Coach Napolet Resigns at JFK
gyea36Thanks Coach Nap for all you gave to me and the JFK community. Playing for you was truly a great honor and privilege. -
reddevil90Good Luck Coach.
BigDean1Nappy was a good coach. I remember him well during the huge rivalry JFK had with Campbell Memorial. I wish him well.
CardsFlyinHighNapolet retires? What's next, JoePa steps down in Happy Valley? One of my favorite memories of him was seeing him coach a playoff game a few years back wearing slippers on the sidelines. But in all seriousness, He was a great coach and a great man. Wish him nothing but the best and the Valley will sure miss him being on the sidelines.
hrspeedmerchantGreat coach, but an even greater human being. I've known Nappy for many years and I can honestly say the good things people say about him is not hype - he comes as advertised.
Good luck, Coach.