The Kavanaugh saga

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Senior Member

Thu, Oct 4, 2018 4:19 PM


Might the abuse and trauma Ford has endured under the wholly mismanaged and disgraceful tactics employed by Feinstein exceed that which she may have suffered in ’82?


Senior Member

Thu, Oct 4, 2018 4:23 PM

This is old news by next week.  Selective outrage by the left has already shifted to Trump and his taxes.


Senior Member

Thu, Oct 4, 2018 4:36 PM


Yet another old hit piece, re-wrapped for peddling again.


Reppin' the 330/216/843

Thu, Oct 4, 2018 7:39 PM

I’m still kinda worried about Flake and the other 3. One dem they thought might flip already said no. But there is a W Va possibly. Also saw a teeet where a Montana guy has to be at a wedding Saturday for his daughter, not sure how that effects the vote (could be fake news)


Senior Member

Fri, Oct 5, 2018 8:25 AM

FBI report included text messages from Monica McClean to Leyland Keyser, asking Keyser to "clarify her statement."

Not the best of looks for Ms. McClean. Again.


Reppin' the 330/216/843

Fri, Oct 5, 2018 8:38 AM
posted by fish82

FBI report included text messages from Monica McClean to Leyland Keyser, asking Keyser to "clarify her statement."

Not the best of looks for Ms. McClean. Again.

They also hinted at other communications between Ford and Feinstein and that Hawaii moron.


333 - I'm only half evil

Fri, Oct 5, 2018 9:19 AM

So, my hyperbolic question would be: Will Carolyn Bryant be giggling in hell or rolling in her grave?


Senior Member

Fri, Oct 5, 2018 10:53 AM

Cloture vote passes 51-49, Manchin Yes, Murkowski No.


Seems to me that all Senators who are on record of having made up their minds should have cast a yes vote.


Senior Member

Fri, Oct 5, 2018 11:10 AM
posted by queencitybuckeye

Cloture vote passes 51-49, Manchin Yes, Murkowski No.

Seems to me that all Senators who are on record of having made up their minds should have cast a yes vote.

The odd thing about that is if Cloture fails, often the Speaker will withdraw the bill, which results in no voting record on the measure.  So people can't say "you voted against this" and the response would be "no, I voted against ending debate because I thought key issues needed resolved".


Senior Member

Fri, Oct 5, 2018 11:13 AM

Sad part is, the confirmation is only in doubt after questions come up about his "temperament" and drinking....which only came up from his responses to a blatant smear attempt. 

Had it been handled confidentially in the initial FBI check, as it should have been, it's dismissed as completely uncorroborated and none of the above comes up.  The way Feinstein played this was nothing but a hail mary hoping to flip 2 Republican votes for whatever reason they could manufacture.


Senior Member

Fri, Oct 5, 2018 11:28 AM

The other sad part is that while important, his confirmation or his failure to be confirmed is nowhere in the same galaxy as the perceived importance everyone has worked themselves into a lather over. It's not like the court is going to become some sort of right-wing politburo voting to end abortion and further curtail the 4th amendment. They will continue to rule on cases, most very narrowly.

Sen. Sasse had it right, this is only a big deal because one branch completely refuses to do their job, his branch.



Chief Shenanigans Officer

Fri, Oct 5, 2018 11:33 AM
posted by QuakerOats

Might the abuse and trauma Ford has endured under the wholly mismanaged and disgraceful tactics employed by Feinstein exceed that which she may have suffered in ’82?

No way.  While I think her story was hijacked and turned into a monstrosity, I do think she was sexually assaulted.  Even with the vagueness of the questions in the polygraph, that much appeared to come through, and I'm not sure even the exploitation of such a traumatic event would be as bad as the actual event.

Maybe I'm wrong.  I've never experienced it, so I don't have an existential knowledge of that sort of experience, but after having experienced both, I can't imagine her choosing the actual event over someone else exploiting her event for political gain.

posted by gut

Sad part is, the confirmation is only in doubt after questions come up about his "temperament" and drinking....which only came up from his responses to a blatant smear attempt. 

Here's the thing about this, too:  We HAVE precedent on how he conducts himself professionally.  The Bar Association rated him well-qualified in 2003, when he was first nominated as a prospective federal judge.  He has spent 12 years as a federal judge, and while he's not been the most liked, his temperament and ability to conduct himself in the court room was never an issue.  Moreover, he seems to be fairly averse to legislating from the bench, which is a plus.

He's a fairly partisan judge (he's not alone in that regard), and I find some of his seeming policies highly problematic, but bringing up his temperament or any problem with his drinking is without foundation, based on the last 12 years of him acting as a federal judge, so it blows my mind that people are even trying to use that as ammunition to sway the vote.



Reppin' the 330/216/843

Fri, Oct 5, 2018 12:18 PM

Murkowski a no, Flake a yes (for now). Collins and Manchin haven't said. I think their is a D from Tennessee that said he might vote yes too.


Honorable Admin

Fri, Oct 5, 2018 12:27 PM

I just saw that Manchin is very likely a yes.


Senior Member

Fri, Oct 5, 2018 12:34 PM
posted by iclfan2

Murkowski a no, Flake a yes (for now). Collins and Manchin haven't said. I think their is a D from Tennessee that said he might vote yes too.

Both senators from Tennessee are Republican.


Reppin' the 330/216/843

Fri, Oct 5, 2018 12:46 PM
posted by queencitybuckeye

Both senators from Tennessee are Republican.

Not sure what I saw then. Thanks for clearing that up.


Senior Member

Fri, Oct 5, 2018 12:56 PM
posted by O-Trap

... based on the last 12 years of him acting as a federal judge, so it blows my mind that people are even trying to use that as ammunition to sway the vote.

I'm getting disgusted with politics....hard to have a rational, objective conversation with people who have no interest in independent thought.  Many people are 100% convinced of whatever the Dems and their media are selling (goes both ways, but your position is unambiguously absolutely correct here....great example of how blindly partisan people have become).

Perhaps it's a small victory that most are not saying he should be rejected because of a completely unsubstantiated allegation.  That was a dangerous new standard we were flirting with.


Reppin' the 330/216/843

Fri, Oct 5, 2018 3:21 PM
posted by gut

I'm getting disgusted with politics....hard to have a rational, objective conversation with people who have no interest in independent thought.  Many people are 100% convinced of whatever the Dems and their media are selling (goes both ways, but your position is unambiguously absolutely correct here....great example of how blindly partisan people have become).

GETTING disgusted? Did you miss the last 13 years or so? This is definitely the lowest point but it's been on this path for a long time. When a side is wearing pussy hats, or instead of rape allegations are calling for the non confirmation of a judge bc of drinking in HS, you've reached the point of no return. Not to mention when the media is blatantly trying to mislead the public and most of the public is to stupid to not see it. Hundreds of thousands of retweets on articles that are completely wrong, and then the tweet fixing it gets 100. I truly believe that misinformation to the uneducated/ gullible public has played a large part into where we are.


Honorable Admin

Fri, Oct 5, 2018 3:58 PM

I'm seeing Collins and Manchin are both a yes vote on Kav.



Senior Member

Fri, Oct 5, 2018 4:00 PM
posted by justincredible

I'm seeing Collins and Manchin are both a yes vote on Kav.


Manchin has no balls.


Senior Member

Fri, Oct 5, 2018 4:03 PM
posted by iclfan2

I truly believe that misinformation to the uneducated/ gullible public has played a large part into where we are.

Very true.  I've often thought that is the real reason for a targeted campaign against Fox and Rush Limbaugh.  There are other conservative outlets, but those two seem to have the vast majority of the share.  And so the left quietly quashes dissent by steering people away from those sources in the first place, but then also discrediting any argument shared or originating from them regardless of merit.

Notice how no one said too much when Obama routinely disparaged Fox News.  Because they agreed, and they were onboard.  Now when Trump does it to CNN he's "threatening our Democracy!!!!!"

Funny thing is, if you really wanted to knock Fox down in terms of influence and counteract them, you'd launch another conservative network to steal share and put out different messaging.


Reppin' the 330/216/843

Fri, Oct 5, 2018 4:20 PM

So Collins destroys the Dem narrative in a long ass speech and the media losing it. What would be called sexist/ mansplaining/ etc. if the other way is cheered on by the clowns on the left. They truly don't give a shit how hypocritical they are. 

A lot of people tweeting things like "we must never let them eat in peace again"... I can't wait for one of them to get destroyed. One day they're gonna mess with the wrong person.


Chief Shenanigans Officer

Fri, Oct 5, 2018 4:44 PM
posted by gut

I'm getting disgusted with politics....hard to have a rational, objective conversation with people who have no interest in independent thought.  Many people are 100% convinced of whatever the Dems and their media are selling (goes both ways, but your position is unambiguously absolutely correct here....great example of how blindly partisan people have become).

Perhaps it's a small victory that most are not saying he should be rejected because of a completely unsubstantiated allegation.  That was a dangerous new standard we were flirting with.

That's a pretty low bar, though.  Man.

That video of RBG that I posted the other day was REALLY telling.  25 years ago, during the Clinton years, when she was confirmed, she received 97% of the votes.  So Republicans and Democrats both acknowledged that she was qualified, regardless of her politics.

Look how far we've come.  Based on a potential judge's political leaning, we're either willing to go to extremes to keep someone OFF the bench or we're willing to overlook most anything to get him ON the bench.

"United" States of America is so laughable.  We're so fractured.




Senior Member

Fri, Oct 5, 2018 4:48 PM

Not sure where to put it, but guilty verdict handed down in the laquon McDonald case. I’m pretty shocked by that lol wonder if it’s just because they didn’t want Chicago to burn to the ground?