Maybe old people need this to make us all safe


Senior Member

Sun, Mar 18, 2018 10:00 PM

Old people are terrible drivers.  MYbe Cadillac is on to something




Senior Member

Mon, Mar 19, 2018 6:58 PM

Them's fightin' words, buddy!  LOL.

I don't know about old drivers per se being terrible - some of them are a lot more cautious and tend to slow up everyone else.  I see a lot of younger folks that are absolutely horrible drivers.  If this system could reduce inattention, or reach out and slap you if you're texting while driving, I'd buy stock in that puppy.

Maybe it's the Brits' funny definitions - did he mean to say, the Super Cruise only works on freeways?   And how much would you have to pay both upfront and monthly for that Super GPS?  Very interesting.  Technology keeps getting better and better.

On the other hand, I heard of one of Uber's self-driving cars just killed a pedestrian overnight.  A jaywalker, but a pedestrian nonetheless.  An acceptable risk to move into the future?