Nightwine Network Productions will be broadcasting live wrestling action from Cuyahoga Valley Christian Academy (CVCA) this Saturday, December 3rd. Live Coverage will begin at 4:45 PM with the first dual between Oregon Clay and St. Edward to begin at 5:00 PM. Oregon Clay will then wrestle CVCA, and the final dual will be St. Edward vs CVCA.
The official website for the event is:
Please visit the site and sign up for free coverage before the match date.
New added features for this season will include the capability to watch the matches on delay via smart phone, Ipod, and internet functional televisions.
All dual matches will be available for view on taped video usually 24 hours after the live event.
Nightwine Productions will also have a Wrestling Preview Show on Monday, December 5th at 7:00 PM this show will feature a look at all 3 Divisions, top wrestlers, Ironman preview, and a feature on the Ohio State vs Kent State Dual on Sunday, December 11th at Kent State. will then visit Field HS on Thursday evening December 8th at 5 PM for live Portage Trail Conference dual coverage between Field, Crestwood, Norton, and Coventry. We will start out with Coventry/Crestwood (which should decide the Metro dual meet champion). After that (approximately 7:15) will be Field/Coventry. This should also be a good dual as Field returns a solid team.
More wrestling, more coverage for our High School and College wrestlers brought to you by
Mark Adelman aka "Firestone Fan" and Lenny Powers will be contact points for all NE ohio wrestling events.
If you want very reasonable priced advertising space on our shows, please contact me at
[email protected].
To check out our site, go to the link above and click on the Stock/Linton Match at the bottom to see a couple State Placers go at it and see what we have to offer!