
How Great Is Steubenville Big Red!!!!

  • Strapping Young Lad
    We win almost every freakin game we play, we win state championships, and no one in our area has the brass to play us. WE ARE BIG RED!!!!!!
  • Al Capone
    You feel better now.
  • GoChiefs
  • peoplerfunny
    Strapping Young Lad wrote: We win almost every freakin game we play, we win state championships, and no one in our area has the brass to play us. WE ARE BIG RED!!!!!!
    Maybe if Big Red would leave Harding Stadium once in awhile during the regular season, they'd get more opponents to play them.
  • GoChiefs
    peoplerfunny wrote: Maybe if Big Red would leave Harding Stadium once in awhile during the regular season, they'd get more opponents to play them.
    Nah..that has nothing to do with it..everyone is just afraid of them. :rolleyes:
  • Al Capone
    They are the best team in the country. If you dont believe me just ask em.
  • Mr. 300
  • Strapping Young Lad
    We beat on Poland, Ursuline, Canton Central, Woody Hills, Watterson, ASVM, Dover, Mooney, Kettering, Desales and more on the road baby!!!!!

    Your teams won't even play teams of that caliber and we BEAT them. Tell your team to sign up so we can beat them too.


    How great is Big Red......
  • CardsFlyinHigh
    GoChiefs, how does that ignore thing work again?
  • GoChiefs
    Go to the User CP and then click on the Buddy/Ignore list. Add the names of whoever you want to ignore.
  • GoChiefs
    Strapping Young Lad wrote: How great is Big Red......
    Evidently not as great as Mooney.
  • september63
    Its sad I cant even get fired up about this thread. Ive been looking at it all night and really have nothing. best Ive seen is, Evidentally not as good as Mooney!!
  • irishball25
  • Strapping Young Lad
    You can ignore me but you can't ignore the superiority of the Mighty Big Red. Big Red will be handing out beatdowns next season. If your team needs a loss or your AD just wants his kids to get their bells rung by the hardest hitting D in Ohio have him call 282-9741.
  • Strapping Young Lad
    This thread is boring, but I knew the usual suspects would be here. Anything with Big Red in the title and its like a moth to a flame. I can control where you go. It's like my hand is on the mouse.
  • Al Capone
    Strapping Young Lad wrote: You can ignore me but you can't ignore the superiority of the Mighty Big Red. Big Red will be handing out beatdowns next season. If your team needs a loss or your AD just wants his kids to get their bells rung by the hardest hitting D in Ohio have him call 282-9741.
    Is that the phone# for the sheriffs office?:D
  • Strapping Young Lad
    Big Red is the Miami Hurricanes of the 80's/90's.

    Call it up.
  • Strapping Young Lad
    Call for a beatdown....Help us win another state championship. 282-9741.
  • The Equalizer
    nevermind, this post makes no sense since the other ones were deleted
  • september63
    Have you noticed the "real" Big Red fans wont even touch this thread? The more you type, the worse you look. Might be time to drop the beer//weed and sleep it off.
  • The Equalizer
  • september63
    Wow. I am agreeing with Equalizer on something? In lad's defense though, judging his previous posts, he had to be either drunk or stoned. Because he cant even defend himself at this point.
  • coyotes22
  • Captain Cavalier
    Strapping Young Lad wrote: This thread is boring, but I knew the usual suspects would be here. Anything with Big Red in the title and its like a moth to a flame. I can control where you go. It's like my hand is on the mouse.
    This could also be the definition of a troll.

    Humility...try it. It tends to get a lot more respect.
  • Strapping Young Lad
    My views and opinions are my own. I don't know any of the other Big Red posters any further than I know them from here. My anonymous screen name isn't searching for respect. The internet is not real life (to me anyway).

    Just wanna give the usual suspects a new Big Red thread to enjoy. They can't get enough, so.....

    Consider it an early Christmas gift.:D

    Steubenville Big Red = GOAT.