Free huddle get together at the finals this year??
MVPWill there be a free huddle get together at the finals. I was just woundering meet at massillon or canton . State finals best weekend all year. MVP
september63Will there be a big tug a war with the losing team getting pulled into a pit of River water? Between JJHuddle ppl and FreeHuddle ppl?
EYEBUCK10im an old old jjhuddler but i still think my group is going to bdubs between the games
MVPHey september63 i will be ready for the tug of war lol . Mybe there will be some hot girls there playing in the mud lol .. MVP
whitmerdadi hope it is warm enough for mud in december. has anyone seen el nino i lost him
TiernanJust came over from the old Puddle. Nice to see soem familiar names.
judge_smalesWe should all get together the same place the JJ gathering is, maybe have tee shirts..............FREEHUDDLE.COM