Buckeye Boys State / Girls State


Honorable Admin

Mon, Jul 16, 2018 11:22 AM

Anyone else attend? I've got to imagine I'm not the only one on here that did.

 I would've been there in 2000. I was in Wagonseller County, I vaguely remember my job, I believe I worked for the police department. The most interesting story from my experience was a kid I played little league baseball with, and was decent friends with before he moved away in 5th grade, was in the same county as me. I hadn't seen him 5 or 6 years, and his dorm room was a few doors down from mine. I also remember my roommate being gay, and the "cool" kids on our floor being total dicks to him, which pissed me off because he was a nice kid and didn't deserve it.

If you did attend, did you run for office or just take a regular job?


Son of the Sun

Mon, Jul 16, 2018 11:30 AM

I was, in 1991. I ran for office, won the primary, blew all my money winning in the primary and got housed in the general. Can't remember the name of my "county", but we had a lot of office-runners who all met the same fate that I did. Might as well changed our floor's name to "Second-Best". And so I became a lawyer and half-assed my way to barely fulfilling any requirements I needed to do while spending most of my time kicking a hacky-sack around with the other guys on the floor. Overall, a really fun week.


Tits McGee

Mon, Jul 16, 2018 11:34 AM

I went to Girls State at Ashland in 2002. I took the bar exam, then ran for and won a prosecutor job, but decided to join the Ohio State Highway Patrol instead. I don't remember my county off the top of my head. My roommate and I got along super well, and decided on a penguin pet shop as our business, lol. Our door was decorated as an igloo and has little pengys all over it. Our entire floor got along great, actually. We had a blast.


Honorable Admin

Mon, Jul 16, 2018 11:37 AM
posted by Fab4Runner

I went to Girls State at Ashland in 2002. I took the bar exam, then ran for and won a prosecutor job, but decided to join the Ohio State Highway Patrol instead. I don't remember my county off the top of my head. My roommate and I got along super well, and decided on a penguin pet shop as our business, lol. Our door was decorated as an igloo and has little pengys all over it. Our entire floor got along great, actually. We had a blast.

Yeah, I think I joined the highway patrol as well. I knew it was something to do with law enforcement.


Tits McGee

Mon, Jul 16, 2018 11:40 AM
posted by justincredible

Yeah, I think I joined the highway patrol as well. I knew it was something to do with law enforcement.

I was selected to go to Junior Cadet Week but ended up having a scheduling conflict and couldn't go. Another girl on my floor who was also a trooper did end up going and she really liked it. 


Reppin' the 330/216/843

Mon, Jul 16, 2018 12:13 PM

I went in 2003, I think it was at bowling green. I just took a regular job and pretty much only hung out with one kid I met there. 


Senior Member

Mon, Jul 16, 2018 2:08 PM

I did not attend, but both of my kids did.

Bowling Green in 2002 and 2005.

Great experience for both.


Senior Member

Mon, Jul 16, 2018 2:29 PM

2003 at BG. Hartpence city, Konold County? Might be completely wrong but fuck it.

Ran for the Senate and won. Basically spent the entire week trying to legalize gambling.

I still am friends with 2 fellow Senators on Facebook. One actually sought me out randomly to run with him on a ticket for Student Senate positions 4 years later at OU. I was surprised he remembered me. 


7 gram rocks. how i roll.

Mon, Jul 16, 2018 2:39 PM

I went in 2001. County Commissioner but don't remember anything else. Had a blast, but didn't keep in touch with a single soul from that week. No cell phones for teenagers at that time didn't allow us to keep in touch. I think I connected with a guy named Felcher (fletcher was his last name) on ICQ but when that went away I lost touch with him. One kid from there went to Marietta College with me, but I never hung out with him in either setting.


Honorable Admin

Mon, Jul 16, 2018 2:46 PM
posted by j_crazy

I went in 2001. County Commissioner but don't remember anything else. Had a blast, but didn't keep in touch with a single soul from that week. No cell phones for teenagers at that time didn't allow us to keep in touch. I think I connected with a guy named Felcher (fletcher was his last name) on ICQ but when that went away I lost touch with him. One kid from there went to Marietta College with me, but I never hung out with him in either setting.

I think one of the dicks on my floor went to Marietta as well, and lived on my floor freshman year. Huge meat head, I don't think he lasted the year.

And yeah, keeping in touch was a lot harder back then.


An exceptional poster.

Mon, Jul 16, 2018 2:50 PM

I worked at the bank in 2008 at BG. Ended up going to school with one of the guys on my floor, but don’t keep in touch with any of them at this point.