Anti-Mount Rushmore: things you're bad at


Senior Member

Thu, Jun 27, 2019 12:16 PM

Spin off, keeping the place in business. 

What are four things you're just really bad at that most people aren't? 

1. Sleep. Working night shift, I'm all fucked up. On my nights off, I average 3-5 hours a night, and probably another 2-3 hours during the day when/if i can.

2. Drinking water. I have to really force myself to.

3. Overthinking greeting someone and butchering it. Example:

Them: Hi, how are you

Me: Hey how are you going 

4. Finishing popular shows from start to finish. I never finished Breaking Bad. I started Stranger Things but couldn't get into it. I haven't finished the last season or two of The Office but in my defense I started to really dislike it around mid-season six. 

Commander of Awesome

Senior Pwner

Thu, Jun 27, 2019 12:40 PM

1. Patience: in that I have none. Esp for incompetence or slowness. This can be service, driving, walking, talking, BS, etc...

2. Watching TV: like friendfromlowry, I get bored. I'm constantly watching TV while doing something else like cruising the internet, playing a video game, texting. It takes a show to be GREAT to hold my attention. Do not have this problem with sports or movies.

3. Flexibility: I have terrible flexibility despite stretching for 10 min a day and the occasional....*gasp* yoga class.

4.  Chill: I'm not chill at all. I don't go with the flow, take life as it comes, live in the moment, or any other cliche out there. If we make plans to meet at 8, I'll be there 7:55 for sure and if you're late I'm pissed. IDGAF about traffic, should have thought of that ahead of time fuckhead. Rude service, water off the back right? NOPE. Internet isn't working, oh well just read a book and be happy I have electricity? FUCK YOU. The internet needs to be fixed.


Honorable Admin

Thu, Jun 27, 2019 1:21 PM

I'm terrible at making quick decisions when it comes to buying things.

I'm terrible at responding to texts.

I have no patience. Slow people, stupid people, bad drivers, whatever it is, I have no patience for it.

I'm a huge procrastinator, so I'm terrible at doing things in a timely manner.


Senior Member

Thu, Jun 27, 2019 2:18 PM




Kosh B'Gosh

Thu, Jun 27, 2019 2:25 PM

Golf. Sleeping. Patience.

In no particular order. The one I've been trying to work on is my patience. I know it's terrible. But, as Justin said, I have zero patience for a lot of things. And, to make it worse, I work with 16-22 year olds typically and they are just dumb. I hate answering dumb questions. I hate repeating myself. I hate having to do everyone's stuff because I know it won't get done (right or at all). Then, top it all off...driver's in NKY/Cincinnati may be the worst in the world. I try to not drive fast, but here I do because I want to avoid all the dumb drivers -- it's like a safety net for me.


Honorable Admin

Thu, Jun 27, 2019 2:27 PM
posted by OSH

Golf. Sleeping. Patience.

In no particular order. The one I've been trying to work on is my patience. I know it's terrible. But, as Justin said, I have zero patience for a lot of things. And, to make it worse, I work with 16-22 year olds typically and they are just dumb. I hate answering dumb questions. I hate repeating myself. I hate having to do everyone's stuff because I know it won't get done (right or at all). Then, top it all off...driver's in NKY/Cincinnati may be the worst in the world. I try to not drive fast, but here I do because I want to avoid all the dumb drivers -- it's like a safety net for me.

It's bad out there. Real bad.

Commander of Awesome

Senior Pwner

Thu, Jun 27, 2019 2:32 PM
posted by justincredible

I'm terrible at making quick decisions when it comes to buying things.

I'm terrible at responding to texts.

I have no patience. Slow people, stupid people, bad drivers, whatever it is, I have no patience for it.

I'm a huge procrastinator, so I'm terrible at doing things in a timely manner.

Also not great at this. Text me during work hours, it's like a 5% chance of response. Drives my wife nuts.


Senior Member

Thu, Jun 27, 2019 3:12 PM

1) Basketball- I am the Air Ball King, the Clown Prince of Basketball, if you will

2) Sitting in one place for more than 5 minutes. 

3) Attention span (piggybacks off the sitting in one place....have some kind of adult ADD). I can keep a conversation for about a minute, tops, then I get bored and walk away. I'm the same in social settings. Get bored/lose interest very quickly.

4) Keeping in touch with my family. 50% of my brothers/sisters probably don't know if I'm dead or alive.



Thu, Jun 27, 2019 3:37 PM
  • Naps. Can’t take them, no matter how tired (exception is on a plane)
  • Weeding. Spend money on landscaping, keep the lawn looking great and edged. Plants trimmed and looking great...fuck weeds.
  • Talking on the phone. Doesn’t matter if it’s wife to calling a contract or ordering pizza. Maybe it’s I just hate it, but I suck because of it. 
  • Remembering names. If I meet you for the first time, I assume it will be the only time. I won’t remember your name, job, where you live and frankly I am pretty standoffish towards you. Just don’t have desire to invest a conversation if I’ll never see you again. 

Edit: On last one, I actually do this with new coworkers as our turnover is so fast. You gotta be here 6 months before I become “friendly”. But once I “meet” you a few times, I’ll remember it all and am a great friend. 


Reppin' the 330/216/843

Thu, Jun 27, 2019 3:48 PM
posted by Laley23
  • Naps. Can’t take them, no matter how tired (exception is on a plane)
  • Remembering names. If I meet you for the first time, I assume it will be the only time. I won’t remember your name, job, where you live and frankly I am pretty standoffish towards you. Just don’t have desire to invest a conversation if I’ll never see you again. 

I like those 2... I can count on one hand how many times I've napped in the last 10 years. I suck at it, including planes and I am also awful at remembering names. I still get my neighbors babies names confused, and we see them weekly.


1) I'm awful at golf

2) Researching/ frugalness - I will spend hours finding the best hotel for the money or insert any bigger purchase. I will read reviews on 20 websites, and then try to find how I can get it the cheapest. It really is a pain in the ass.



333 - I'm only half evil

Thu, Jun 27, 2019 4:30 PM

Throwing a ball. I throw like a girl. 

Not answering my phone. If I don't recognize the number I just won't answer it until I hear if it's somebody I know or not. Drives other people crazy when I let my phone ring.


Senior Member

Thu, Jun 27, 2019 6:59 PM
posted by CenterBHSFan

Not answering my phone. If I don't recognize the number I just won't answer it until I hear if it's somebody I know or not. Drives other people crazy when I let my phone ring.

I don't consider that a bad thing. I don't answer numbers i don't recognize either. 

1. I am not a morning person and I suck at waking up. I'm also really bad at being on time for the first thing I do every day. 

2. I suck at doing dishes. I worked in a restaurant for 5 years and part of that was as a dishwasher. I put dishes off until the last possible moment. 

3. I'm not a fan of mowing the lawn. My neighbors didn't love me when I lived in the city. Now I live in the country and I have fenced in as much of my yard as possible.

4. Estimating how long projects will take. This bites me in the ass at work and I should be better at it, but the clients change the specs anyway everytime so it is what it is. 


12th Son of the Lama

Thu, Jun 27, 2019 7:55 PM

Sleep - I am both a morning person, and a late night person.  I also love TV





An exceptional poster.

Fri, Jun 28, 2019 2:11 AM

Typing efficiently. I know where the keys are, just don’t have the muscle memory to use all 4 fingers. It’s weird because I can play piano no problem. Used to play Guitar Hero in expert. Just can’t figure out typing. 

Packing. I take too much everytime. 

Growing calves. 

Hanging things on walls without getting pissed off. 


1st Team All-PWN

Fri, Jun 28, 2019 6:37 AM

I could just repeat COA's and it would be the same for me.  My friends tell me that I suck at sitting on couches, that is how bad at chilling I am.  I will try and differentiate mine since I am bad at many other things:

-Folding/ironing clothes.  Fuck ironing.  I will half ass iron my pants, but shirts are going to the dry cleaner.  It's well worth the $ spent to save time.

-Being an adult when Cleveland teams are playing.  My biggest character flaw.  I am very happy nobody has snuck in some candid videos of me watching my team. I don't watch with anyone who isn't a Cleveland fan, because I know I will say something I would later regret.

-Swimming.  I can swim and get around, but my form is terrible when it comes to swimming laps.

-Having empathy. 

Fred Garvin

Senior Member

Fri, Jun 28, 2019 8:06 AM


I am terrible at it, and that sucks because I really love the game.


12th Son of the Lama

Sat, Jun 29, 2019 12:57 PM

Driving with even an ounce of patience.  I think that all other drivers, regardless of gender or age, are fucking morons.  That doesn't mean that I don't do stupid shit at times.  I just hate everyone. 


Senior Member

Sat, Jun 29, 2019 1:56 PM

Naps - Never been able to take them. 

Song Lyrics - I am terrible at remembering them. Not a lot of songs I can sing the whole way through. 

Being Flexible - Even when trying and stretching a lot still so bad. Have never been able to sit Indian style (probably not correct thing to say nowadays but fuck it). 

Singing - I am tone deaf and you don't want me to sing.  



Sat, Jun 29, 2019 11:34 PM

Patience in traffic at red’s green, fucking go

putting stuff together by diagram or pictures, again a patience issue

wrapping a present...I couldn’t be worse

tolerance for bad service in a drive thru


Senior Member

Sun, Jun 30, 2019 12:30 AM

Empathy-From kids to adults when someone is whining or upset about something illogical (not major things like deaths, etc), when they are crying for reasons that don’t make sense to me I literally cringe/shake inside and have to leave the situation. If it’s my kids it REALLY upsets me and my wife has to take care of that emotional side. If it’s adults I just leave the situation. I have near zero Emtional Quotient (EQ) which is like the IQ equivalent to empathy/emotion. 


Planning ahead- I just do things and can come up with quick logical solutions, but based on last thread I am “great” at procrastinating which means I am terrible at planning ahead. 


Organization-My desk at work is an insane mess always. 


RL confrontation-I am always trying to laugh/talk my way out of a confrontation in RL, to the point where if there is something wrong with my food at a restaurant I will just eat it to avoid confrontation (unless it’s major problem). 


12th Son of the Lama

Sun, Jun 30, 2019 8:41 AM

Small talk


Chief Shenanigans Officer

Mon, Jul 1, 2019 4:31 PM
  • Multi-tasking
  • Letting go of an ongoing conversation/argument
  • Controlling my focus