Big Red vs East Liverpool
Thinthickbigredscores updates
Thinthickbigredopening kick off run back 7-0 Big Red
Thinthickbigred14-0 Big Red
Thinthickbigredfumble 1st play pass TD 21-0 Big Red 4 minutes into the game
Thinthickbigredhuge hit on kick off fumble but EL gets it back
ThinthickbigredInt Big Red takes ball at midfield
Thinthickbigred3rd ant 10 big red after EL sells out for the run
Thinthickbigred18 yd sweep Big Red at 32
Thinthickbigred13 yd gain Big Red
Thinthickbigredpass TD 27-0 waiting for PAT
Thinthickbigred28-0 Big Red 3 minutes left in the 1st
ThinthickbigredBig Red has run a total of 12 plays and has 4 TD's
Thinthickbigredsecond team unit for most part already in on D for Big Red
Thinthickbigredthats why we are so good alot of reps for everybody
Thinthickbigred7 different ball carriers for the Red so far
ThinthickbigredChez Glen Td 12 yd run 34-0 big Red
Thinthickbigred35-0 127 left in first half
Thinthickbigredglen scored again 41-0