

Senior Member

Fri, Apr 3, 2020 1:38 PM

Here's another simple explanation.

2009 H1N1 - 60 million cases, 12k deaths.

2020 COVID 19 ("reported" as of right now) - 265,506 cases, 6,786 deaths


Senior Member

Fri, Apr 3, 2020 3:33 PM



"By this data only three people over the age of 75 without one or more of those diseases has died in NY.  Three.

The only people who should be under "shelter in place" orders are those with one or more of these listed conditions; nobody else has any reason to be so-constrained.  Everyone who has such a condition knows they do."


Senior Member

Fri, Apr 3, 2020 3:38 PM
posted by QuakerOats

Again, the issue is less about the mortality rate and more about the hospitalization and ICU rate.  If hospitals get overwhelmed, more people die.  NY says they will run out of ventillators in a few days.

If you go back to business as usual, this will race thru 2/3 of your population and overwhelm your hospitals.  You can be 30 and healthy as an ox - it probably won't kill you, but it still can easily kick your ass and put you on a ventillator.  And if there's a shortage of ventillators, then I guess thoughts and prayers?


Senior Member

Fri, Apr 3, 2020 3:47 PM

You're wasting your time. If it doesn't come from some fringy, Geocities style page it doesn't get read let alone understood.

I have friends on the front lines here. I hear a new story everyday. Anyone who thinks shelter in place isn't necessary is a moron. It's that simple. If it were up to me I'd make it even stricter.


Senior Member

Fri, Apr 3, 2020 3:56 PM
posted by Automatik

I have friends on the front lines here. I hear a new story everyday. Anyone who thinks shelter in place isn't necessary is a moron. It's that simple. If it were up to me I'd make it even stricter.

I was talking to a neighbor the other day, and he said they have a few friends who are nurses who got it....said it was nasty, way worse than the flu.

I'm not scared of getting it, but I don't want to roll the dice on being hospitalized and intubated to recover from it.  I've wished for death struggling with just a bad cold or flu that was nowhere near putting me in the hospital.


Senior Member

Fri, Apr 3, 2020 3:57 PM

I'm in the same boat. I sure as hell would rather not deal with that. It can hit you very hard and last for a while.

Also, if I needed medical attention here I would drive my ass to Ohio before going to a local hospital. 



Fri, Apr 3, 2020 3:58 PM
posted by QuakerOats



"By this data only three people over the age of 75 without one or more of those diseases has died in NY.  Three.

The only people who should be under "shelter in place" orders are those with one or more of these listed conditions; nobody else has any reason to be so-constrained.  Everyone who has such a condition knows they do."

JFC. Thanks for the trip down memory lane on what the web looked like in the early 2000s. 


Senior Member

Fri, Apr 3, 2020 4:12 PM

Sounds like my girlfriend's son is done with it. Ironically, he may have had it twice as he had the same exact thing back in January. His job (works for an HVAC component manufacturer) and his wife's (Geico insurance) are considered essential (WTF?) so they may be going back to work next week. I'll be starting my 4th week working from home and will be pissed if my girlfriend ("grandma") has to go over to their house to babysit the 1, 5 & 6 year old in that infestation. 


Senior Member

Fri, Apr 3, 2020 4:29 PM

Dr. Amy Acton says we are having good success in flattening the curve and pushing the peak back.  My question is that by doing that is it going to make it more justifiable to further extend the stay at home order?  Will each individual have to prove they have antibodies in their blood before they can go back to non-essential jobs or replace someone in an essential job that doesn't have antibodies proven?


Senior Member

Fri, Apr 3, 2020 4:30 PM
posted by BR1986FB

Sounds like my girlfriend's son is done with it. Ironically, he may have had it twice as he had the same exact thing back in January. His job (works for an HVAC component manufacturer) and his wife's (Geico insurance) are considered essential (WTF?) so they may be going back to work next week. I'll be starting my 4th week working from home and will be pissed if my girlfriend ("grandma") has to go over to their house to babysit the 1, 5 & 6 year old in that infestation. 

I believe the cares act or whatever it’s called says that your job must give you full pay if you have to stay home from work to take care of children. No way should she be working under these circumstances. 


Chief Shenanigans Officer

Fri, Apr 3, 2020 4:35 PM
posted by mhs95_06

Dr. Amy Acton says we are having good success in flattening the curve and pushing the peak back.  My question is that by doing that is it going to make it more justifiable to further extend the stay at home order?  Will each individual have to prove they have antibodies in their blood before they can go back to non-essential jobs or replace someone in an essential job that doesn't have antibodies proven?

Extend the SAH order at all, or SAH order from where it would have been if we weren't seeing any flattened curve?

Were we not flattening the curve, the SAH order would last longer.

What's all that stuff about proving antibodies?  How the hell would that work?


Senior Member

Fri, Apr 3, 2020 4:45 PM

If we're already bending the curve, why would we need more than another 2 weeks of quarantine?  A month from now most of the current cases will have resolved, and we might have 150,000 active cases at that point?

I think the goal is just to get to a manageable point going forward.  Get to a point where we don't have a large number of hidden cases spreading thru the population, and where the hospitals aren't under pressure.  Then more testing and aggressively quarantining positive results, potentially quarantining hot spots, as needed. 

I would guess a Great Depression would cause millions of premature deaths.  How is that a preferable outcome to the current crisis?


In ROY I Trust!!

Fri, Apr 3, 2020 5:11 PM

Rumors floating around the Kroger that I started working at for the time being, is that they will only be allowing 10 customers in the store at a time starting Monday. It’s going to be absurd. 


Reppin' the 330/216/843

Fri, Apr 3, 2020 5:14 PM
posted by wildcats20

Rumors floating around the Kroger that I started working at for the time being, is that they will only be allowing 10 customers in the store at a time starting Monday. It’s going to be absurd. 



Senior Member

Fri, Apr 3, 2020 5:18 PM
posted by wildcats20

Rumors floating around the Kroger that I started working at for the time being, is that they will only be allowing 10 customers in the store at a time starting Monday. It’s going to be absurd. 

Don’t you get an extra $600 a week if you are on unemployment?


Senior Member

Fri, Apr 3, 2020 5:22 PM
posted by wildcats20

Rumors floating around the Kroger that I started working at for the time being, is that they will only be allowing 10 customers in the store at a time starting Monday. It’s going to be absurd. 

That's been happening here for going on 3 weeks.

It will depend on the square footage of the store. Lines will be outside, 2 meters between each person.


Reppin' the 330/216/843

Fri, Apr 3, 2020 5:31 PM
posted by QuakerOats


It is an 8 week look-back period from the loan origination date.  If the amount borrowed is spent on the prescribed expenses, i.e. payroll, utilities etc..then the loan is forgiven (free of the tax on the forgiveness of debt). The forgiveness can be reduced based on certain factors.

Dumbass government only included 501c(3) and (19) in this bill, so all other non profits get no relief, as if they don’t need money to help their employees. What a crock of shit. It was in the bill until the last day where it got taken out. 


Chief Shenanigans Officer

Fri, Apr 3, 2020 5:56 PM
posted by wildcats20

Rumors floating around the Kroger that I started working at for the time being, is that they will only be allowing 10 customers in the store at a time starting Monday. It’s going to be absurd. 

That's dumb.  Just going to result in a line outside the door.

A line of people standing less than six feet away from each other, I'd wager.




In ROY I Trust!!

Fri, Apr 3, 2020 5:57 PM
posted by Rotinaj

Don’t you get an extra $600 a week if you are on unemployment?

My first 2 weeks of having hours cut were declined for unemployment. Idk what I’m going to do after next week. 


Senior Member

Fri, Apr 3, 2020 9:19 PM

10 people in a Kroger at once would be absolutely ridiculous. It should be much higher.

My wife is also a respiratory therapist. She got a text from a recruiter to work in NYC and make $7,000/week. 


In ROY I Trust!!

Fri, Apr 3, 2020 9:22 PM
posted by O-Trap

That's dumb.  Just going to result in a line outside the door.

A line of people standing less than six feet away from each other, I'd wager.



Yeah, I’m not sure how it’s gonna work. I did read that Walmart is doing it as well. And are marking on their sidewalks every 6 feet for people to wait. 


Senior Member

Fri, Apr 3, 2020 9:49 PM
posted by friendfromlowry

10 people in a Kroger at once would be absolutely ridiculous. It should be much higher.

My wife is also a respiratory therapist. She got a text from a recruiter to work in NYC and make $7,000/week. 

If they paid all expenses on top of the $7000 (hotel, food, travel) and had more than adequate PPE, I would do it in a heartbeat. 

Can make about as much  in 2 months than the rest of the year combined. 

Dr Winston O'Boogie

Senior Member

Fri, Apr 3, 2020 9:51 PM
posted by QuakerOats



"By this data only three people over the age of 75 without one or more of those diseases has died in NY.  Three.

The only people who should be under "shelter in place" orders are those with one or more of these listed conditions; nobody else has any reason to be so-constrained.  Everyone who has such a condition knows they do."

Assume that anyone over the age of 60 or 70 has an underlying condition of some sort, so your number of 3 is misleading.  Why don't  you and all of the "it's the flu or a cold / plus the flu kills way more" crowd wait until a year is up and then let's see how this pandemic plays out.  You made fun of it when there were a handful of cases.  Now there's a quarter million.  Let's just wait and see before we call foul.  




Honorable Admin

Fri, Apr 3, 2020 9:53 PM

10 people? JFC, that's silly.


Senior Member

Fri, Apr 3, 2020 10:02 PM

One those iPhone alerts went off here today, like when a kid is abducted. It was calling for health professionals that could join the cause.

FOUR TIMES, in an hour.