Tallmadge and New Philadelpia
Gardens357-0 Tallmadge, 1st quarter score.
imneverwrong14-0 NP threw a pick 6.
Dover Down 14-7 -
Gardens3514-0 Tallmadge. Half Time.
imneverwrongNP has to be happy after a rough start.
imneverwrongNP Scores 14-7 Tallmadge.
imneverwrongEnd of 3 14-7 Tallmadge
imneverwrongTallmadge stopped NP 4th and half yard from Tallmadge 1.5 yard. Tallmadge has 3 first downs and chewing clock. NP needs a big play.
imneverwrongFirst Down tallmadge.
2 to go
1st and 10 hand off gain of 6, timeout Quakers. 1:40 or so to go. -
imneverwrong2nd Down - Sheridan Handoff first down.
Game over.