassic Park and Dumb and Dumber.....come on.  

Among the other movies listed that are 10 I will add a few that culturally captured a time and era perfectly:


Dazed and Confused

Fletch (better comedy movie than D&D)

The Shining

Silence of the Lambs



An exceptional poster.

Fri, Dec 27, 2019 8:15 AM

The Departed is on mine.


Senior Member

Fri, Dec 27, 2019 9:31 AM
posted by Laley23

I’m probably going to exclude some that others will mention and trigger my memory. But initial thoughts.

  • Godfather
  • Godfather, Part 2
  • Jurassic Park
  • There Will Be Blood
  • All The Presidents Men
  • Saving Private Ryan
  • Shawshank Redemption
  • Gone With The Wind
  • Halloween (comparing to other horror)
  • Inglourious Basterds
  • The Social Network

Training Day is probably as close as I can get without adding it. 9.999999/10.

Jurassic Park was groundbreaking at the time and man I loved it. Just does not stand the test of time for me.  

Halloween: Probably one of my favorite horror movies but one of the cult classics is The Evil Dead!

Gone with the Wind, eh?   See your comments about Gump....


Senior Member

Fri, Dec 27, 2019 10:06 AM

Pulp Fiction.


Shawshank is grossly overrated.



Fri, Dec 27, 2019 11:56 AM
posted by Spock

Come on guys...we are talking about 10 out of 10 here.  To see movies like Jurassic Park and Dumb and Dumber.....come on.  

Among the other movies listed that are 10 I will add a few that culturally captured a time and era perfectly:


Dazed and Confused

Fletch (better comedy movie than D&D)

The Shining

Silence of the Lambs


As the thread shows, our opinions are different.


I watched Dumb and Dumber in the theater and I’ve never been in a theater of such uncontrolled laughter. Yeah I get it, everyone on here is too sophisticated to think Jim Carrey is funny but in terms of humor Dumb and Dumber is a masterpiece throughout.

We aren’t voting for the Oscars. 


Senior Member

Fri, Dec 27, 2019 12:35 PM
posted by Ironman92

As the thread shows, our opinions are different.


I watched Dumb and Dumber in the theater and I’ve never been in a theater of such uncontrolled laughter. Yeah I get it, everyone on here is too sophisticated to think Jim Carrey is funny but in terms of humor Dumb and Dumber is a masterpiece throughout.

We aren’t voting for the Oscars. 

..and ya cannot get away from quoting that movie!   

Like the Raiders and their playoff your saying there's a chance!!!!!!!


Son of the Sun

Fri, Dec 27, 2019 1:44 PM

With what others have said, I'd add Shawshank and Dazed and Confused to my list. Hell, there was a time when I watched Dazed and Confused every damn night after work for roughly a month, so it better be on my list, lol.

Gone With The Wind was one where I had to think a bit. Might be in my "close, but..." list. A bit long and meandering for me, as compared to those first two Godfathers, where they were long, but I was riveted the whole way through.

Also think I'll add The Good, The Bad and The Ugly to the list. Great film that's a blast to watch.



Fri, Dec 27, 2019 1:47 PM
posted by Spock

Come on guys...we are talking about 10 out of 10 here.  To see movies like Jurassic Park

Jurassic Park was incredible for the time. I frankly think it holds up relatively well. The dinosaurs still look pretty realistic all things considered. But it was straight groundbreaking and changed movie making moving forward. Absolutely deserves a spot on a list like this, if you are delving into extra stuff beyond the movie.

posted by thavoice

Jurassic Park was groundbreaking at the time and man I loved it. Just does not stand the test of time for me.  

Gone with the Wind, eh?   See your comments about Gump....

Disagree about JP, but that’s fine. What you said about it is why I think it’s a 10. Destroyed everything we had ever known about computer graphics at the time. And like I said, it isn’t fair to compare older movies with today, because by that measure virtually every movie made this year is better than: Casablanca; Clockwork Orange; Godfather; etc. 

As for Gone With The Wind, I feel similar to that as what I just stated. It had tracking shots, it had creative lighting, it had explosions. It legit changed the way you make movies. It had stuff directors hadn’t even imagined yet. The first tracking shot of Scarlett on the staircase is truly amazing movie making for the fucking 40s. It isn’t the greatest plot, but it’s also not terrible and holds up decent. Plus it’s set behind a war, and I’m a sucker for war movies.

Side Note - 1917 is shot to be a single take. Not groundbreaking, but I can’t fucking wait to see that movie. Along those lines, Children of Men may be another 10/10 movie.




Fri, Dec 27, 2019 1:52 PM
posted by Laley23

Jurassic Park was incredible for the time. I frankly think it holds up relatively well. The dinosaurs still look pretty realistic all things considered. But it was straight groundbreaking and changed movie making moving forward. Absolutely deserves a spot on a list like this, if you are delving into extra stuff beyond the movie.

posted by thavoice

Jurassic Park was groundbreaking at the time and man I loved it. Just does not stand the test of time for me.  

Gone with the Wind, eh?   See your comments about Gump....

Disagree about JP, but that’s fine. What you said about it is why I think it’s a 10. Destroyed everything we had ever known about computer graphics at the time. And like I said, it isn’t fair to compare older movies with today, because by that measure virtually every movie made this year is better than: Casablanca; Clockwork Orange; Godfather; etc. 

As for Gone With The Wind, I feel similar to that as what I just stated. It had tracking shots, it had creative lighting, it had explosions. It legit changed the way you make movies. It had stuff directors hadn’t even imagined yet. The first tracking shot of Scarlett on the staircase is truly amazing movie making for the fucking 40s. It isn’t the greatest plot, but it’s also not terrible and holds up decent. Plus it’s set behind a war, and I’m a sucker for war movies.

Side Note - 1917 is shot to be a single continuation shot. I can’t fucking wait to see that movie.


Good explanation for JP being a 10. I never felt the need to watch it a 2nd time but it definitely was a pioneer movie for the newer age movies (funny considering it’s about dinosaurs)


Senior Member

Fri, Dec 27, 2019 2:09 PM
posted by Laley23

Jurassic Park was incredible for the time. I frankly think it holds up relatively well. The dinosaurs still look pretty realistic all things considered. But it was straight groundbreaking and changed movie making moving forward. Absolutely deserves a spot on a list like this, if you are delving into extra stuff beyond the movie.

posted by thavoice

Jurassic Park was groundbreaking at the time and man I loved it. Just does not stand the test of time for me.  

Gone with the Wind, eh?   See your comments about Gump....

Disagree about JP, but that’s fine. What you said about it is why I think it’s a 10. Destroyed everything we had ever known about computer graphics at the time. And like I said, it isn’t fair to compare older movies with today, because by that measure virtually every movie made this year is better than: Casablanca; Clockwork Orange; Godfather; etc. 

As for Gone With The Wind, I feel similar to that as what I just stated. It had tracking shots, it had creative lighting, it had explosions. It legit changed the way you make movies. It had stuff directors hadn’t even imagined yet. The first tracking shot of Scarlett on the staircase is truly amazing movie making for the fucking 40s. It isn’t the greatest plot, but it’s also not terrible and holds up decent. Plus it’s set behind a war, and I’m a sucker for war movies.

Side Note - 1917 is shot to be a single take. Not groundbreaking, but I can’t fucking wait to see that movie. Along those lines, Children of Men may be another 10/10 movie.


I think, for me personally, if a movie is a 10 I want to see it over and over again and whenever it is on I want to watch.  Liked JP and it was groundbreaking, but whatever.

Speaking of groundbreaking, they say that the new trilogy of Star Wars is going to be using a whole new type of CGI tech that is supposed to be revolutionary, and it will ONLY be used for the SW movies.



Concur on the 1917, cannot wait to see it!  Looked up a few things about it as for me I can only get into real stories.  This one is from a story a WWI grandfather told his son or grandson, and then he filled in the blanks from there.   Good enough for me!


Senior Member

Fri, Dec 27, 2019 2:46 PM
posted by Ironman92



I watched Dumb and Dumber in the theater and I’ve never been in a theater of such uncontrolled laughter. 


I'm not sure if I've ever laughed harder than at the scene where Jeff Daniels has to use the toilet.


Senior Member

Fri, Dec 27, 2019 2:51 PM
posted by Heretic


Also think I'll add The Good, The Bad and The Ugly to the list. Great film that's a blast to watch.

Gonna agree with you on that one, "Blondie".  (I can't believe that that film is 53 years old)

kizer permanente

Senior Member

Fri, Dec 27, 2019 3:53 PM

Big Lebowski is definitely a 10