Economy question...



Fri, Apr 3, 2020 11:36 PM

From someone who has a decent chunk invested (at least, as far as a 34 year old goes) but knows very little about the actual market, I have a question regarding this recession...

...because it’s global, if the majority of countries markets crash like ours has, does that make the fall negligible? If our dollar is still as strong vs the Yen, Euro, etc, is an economic fall less impactful as, say, 2008? When it was the USA economy falling while the rest of the world status quo?

In short, because so much of the worlds economies are falling, does that make ours less impactful or no difference? Is that answer different for individual wealth vs the country’s strength as a whole?


Senior Member

Sat, Apr 4, 2020 5:19 PM

Wealth is wealth.  Market valuations are based on profits of the underlying companies.  Some companies are more sensitive to recessions than others, or have exposures to different economies in different countries.

Theoretically, a diversified global portfolio is better than just investing in the US.  But I haven't looked at the risk-adjusted returns in a long suspicion is the US is higher.

I don't know of an asset class that's a good investment now.  Been that way for a while, even while the markets were going up and up.  My advice is mainly pay down any debt with higher than 5-6% interest rates, dollar-cost average into the market, and re-balance annually.  Buy a house, if you haven't already.