Belly's daily question? 04-29-2020


Elderly Intellectual

Wed, Apr 29, 2020 12:45 PM

As we watched the process of our government during this unprecedented COVID-19 situation.

What would be the number one discussing, distasteful, unquestionable BS that in your opinion took place?

For me, it is clear that term limits is the only answer to create a government body that works for the people and not the agenda of political parties.   Adding pork (agenda) to a bill that is needed for the people is wrong and uncalled for at this time in the history of American pandemic.    

Dr Winston O'Boogie

Senior Member

Wed, Apr 29, 2020 3:43 PM

I would say watching both sides try to blame each other for the pandemic.  The fact is that none of them saw it coming.  It's a pandemic, not a political episode.  They spent so much time trying to point out examples of where the other side screwed up so they could blame someone.  None of that has done an ounce of good for any of us.  


Senior Member

Wed, Apr 29, 2020 4:42 PM



A tie between liberals delaying, then porking up pandemic relief legislation, and the media using daily briefings for gotcha questions instead of gleaning useful information.


Son of the Sun

Wed, Apr 29, 2020 5:20 PM

1a and 1b, since they're both equal.

1a -- like you said, this is a good reason for term limits. Seems that outside of a couple governors (DeWine and Hogan), this has turned into Generic Party Line argument #13593057, with one side calling for closures and public health and the other calling for openings and economy. Being career politicians leads to them caring more about the party line than anything else, which this proves ONCE AGAIN, so something really needs to be done about that.

1b -- the hilariously contradictory nature of the president's statements. I mean, Quaker's always full of shit on this site, but his "instead of gleaning useful information" might take the cake. Dude's waffled between "we have to be smart and every state is its own situation" intelligent leadership to his typical "fire up the base" shit, his "if a governor isn't nice to me, why should the federal government be nice to their state" comments, his "LIBERATE (insert name of state where governor hurt his feelings)" tweets, his peddling of unproven fad remedies and so on to the degree that "reactions to what he says by person behind him" has become a huge meme.