Crazy traffic citations

Devils Advocate

Brudda o da bomber

Fri, Sep 6, 2019 5:08 PM

I was stopped at a red light waiting to turn right. I was the 2nd of 5 or 6 cars. When I got to the intersection, I had to wait for a person to cross the road.

After he cleared the intersection I started my right turn when I here a huge BANG. Apparently a kid was riding his bike down the sidewalk from behind me and wiped out into the back of my truck.

I put the truck in park and turned on my flashers. I got out and the guy that was walking was already there standing over the boy. This kid was almost out and bleeding about the head and shoulders. I had a first aid kit and applied pressure to a huge cut over his right eye. Somebody else called the police and ambulance. The first person there was his mother then the police then the ambulance.

The mom was apparently just a block or so behind me and saw the whole thing. She got out of her car and started screaming that I tried to kill her boy and intentionally ran him over. She literally shoved me off her kid and the blood really started to flow.

The cop arrived and blocked the intersection and the ambulance got there seconds later.  He then came to me and asked for my license registration and insurance. I gave him all but my insurance because I keep that on my phone. After about 5 minutes he gets out his car all agitated and yells ARE YOU ARMED ( I have a CCP ) I said no and he proceeded to search and handcuff me and throw me in the back of his car. While this was happening another cop and a K-9 unit got there. They then ran the dog around my truck and the dog hit on my truck. The cop then came to me and said he wanted permission to search and I refused. He then said he had probable cause because of the dog and started to search. 2 minutes later he came back and demanded the combo to the lockbox in my console. I refused so they impounded and towed my truck to get a warrant that I think they needed anyway. Fuckers didn’t take me jail but they wouldn’t let me get my phone out of the truck and left me stand on the side of the road

End result was a ticket for failing to yield to a pedestrian, failure to disclose a fire arm, and failure to furnish proof of insurance, and a 180 dollar tow bill and a broken lock box

God bless America




Devils Advocate

Brudda o da bomber

Fri, Sep 6, 2019 5:11 PM

It’s a good thing my wife is an attorney. 


Chief Shenanigans Officer

Fri, Sep 6, 2019 5:20 PM

Not to sound skeptical, but how did a kid get that injured crashing into your almost-stationary truck?

Also, what was in the lockbox?  Was it in fact a firearm?

Also, K9 hits are such bullshit.


Senior Member

Fri, Sep 6, 2019 5:23 PM

Contact your insurance and find out.  Had he been riding on the street (most places a bike is considered a vehicle, and needs to obey vehicle traffic laws), then he would have been at fault trying to go around you.

But I have no idea what the implications are if the kid is riding on the sidewalk - probably different city to city, but I don't think he'd magically get pedestrian right of way just because he's riding on the sidewalk.

Your insurance should defend you if you were improperly cited, which they probably will have to do since their may be a significant injury case.


LOL, yeah good think your wife is an attorney.  Insurance company would probably just settle if it's a few thousand, leaving you with a wrongful "at fault injury" on your driving record.


Senior Member

Fri, Sep 6, 2019 5:25 PM

I wonder if the fire arm citation wouldn't also get thrown out - if you had no drugs, then the dog "hitting" was clearly a bullshit excuse for an illegal search.

Devils Advocate

Brudda o da bomber

Fri, Sep 6, 2019 6:29 PM

I didn’t put in all the details, I was getting tired of typing

1. I had a Glock 19 loaded and ready with 2 extra mags


2. The kid was flying down the sidewalk and the cop knew it because the guy walking told him he was

3. I also have a med cannibus card. I told the cop it was also on my phone and the fucker said he didn’t care and that if the dog hit, they were gonna search

it took me a day to get my truck back and they also tried to search my phone I was locked out of it for a couple hours after I got my stuff back. They pulled the door panels off my truck and screwed them up a bit. They still have not provided me with the search warrant.



Honorable Admin

Fri, Sep 6, 2019 9:13 PM

Sounds like an ordeal. Unfortunately the word of the walking dude didn't appear to hold any weight with the cop, even though he was the only actual neutral party involved.

M question is, they didn't give a shit that you have a ccw and a medical card? I guess they probably wouldn't, because it's a federal issue. 


Senior Member

Fri, Sep 6, 2019 10:50 PM

If the kid is riding his bike toward you from behind and crashes into the back of your truck, then he would have been trying to keep going straight to cross the intersection which he wouldn't have had right of I visualizing this correctly? It's astounding (and depressing) you can fall into this situation without doing anything wrong yourself.

Not to hijack the thread, but I have a shitty car situation myself right now.

Back on August 24th, I was working out for about an hour inside the gym. I come out to find the very back window had been smashed out. It's an SUV, so the window that doesn't go up/down. Probably some dick looking for something of value in the back (which there wasn't anything.) Anyways, I filed police report and called USAA that evening. I had to have a crack in my windshield fixed last year so I know how it goes. Pay $100 deductible and have Safelite come out whenever. Well, apparently Safelite is so backed up from the tornado damage around here (from Memorial Day weekend) they say they cannot come out until the following Tuesday, the 3rd. I called the dealership since it's a lease and they said they could possibly fix it sooner but USAA probably won't work with them since they're contracted through Safelite, so I'd have to pay out of pocket like $600. It doesn't help it's a 2019 SUV so I guess spare parts are hard to come by. So this past Tuesday, when Safelite is suppose to come out between 8am-12pm, they call me at 0730 to tell me the window hasn't come in yet, but it might come on the noon truck and they'd let me know. They call back around 11am to inform the window is still in Cincinnati and will take another few days (apparently it's being walked to Dayton?) And why on earth when they knew this damn window wouldn't be in this week to wait until the day of to tell me they'd have to reschedule. So now I'm waiting until Monday (16 days after the initial incident) for them to fix it. And I wonder what will happen then to fuck things up. I called USAA to bitch and they basically told me sorry about your luck, you're welcome to shop around (and who knows if they'd cover it - I didn't ask because of the car, whoever fixed it would take a few days to secure the window anyways.) 



Sun, Sep 8, 2019 10:08 PM

Not all cited but:

1990 I was 16 and had my license for 2 months. My car was in the shop so my grandpa let me borrow his 1977 Porsche (it wasn’t very nice as one might was a TANK) friend and I were cruising town and made it to movie theater parking lot. I was going 10 mph and some guy comes barreling through the lot without his lights on and rams into me. Shook me good. Had to crawl out of passenger side. I get out and the guy in other car and SEVEN others gets out and he screams at me “YOU BETTER HAVE INSURANCE”...he didn’t help me being shook lol. Cops come, cite neither of us and I had to get my first job to help pay to fix. Turns out that fucker didn’t have insurance. No clue what went on but I got hosed.


Senior Member

Mon, Sep 9, 2019 8:08 AM
posted by Devils Advocate

He then came to me and asked for my license registration and insurance. I gave him all but my insurance because I keep that on my phone. After about 5 minutes he gets out his car all agitated and yells ARE YOU ARMED ( I have a CCP ) I said no and he proceeded to search and handcuff me and throw me in the back of his car. 




Weird story.  Couple of questions:

  • Why don't you carry a hard copy of your insurance card in your wallet or glove compartment?
  • Why didn't you tell them you had a weapon in the car?
  • What was your wife's legal opinion about this?

Was this in Ohio?  According to this link, in Ohio you're legally required to tell police you have a concealed firearm in your vehicle during an encounter with law enforcement. (p. 12).

Also, from what I've read, bicyclists are not restricted from using sidewalks, so I think they become "pedestrians" at that point.  But sheesh, there should be some doctrine of reasonableness involved if they're barreling down the sidewalk at 20 mph and you have no idea they're about to cross in two seconds.

I had a kid in a moped hit my minivan head-on in a residential neighborhood about 15 years ago - he came out of his driveway looking the other way, went into my lane, and ended bouncing off my windshield.  Never saw me until that last split-second.   Get this:  he was wearing a helmet and full leathers.  His mother ran out and dragged him into the house by his ear, screaming at him.  A bunch of neighbors came over to console me, they all said, "There was nothing you could have done" - and I got the out of there with nothing worse than a bad case of nerves and a busted license plate holder.



Kosh B'Gosh

Mon, Sep 9, 2019 8:25 AM

You could have avoided a lot of issues if you just disclosed your CCW. Simple as that. You should probably think about this moving forward, especially if there's any drugs (legal, but still important to disclose). Hope this helps.



Mon, Sep 9, 2019 10:13 AM

I’m very confused why you said you were not armed when there was a firearm in the car? Do you really think the police are going to find it funny when you say, “well it wasn’t on my person, so I wasn’t armed”?

Devils Advocate

Brudda o da bomber

Mon, Sep 9, 2019 6:40 PM

Guys, I wasn’t in my truck or ever was after the house hir my truck. If O was in my truck I wasn’t  required to report it 

The warrant was not dated until Friday.... the day after I picked my truck up. When they had the warrant I would have opened it if they asked me


Emporium Entrepreneur

Wed, Sep 11, 2019 1:53 PM

I have a dash cam...because you never know.....


paying it forward

Wed, Sep 11, 2019 3:22 PM

I once got a ticket for "excessive use of my horn"...seriously...cost me $95


Senior Member

Thu, Sep 12, 2019 9:53 AM
posted by vball10set

I once got a ticket for "excessive use of my horn"...seriously...cost me $95

Lol, but I think I got you beat.   My son got a ticket at Easton Town Center for "squealing tires" after he exited the parking garage.  I had to look it up, but it's in the Ohio Revised Code, 2133.071.

Columbus PD wrote the ticket.  The fine was just $55, but they tacked on another $97 in "court costs", aka "revenue enhancement" =  $152 just for squealing.


Chief Shenanigans Officer

Fri, Sep 13, 2019 1:29 PM

I once got a ticket for going 22 MPH in a school zone.

Truth is, I was trying to pick up speed.  I'd come out of the school, so I didn't see the lights flashing, but they were normally off by that time anyway.

The kicker?  The officer who pulled me over had been a senior at our HS when I was a freshman.


paying it forward

Fri, Sep 13, 2019 1:42 PM
posted by O-Trap

I once got a ticket for going 22 MPH in a school zone.

Truth is, I was trying to pick up speed.  I'd come out of the school, so I didn't see the lights flashing, but they were normally off by that time anyway.

The kicker?  The officer who pulled me over had been a senior at our HS when I was a freshman.

wow--2mph over? how much did they get you for?


Chief Shenanigans Officer

Fri, Sep 13, 2019 1:53 PM
posted by vball10set

wow--2mph over? how much did they get you for?

It was almost exactly half a lifetime ago, so I admit, I don't remember how much the ticket was for, but for a nearly-18-year-old, it felt like a ton of money.



Fri, Sep 13, 2019 8:51 PM

I got a ticket once (I think I was 18 give or take a year) for turning right on red coming off the highway. Got to the stoplight, left is home, right was gas that I didn’t want to get in the AM. It was a Saturday night, 2:30ish. Cop comes in hot into the gas station angled beside my hood lights flashing. Whole thing of why I pulled you over blah blah. 

He lightens up a bit and let’s me pump and pay. Then issues the ticket. I decide to fight the ticket — even though I clearly broke the law — on principle. Won. Judge said the policeman needed to use common sense and staying at the intersection at that time of night was more dangerous. The no turn on red sign was replaced 8 days later with a giant neon light up one with turn on red permitted after stop etc. 

The cop was definitely hoping to get a drunk, underage drinker. But I was stone sober that night. 

Court costs sucked, but getting the sign changed and no ticket was a big enough win for me.


paying it forward

Sat, Sep 14, 2019 7:27 AM

^^^I have to ask--did your dad help you out on fighting the ticket?



Sat, Sep 14, 2019 8:28 AM
posted by vball10set

^^^I have to ask--did your dad help you out on fighting the ticket?

No, he had a friend do it. 


Senior Member

Mon, Sep 16, 2019 4:39 PM

Got a ticket for throwing water (intentionally) on my cousins boat when I took off a jet ski. The officer listed the offense as "wetting down." 


Senior Member

Tue, Sep 17, 2019 12:47 AM

When I was new to driving, I didn't know about the annual license tag renewal. So I drove around for about ten months with expired tags. I was finally caught driving home from my girlfriends house at like 2am. Pulled over, got a ticket, told me to fix it and send in proof of insurance when I mail in my ticket payment (I couldn't find my insurance card at the time) and that was that. This was about 15 miles from my house. So I'm driving home and another cop starts following me closer to my house til I'm about a mile from home then he proceeds to pull me over. He says weren't you just pulled over for expired tags, which I was, and then asks why I'm still driving the car then. The first cop didn't tell me not to drive it home. It was 2am, what the fuck was I going to do? But this cop makes me call my dad to come pick me up and don't move the car until tomorrow when the tag had been fixed. Fucking slow ass night in Miami county.