Belly's daily question? 04-28-20


Elderly Intellectual

Tue, Apr 28, 2020 3:30 PM

If you're working from home, what has been your personal saving (estimated)?   

My wife working from home, not having to drive, gas alone we are saving ( gas at $2.00 gal) about $44.00 per week. 

Lunching out at office work:  Another estimated $35.00 per week

Between gas and lunch out  ....... Saving of $4108.00 per year 

Writing off the working from home will surely help our tax return.... anyone has any estimated on this?

I'm not sure my wife will go back to work without a raise..... of over $4000.00


Senior Member

Tue, Apr 28, 2020 3:38 PM


Saving on dining out for sure, probably over $450.  We did drive up to wine country and buy a case of one of good wine from one of our favorite wineries there, trying to help them out.  No doubt saved a nice chunk with the Mrs having to defer the hair salon trip(s).



Senior Member

Tue, Apr 28, 2020 3:54 PM
posted by Belly35

If you're working from home, what has been your personal saving (estimated)?   

My wife working from home, not having to drive, gas alone we are saving ( gas at $2.00 gal) about $44.00 per week. 

Lunching out at office work:  Another estimated $35.00 per week

Between gas and lunch out  ....... Saving of $4108.00 per year 

Writing off the working from home will surely help our tax return.... anyone has any estimated on this?

I'm not sure my wife will go back to work without a raise..... of over $4000.00

At normal gas prices, between $10-$11 per day in gas = $50/week.  ($300)

Probably waste 10-15 a week with stupid stuff at the gas station = $15/week.  ($90)

Generally only go get lunch once a week. Rest of the time it is leftovers or pack like I am eating now for lunch= $10/week. ($60).


I would say just by this at least 450-500 in savings not to include wear and tear on the vehicle.

Also, by being home I make dinner almost every night. Before half of the time it was ordering and picking something on the way so I would say eating at home has saved me at least $50/week.


Around april 4th I went to see how long I could go without spending a dime. I didnt load up at the grocery, so i just had what I had here and normally would get for a few days. I went 12 days without spending a dime and could have went a few more days but a couple of bills were due.


So I have saved a lot, but this has also cost me a lot with two training schools I was going to that I would have been paid double for going, to go along with a month of per diem, etc and spending zero on food for two weeks so I would say I am in the hole pretty easily


Senior Member

Tue, Apr 28, 2020 4:00 PM

Since martial law was instituted, we've ordered pizza twice, burger fast food twice, and Chipotle once.  Defintely saved on visiting our favorite haunts.  Plus not spending money on tickets to see local bands.

The wife is only a half-mile from work, she hasn't saved much on gas there, but what we are saving gas by not going out to dinner or the malls.  I went to fill up my truck this week, had so many Kroger points I got a dollar off, and put in 23 gallons at 39 cents a gallon .....


Senior Member

Tue, Apr 28, 2020 4:02 PM
posted by Belly35


Writing off the working from home will surely help our tax return.... anyone has any estimated on this?


Unless you have a dedicated space just for work, I don't see how it will help your taxes.  Plus, it sounds like this is temporary for you.  What benefit are you thinking of getting?


Tits McGee

Tue, Apr 28, 2020 4:30 PM

Already worked from home, so no savings there. 

I've saved a ton not going to bars and restaurants.

Got one refund of about $325 for a weekend music festival (plus I won't be spending the additional $500 or so on lodging, food and alcohol) and should have two more concert refunds coming. 

I put $5 in gas in my car on 3/16 and have 88 miles to go until I need to fill up again. 


Master of teh QQ

Wed, Apr 29, 2020 8:10 AM

I worked from home for the first 3 weeks of this and have been back at the office since.

I don't pay for my gas, my company does.  I suppose that I've saved some money on eating out, maybe $20 a week.  However, my kids are home from school - all boys, ages 11, 11 and 14.  Our grocery bill has increased at least $70 per week.  

My wife owns a hair salon.  She gets no unemployment and has no income.  She sits at home and buys shit on amazon, I'm going to say on average $50 per week.

So this "stay at home" order is costing me out the ass.  Hahaha.  Weekly, I'd say we are down around $1,500 on what we'd normally be bringing in.

Glad some of you are saving though.


Elderly Intellectual

Wed, Apr 29, 2020 8:30 AM
posted by QuakerOats


Saving on dining out for sure, probably over $450.  We did drive up to wine country and buy a case of one of good wine from one of our favorite wineries there, trying to help them out.  No doubt saved a nice chunk with the Mrs having to defer the hair salon trip(s).


Hells Bells.... the money-saving per month ( $300.00 easy) on hair salon, nails and pedicures plus I haven't had my hair cut ( almost ponytail length)... I did get the dog cut and trimmed up ( $90.00)  

Wife not shopping for clothes, shoes, and make-up stuff..... $300-$500.00 per month depending 

We do eat out a lot  3 -4 times per week ....that saving is up there  $850.00 per month estitmated


Kosh B'Gosh

Wed, Apr 29, 2020 8:46 AM

We've saved a ton on childcare -- $200/week per kid (2) = $400 for 6 weeks = $2400

Gas savings for me -- $50/week = $50 for 6 weeks = $300

I can't say we've saved much, if any, on food due to 6 of us being at the house constantly. The 3 kids eat nonstop. We have bought some big meals at local dining establishments several times. We never did much shopping. We never spend much on any pampering (salons, manis/pedis, etc.). Come August we'll only have one kid in childcare. Add in the stimulus check and our tax refund, we've finally gotten a little built back up in savings. I just need to knock off the credit card debt soon.


Reppin' the 330/216/843

Wed, Apr 29, 2020 9:20 AM

Ugh, no savings here. I still drive into work. Kids were out of daycare for 2 weeks where we lost $800 (They refunded $400 of the $1,200 for the two weeks). We complained after that and got the next two weeks comped, so I guess we saved there technically, but we prepay 6 months so the cash is gone.  Daycare is finally open again but they aren't providing lunches like normal, so we are paying more to pack lunches.  We didn't eat out much anyway bc of the ages of our kids, but we've actually done more takeout recently instead of cooking bc of all the deals around us. My job prior to Feb was 7 miles from home without restaurants, but now I work downtown so we have a plethora of options. All in all, we probably are losing money during this. 


Honorable Admin

Wed, Apr 29, 2020 9:29 AM

We're saving on gas and parking. Probably breaking even on food expenditures. More on groceries, less eating out for lunch. Not going to breweries as often, but always having a ton of beer on hand.

Once this is over, I'll have my wife run the numbers in our budgeting app.