Going gray


Honorable Admin

Tue, Dec 5, 2017 11:13 AM

At my last haircut I could really see the gray coming though in the hair on my cape. My barber caught me closely examining it and got a good chuckle. I asked my mom when my grandpa went completely gray (my hair is pretty much the same as his) and that was around 40. I'm 34 now, I imagine I'll be completely gray by 40, if not a little earlier.

Have you gone gray yet (I know the board is trending older these days)? If so, when did it happen?


Honorable Admin

Tue, Dec 5, 2017 11:14 AM

And please tell me none of you use Just for Men products.


Senior Member

Tue, Dec 5, 2017 11:24 AM

More in my beard if I don't shave than on the top of my head.


Senior Member

Tue, Dec 5, 2017 11:33 AM

A bit in the hair but when I grow a goatee, it's pretty much white. Started around my early 40's.


Senior Member

Tue, Dec 5, 2017 11:43 AM

I don't have any yet at 31... my wife however isn't so lucky and she started getting a few this year. 

Commander of Awesome

Senior Pwner

Tue, Dec 5, 2017 12:06 PM

My beard has some straight stark white hairs in it, nothing on my head yet. I have noticed a bit of thinning on top which sucks, but I suspect I got a solid 7-10 yrs before I have to shave myhead.


Honorable Admin

Tue, Dec 5, 2017 12:08 PM
posted by Commander of Awesome

My beard has some straight stark white hairs in it, nothing on my head yet. I have noticed a bit of thinning on top which sucks, but I suspect I got a solid 7-10 yrs before I have to shave myhead.

Luckily I'm showing no signs of losing hair. I'm cool with going gray, but I really don't want to go bald.

Commander of Awesome

Senior Pwner

Tue, Dec 5, 2017 12:10 PM
posted by justincredible

Luckily I'm showing no signs of losing hair. I'm cool with going gray, but I really don't want to go bald.

I really dont either, but nothing I can do about it. I always thought I'd be immune to it as my grandpa on my mom's side died at 92 with a full head of hair.


Honorable Admin

Tue, Dec 5, 2017 12:24 PM
posted by Commander of Awesome

I really dont either, but nothing I can do about it. I always thought I'd be immune to it as my grandpa on my mom's side died at 92 with a full head of hair.

Yep, I'm going off my mom's dad's hair as well. So far we're pretty much the same through 34 years. He died younger than yours of cancer, but before chemo he had a great head of hair. 



Tue, Dec 5, 2017 12:35 PM

I’m 43 and minimal gray showing. A bit in the beard/goatee but not much. Fortunately not balding at all either.


Senior Member

Tue, Dec 5, 2017 12:45 PM
posted by Commander of Awesome

My beard has some straight stark white hairs in it, nothing on my head yet. I have noticed a bit of thinning on top which sucks, but I suspect I got a solid 7-10 yrs before I have to shave myhead.

Yeah, if it starts going badly, go with the bald look. The George Costanza with the Charlie Brown action on the front just isn't cool. I've always said if I start losing my hair quickly it's all gone.



Senior Member

Tue, Dec 5, 2017 12:46 PM

I'm 41 no gray but the bald spot is growing.   I'm 6'5" so most people don't see it. 


12th Son of the Lama

Tue, Dec 5, 2017 12:57 PM

I've been gray (I'm 36) for a very long time.  I did the whole color thing in my 20's, but only here and there, when I felt like it.  I've kept my hair cut pretty short for quite some time, but in between cuts, it's pretty bad.  I really don't care or mind.  Is what it is.



Tue, Dec 5, 2017 1:01 PM

I'm 33 and lucky that my hair is a light brown, blonde color, so any gray kinda blends in. I've noticed a few every so often. I don't mind really as my thought it, as long as I still have hair on my head, it is all good. 

Commander of Awesome

Senior Pwner

Tue, Dec 5, 2017 1:07 PM
posted by BR1986FB

Yeah, if it starts going badly, go with the bald look. The George Costanza with the Charlie Brown action on the front just isn't cool. I've always said if I start losing my hair quickly it's all gone.


Oh no doubt. At this point I've just noticed it's thinning a bit. My partner doesn't even see it, but I do. Talked to my barber about it, who said I have a solid 7-10 left.


posted by superman

I'm 41 no gray but the bald spot is growing.   I'm 6'5" so most people don't see it. 


I'm pretty tall as well, def helps.


Senior Member

Tue, Dec 5, 2017 1:40 PM

I'm completely white now.  But I'm fortunate in that I'm not having any balding.

I have a goatee that still has some streaks of black.

I'm 64 and the gray started in my 40's.



Tue, Dec 5, 2017 1:52 PM

First gray hair on head appeared in 7th grade. Its been a slow process, as I'm 31 now and still only like 35% gray.


my beard is about 40%, but not spread out. 2 chunks of 100% gray on either side of chin. It's bad enough (not the gray, but the distinct 2-tone) that I've contemplated using "touch of gray" from Just for Men, but haven't. Just shave with a razor more often than I'd like. My wife doesn't mind the beard, but hates the 2 large gray spots...and I'd prefer to grow it out every so often, so still may use the product at some point.


Senior Member

Tue, Dec 5, 2017 1:57 PM

I'm 56 and have graying on my temples but the hair on my head is still mostly brown. I grew a beard a few years ago and it came in mostly gray,got rid of beard the next day.


Senior Member

Tue, Dec 5, 2017 7:43 PM

My mom came home from the beauty parlor one day when I was 18, and her hair was suddenly all gray.  She'd always had dark brown hair that I knew of.  I asked her why she frosted her hair.  She gave me a dirty look and said very coldly, "I didn't frost it."   And it went from there to pure white over the next year.  She was around 45 then.

I cut off all my chestnut-brown hair at age 24 on a whim, actually shaved it once.  As it started coming back over the next few months, my father told me I had some gray hairs showing on the sides.   

Had a beard for several years until I turned 40, was starting to get some flecks of gray in it, but the side corners were almost pure white.

Went with a silver-flecked Marine Corps flat-top for several years into my late 40's, then stopped going to the barber and grew a long ponytail over the last decade.  It came in almost pure silver, then turned partially blonde.  Weird.

Started going back to the barber a few months ago (59 now), just a short cut with some length to brush back.  Wow, is it thin and wispy now, but thank goodness the front has a little something to style.  Nice shiny spot in the back now, that took some getting used to.

I'm sure the beard is mostly white now.  I can go without shaving for 3 days and now you can't tell from 30 feet away, although I can feel it.  I couldn't do that 20 years ago and get away with it.


Senior Member

Tue, Dec 5, 2017 10:51 PM

I am 45 and its salt and pepper for me its basically 50/50 on my head and a little more gray on my side burns and beard when I grow one.  I lost most of my hair on top so I buzz it all about once a month.  For those of you who fear the loss of your hair as I once did I found it quite liberating when I lost it. You can't beat showering in the morning and not having to dick with your hair.  Have not used a brush in over decade.

Eyebrows stay dark with an occasional gray.  Just like the nether regions.



An exceptional poster.

Wed, Dec 6, 2017 8:56 AM

I’m hoping I make it to gray. I’m 27 and have noticed my hairline is slowly receding. Luckily no thinning elsewhere. The only bald guy in my family history is my dad’s dad. 



Wed, Dec 6, 2017 11:03 AM
posted by GOONx19

I’m hoping I make it to gray. I’m 27 and have noticed my hairline is slowly receding. Luckily no thinning elsewhere. The only bald guy in my family history is my dad’s dad. 

I’m not very sciency but I thought baldness came from your mother’s Dad?


An exceptional poster.

Wed, Dec 6, 2017 12:34 PM
posted by Ironman92

I’m not very sciency but I thought baldness came from your mother’s Dad?

That's correct, to my knowlege. That's why I mentioned it. There's now two people in this thread who don't follow that, though.


Tits McGee

Wed, Dec 6, 2017 1:50 PM

Well I'm a 32 year old woman, but no gray for me yet. Not that I'd notice...I have blonde hair to begin with and have not seen my natural color in...about 20 years. I did dye it purple-y gray on purpose a couple times.

My husband is 31 and has no gray, either. He's also blond and has a pretty fantastic head of hair. I'd be surprised if he goes bald. 

I do find dudes with salt and pepper hair very attractive. Or maybe it's just Kevin Love. 


Senior Member

Wed, Dec 6, 2017 4:16 PM
posted by GOONx19

That's correct, to my knowlege. That's why I mentioned it. There's now two people in this thread who don't follow that, though.

My maternal grandfather died with a full head of thick hair.  My fraternal grandfather is still living with a full head of white hair so thick he still combs it straight back.  He has more hair on his head than my Dad and brothers combined.  Its just where you fall in the gene pool.


Senior Member

Wed, Dec 6, 2017 4:36 PM

I'm 44 and my temples are mostly grey. Like a few others i don't care what color it turns so long as it doesn't fall out. I shaved my head once in college on a dare and my head is lumpy and weird looking without hair.